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Is It Pumpkin You Give For Big D?

Guest loveagrey

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Guest loveagrey

Well we're back from vacation, and poor old Chorney has a terrible case of diarrhea (sp?). I can't remember if pumpkin is for that or hard stool. Can someone please straighten this out for me?


Thanks in advance!

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Depends on how bad the big D is--For loose stools, I use pumpkin, but for major diarrhea, I fast briefly and then give hamburger (cooked and well-drained) mixed with rice or something like Iams/Eukanuba Low Residue kibble from a vet.

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Guest spider9174

increasing the fiber in the diet can help firm things up. but before you give him anythnig, how long has the big d been going on? if you are talking watery big d, not just soft poop, you need to take your pup off food for 24 hours. then feed a bland diet for 2-3 days, rice and boiled beef (boil and rinse the beef to remove the fat). then start adding back in kibble, maybe 1/4 kibble the first day, 1/2 the second and thrid, 3/4 the next, and the next day all kibble. on the second day or so of the blad diet, you can add canned pumpkin, a small amount, like a tablespoon (too much will have the opposite effect).



If the big d persists beyond 2 days, you should consider taking him to the vet to see if it is due to something else, parasite, worms, etc.



i wouldn't give the pumpkin right away, i'd keep him off food for 24 hrs first.

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Guest ishapespace

We have given pumpkin and yougurt for D. Also, we move to kibble mixed with rice, with the rice ratio being high at first and gradually moving back to kibble. The idea is to feed them something bland and easy on the stomach. You can also give the a little imodium, but I'm not sure on the dosage - it's been a while.

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Guest KennelMom

You can give pumpkin for minor loose bowels. I actually prefer beet pulp to pumpkin as a fiber supplement, but pumpkin can work. I avoid yogurt unless you know he's tolerated dairy well in the past. Could just be the stress of being away from you. BUT, if he was kenneled, he may have picked something up there.


Good luck! If it's major blow out Big D, you may want to make a trip to the vet to make sure it's nothing serious. If it persists long enough, they need some prescription meds to calm their innards down.

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Guest loveagrey

Thanks everyone! I couldn't remember if it was pumpkin and Big D. Brain Fart for a moment, but it seems to have cleared up. :)


I'm going to fast her (well she's been fasting herself pretty much), and then start with some rice and boiled chicken. She's been away from us countless times so it wasn't stress. She's a pretty much stress free geriatric girl. I'll give her a day or so to see if it clears up and if not then we'll be off to the vet.


Thanks again!

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Use 100% pure pumpkin, NOT the pumpkin mix for pie.






ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

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