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Dognanny Report!

Guest tobinhr

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Guest tobinhr

A few months ago, some of you may recall, I "took over" my friend's obese golden retriever and elderly collie. I changed their diet and started them out on mini-walks. Well, two months later:


Abbie, the retriever, has lost 13 lbs!! She actually has a waist now. I'm calling her J-Lo though, because she still has some junk in her trunk. She's raw-fed now and she gobbles her meals.


Buddy, the collie, has gained 5 lbs and is now back to an optimum weight. I have him on a combination of cooked and kibble.


Both of them have had their nails done and we are waiting on blood tests to see if Abbie is hypothyroid. Both of them can now walk around the lake--which is a little over a mile! Wheeee!


I really need to make this a business.....send me your obese, your elderly, your smelly mutts longing to be free.... :P




Mac, the patient

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You are an angel! They appreciate you so much for what you have done. :colgate

Darlene Mom to: Aladdin, Sophie ,Pongo, Jasmine, Relic Forever in our Hearts Champ at the Rainbow Bridge.

Let a greyhound race into your heart Adopt

Bay Area Greyhound Adoptions INC. Naples/ Fort Myers Chapter

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Guest BlackandBrindle
good job :yay my dog's in great shape...can you help me? :lol



Me too, but I'd prefer homecooked to a raw diet ;)



Excellent progress report!

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Guest simile

That is great news! I was wondering about the progress of those pups when I saw your siggy in another post. But, um, aren't there supposed to be... pictures?! :)

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Guest tobinhr
That is great news! I was wondering about the progress of those pups when I saw your siggy in another post. But, um, aren't there supposed to be... pictures?! :)


Hmmm...pictures....Do I dare say I've never posted a picture yet? Hmmmm....

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