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Vet Visit Needed?

Guest GreytMuse

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Guest GreytMuse

It was bound to happen eventually... The boys caught a squirrel in the back yard and partially disemboweled it before I could even get to them and get it away from them. Ugh. It was a gruesome scene, though they were most pleased with themselves and their successful hunting venture. :blink:


Atticus came away unscathed, but Steven had a small cut on the black part of his nose and the back of his leg, which I cleaned and put antibiotic ointment on.


Everyone is up-to-date on shots, heartworm meds, and flea/tick protection. They both had mouths full of blood, though, and I worry that they may have ingested some parasite ...is this worth a vet visit?? Or am I over-worrying it?

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Agree. I would call and ask the protocol. I think because your dogs have their rabies shot, they should be ok.



ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

Waiting at the bridge Angel Polli Bohemian Ocean , Rocky, Blue,Sasha & Zoobie & Bobbi

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Guest kbone

Mine have killed and/or ate all rodents, birds, cats, you name it that have entered the yard. Not once did I take them to the vet.

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Manero caught a squirrel last April (right before a show, wouldn't ya know it?), He ended up with a cut right above his nose, I think from the squirrel's claws. We rinsed it with saline, and applied EMT gel. He healed fine, with no ill effects, other than a scar I had to touch up for the show ring...

Sarah, the human, Henley, and Armani the Borzoi boys, and Brubeck the Deerhound.
Always in our hearts, Gunnar, Naples the Greyhounds, Cooper and Manero, the Borzoi, and King-kitty, at the Rainbow Bridge.

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Naaaaaaa. I came across my old dog once with a squirrel hanging from his nose! He had tried to kill it, but the squirrel ended up biting him.


I called the vet in a panic, and he said, "Uhm, you know those rabies shots you pay for? They work. Don't worry about it." He also told me that rabies in squirrels is almost unheard of.


I know you didn't actually ask about rabies, but that was my only concern.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest GreytMuse

Thanks for the prompt replies! :) I just wanted to make sure there wasn't something major I was overlooking or forgetting about.

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Our vet usually says their main worry after that kind of thing is worms or fleas.


Oh yeah, I forgot to menton that - I Frontlined Manero right after the squirrel-catching incident.


AND, the following week, I saw an albino squirrel in the neighborhood. I told Manero that all other squirrels were fair game, but the albino one was off-limits! :lol

Sarah, the human, Henley, and Armani the Borzoi boys, and Brubeck the Deerhound.
Always in our hearts, Gunnar, Naples the Greyhounds, Cooper and Manero, the Borzoi, and King-kitty, at the Rainbow Bridge.

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Guest hermione

Our girls caught a squirrel last year. Our vet had us bring them in because their rabies were up to date but due in a couple of months. Plus our older girl had bent her tooth using the squirrel as a squeaky toy.

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