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Question About Teeth

Guest formercatlady

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Guest formercatlady

Hey ya'll,


I'm dogsitting for someone (not a friend - someone I only know from keeping her pups) and her grey has breath that as my granny says "would knock a buzzard off a s&!$ wagon". After he gave me a stinky kiss, I looked at his teeth...don't know why...I guess just curious to see if that was the problem.


Well...his teeth are HORRIBLE! Gums are totally inflamed and the tops of his teeth by the gumline are almost black :sick


I don't know if the owner knows how bad his teeth are, so I'd like to say something. Anyone have any suggestions on how to approach this without offending her? For all I know she could be totally unaware of the situation, or she could have him scheduled for a dental next week. She very much loves her pups, and I'm 99% sure she can afford a dental.




ETA: I don't want her to think I'm being critcal. I truly don't know if she knows b/c the part of his teeth that you see without lifting the lip look perfectly fine.

Edited by formercatlady
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Hi Kimberly,


Our pup had the exact problem when we adopted him - he ended up having 4 teeth pulled. We brush religiously, hoping to prevent any more, but you never know. Anyway, my point is, maybe you can pretend you had a similar problem. Or, I don't know how long you've had the dog, but if it's a week or so, you could pretend that you were doing your own dog's teeth one night and thought you'd include him, and noticed his gums look inflamed. And you could say something like "I'm sure you already have noticed, and your vet is on top of it, but..."


It's possible that she has no idea - when we got Argos, until we took him for his checkup, it didn't even occur to us that his teeth could be THAT bad. We just thought his breath was terrible!


And PS - I love your granny!! :lol


Christie and Bootsy (Turt McGurt and Gil too)
Loving and missing Argos & Likky, forever and ever.
~Old age means realizing you will never own all the dogs you wanted to. ~

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Guest greytloves

Maybe just casually ask if she has noticed this and possibly share an experience you have had with teeth? or ask when is the next time he goes to the vet and mention that they may want to have the dog check for an infection in the mouth?

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Guest formercatlady
Hi Kimberly,


Our pup had the exact problem when we adopted him - he ended up having 4 teeth pulled. We brush religiously, hoping to prevent any more, but you never know. Anyway, my point is, maybe you can pretend you had a similar problem. Or, I don't know how long you've had the dog, but if it's a week or so, you could pretend that you were doing your own dog's teeth one night and thought you'd include him, and noticed his gums look inflamed. And you could say something like "I'm sure you already have noticed, and your vet is on top of it, but..."


It's possible that she has no idea - when we got Argos, until we took him for his checkup, it didn't even occur to us that his teeth could be THAT bad. We just thought his breath was terrible!


And PS - I love your granny!! :lol

That is a GREYT idea! :clap I've had him since Monday night so that will work. THANKS!!!


Yeah - my granny is a real character. She is *totally* not your typical grandmother and she cracks me up w/her sayings.

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How about leading off with something positive, like a compliment about what a sweet dog he is and how well behaved he was (or something to that effect, as long as it's true ;)). Then say that you've noticed his teeth have some build up and mention something about your personal dog dental experience. Something along the lines of "Fluffy is such a nice dog, he really minds his manners around the house when he's here. I noticed that his teeth have tartar, for my dogs it really helped to do XYZ to keep their teeth clean, it makes their breath so much fresher!".


I agree that if you do it in a critical way it likely won't benefit her or the dogs much.


ETA: Some places have a "dental health month" in February, you might suggest that she ask her vet if they are offering discounts on dental cleanings (as some vets do this month). From your description it sounds like his teeth may need some professional attention and brushing alone may not be enough at this point.

Edited by Ola
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Guest formercatlady
How about leading off with something positive, like a compliment about what a sweet dog he is and how well behaved he was (or something to that effect, as long as it's true ;)). Then say that you've noticed his teeth have some build up and mention something about your personal dog dental experience. Something along the lines of "Fluffy is such a nice dog, he really minds his manners around the house when he's here. I noticed that his teeth have tartar, for my dogs it really helped to do XYZ to keep their teeth clean, it makes their breath so much fresher!".


I agree that if you do it in a critical way it likely won't benefit her or the dogs much.


ETA: Some places have a "dental health month" in February, you might suggest that she ask her vet if they are offering discounts on dental cleanings (as some vets do this month). From your description it sounds like his teeth may need some professional attention and brushing alone may not be enough at this point.

Another good idea! And he is a VERY sweet & easy dog...excellent houseguest.


I'm such a ding-dong. I just took Abby & Kira to the vet today for their yearly and specifically asked the vet to check their teeth, so that right there gives me another intro to discuss this with her :)

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Guest greytelectric

I think I would just be direct - that he gave you a stinky kiss and you looked at his teeth. I certainly wouldn't be offended if someone said this to me - I'd probably be greytful!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I use a product called Oxyfresh Pet Oral Hygene Solution. I mix a little in their water. It helps to break down the plaque build up. It's tasteless and odorless. I even use it myself. They make it for people too, but it has a flavor added. It comes in a liquid or a gel that you just smear on thier gums. My dogs' breath is fine (except if they have eaten their poop, which is a question for someplace else).

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Guest LoveSeniorGreys

Be direct but offer assistance as well. You could maybe ask if they brush the greys teeth and if the answer is no, then show they how to do it (on their hound). I would even buy the toothpaste and brush. :colgate

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I'd go with direct. "You dog gave me the sweetest kiss, but his breath was pretty bad so I took a look at this teeth. Have you noticed this" and then show her.


agreed. i'm a VERY direct person. That would be one way to to though.


My Polli had breath so bad when she got here, I could smell it downstairs. I remember walking in one day and blaming DH about "bathroomm problems " and he was swearing up and down, he didn't know what I was talking about. As I came upstairs and got closer to Polli, I realized it was HER!


At ther dental that week, she lost 17 teeth. They were discusting. Her breath now is not great and I brush her stinky mouth every single day. I am hoping she doesn't lose more teeth. She already needs a dental after having one 6 months ago.


You'd be doing this poor dog a favor by being as direct as you can so that the owner knows that this is a serious problem and can lead to significant health issues.


Rinses and brushing this dog's teeth is a bit late now based on the rot in the mouth. This dog needs professional help, then brushing and the water treatment. IMHO.

Edited by RobinM



ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

Waiting at the bridge Angel Polli Bohemian Ocean , Rocky, Blue,Sasha & Zoobie & Bobbi

Greyhound Angels Adoption (GAA) The Lexus Project

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