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Possible Lepto/auto-immune/?

Guest SLH2

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It's so hard trying to figure out what to do. Maybe try the Zithromax. If I remember correctly, it's been a few years, Bartonella was one of the diseases they tested my greyhound for. They said the symptoms fit, very low platelets & GI distress. My greyhound had also gone lame, but I don't remember if that was one of the Bartonella symptoms. Mainly, I think, it was the low platelet/GI distress combo.


Thanks again for your input mandm. I don't think he was tested for Bartonella (the tick panel tested for lyme, ehrlicia, babesia and RMSF). As with most of these tick-borne diseases, he does match a lot of the symptoms for Bartonella.


I'm going to talk with my DH tonight about trying him on another antibiotic. You're right, it is very hard figuring out what to do -- especially when they are at a stage where life overall seems downright miserable. :(

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Guest paulamariez

Your poor sweet Scooby. I am keeping his tender heart in my thoughts and prayers. I pray that he makes it through this crisis. Nine is not old for a greyhound! Keeping Scooby in my prayers and Tiger, Bueller and Domino are sending him some healing doggie kisses!

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Hi Julie,


It's great to see you back on GT, but not under these circumstances. :( Do you still live out on Bainbridge? It seems like you adopted Scooby a million years ago - I'm surprised to hear he's still so young! And 9 IS young!


I don't recognize his symptoms, but I'm sending my best wishes and healing thoughts. I'll pray that it's something curable.



Rugrat's Rebel (Simon) 09/03/1995-03/22/2010, Silly Savannah 05/14/1995-02/13/2009, Isabella de Moreau the Sloughi 05/15/1993-10/14/2008, Hammy the IG 06/11/04 and ChiChi the Chihuahua 2003

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Guest jurishound
Btw, is it safe to stop prednisone suddenly if they have been on it for a while?


No - steroids MUST be tapered off. Best wishes again to you and Scooby.

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Thank you very much for the well-wishes, paulamariez.


And, hi Elizabeth! There really is such an amazing wealth of experience and info here -- we went through the dogs 'middle age' years with no real issues at all, and now I find we are in need of help from the experts again!


We're on Mercer Island now (have been for a couple of yrs -- nice to be back on the mainland! I did send you an email a while ago updating our address details with your group, but not sure if you got it).


ETA: Thanks jurishound. I just realized I probably jumped to the wrong conclusion with Trudy's post: she probably meant to taper down the pred with a view to stopping it. Sorry my mind is a bit muddled at the moment!

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You can stop pred suddenly depending on the amount of time he's been on it. It is something you MUST ask your vet about and not do on your own.


Yes, we most definitely wouldn't stop any of his medicines without consulting his specialist. Like I said, I'm reluctant to stop him on this anyway -- it is the only thing that stimulated his appetite a bit, and he hasn't had any more of the worrying symptoms I saw the other day.


The blood work results came through and we're just waiting to hear back from his specialist. Our plan at this point is to see what those results say, and then probably try a different antibiotic in the chance it could help.



ps Thanks for the good thoughts for Scooby, Rickiesmom.

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Update: Scooby's blood work results all look pretty good. No anemia or platelet prob's, and his kidneys look good too. His liver enzymes are still quite elevated (some of that can be explained by the pred): but the one we were most worried about, the ALT, is going down.


Scooby's specialist is pretty awesome, and has been available to us even on weekends: she's just called through a prescription for Zithromax to our local pharmacy, and we're going to give it a try (as well as adding Carafate back in to the regimen, for his stomach). She said that Bartonella is a pretty controversial topic in vet medicine right now, but it's worth giving this treatment a shot at this point.


I can't thank you guys enough for your advice and input. Obviously, this is still a long shot, especially because Scooby is still declining, but it's good to feel that we are not out of options yet.



Thanks again,


- julie & scooby


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Was he tested for babesia? Other than a tbd, I'm out of suggestions....


Yes, he tested negative for Babesia. His weird list of symptoms (most of which I have not even listed here) definitely seem to suggest a TBD as a possibility. Could be Bartonella (takes at least 2 weeks to confirm via blood test): we've got nothing to lose at this point, so we're going to go ahead with a diff antibiotic and see what happens.


I'll definitely post an update.


Thanks again, Diane. :)

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Hey guys: I'm heart broken to report that we had to help Scooby pass yesterday evening. I am too raw to go into detail but it was clear that we needed to help him. We felt lucky that he was able to remain at home with us, and passed very quickly and so peacefully.


We are trying hard to focus on the wonderful 6+ years we had with him, but at the present, are utterly grief stricken. We love and miss him so much.


Thanks again for your advice and good thoughts for him during this difficult time.




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Thank you , Diane. I literally haven't seen those photos in years. My hard drive crashed a few yrs ago, and most of those photos went with it. Do you think you'd be able to email me a copy of them, if possible?


Thanks for your kind thoughts, trevdog. I know these threads tend to get locked quickly, and I don't know if I'll be able to post in Remembrance for a while. I'll hopefully be back to post a few photos and memorial for Scooby at some point, though.

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I'm so sorry to hear this news, Julie. :( They do tend to go fast when they go. I hope in time you can feel comfort knowing that you gave him a great life and did everything you could for him at the end.


Remind of what his racing name was? I never throw anything away and may have some old "right off the track" photos saved of him somewhere. I'll send them to you if I do.


Again, my condolences to all of you. Godspeed, Scooby. :f_white

Rugrat's Rebel (Simon) 09/03/1995-03/22/2010, Silly Savannah 05/14/1995-02/13/2009, Isabella de Moreau the Sloughi 05/15/1993-10/14/2008, Hammy the IG 06/11/04 and ChiChi the Chihuahua 2003

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I'm so sorry to hear this news, Julie. :( They do tend to go fast when they go. I hope in time you can feel comfort knowing that you gave him a great life and did everything you could for him at the end.


Remind of what his racing name was? I never throw anything away and may have some old "right off the track" photos saved of him somewhere. I'll send them to you if I do.


Again, my condolences to all of you. Godspeed, Scooby. :f_white


Thanks Elizabeth. We were just talking about the first day we met Scooby at the airport with you and the other greys that flew with him. We were so lucky to have him in our lives. He really did have a unique spirit.


Scooby's racing name was 'System Rok Salt'.


And, thanks also Rickiesmom and Machbragal.

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