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Flecka Update - Sunday Night ... 2/17

Guest MomofCash

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Guest MomofCash

Her appetite has decreased lately and she's really not herself - very little energy. She's just not my happy, bouncy baby.


Last night I noticed that her abdomen looked swollen/mushy/fluidy. Norm took her at 7:30 to our vet - he said there was too much fluid for him to even do an x-ray and sent him straight over to an internist for an ultrasound. The internal doc can't do the ultrasound until 11:00 - 2 more hours. Our vet, while not specializing w/Greys, said he was leaning toward either congestive liver or heart failure. I am completely and utterly at a loss ... she's only 5 ...


I'm sitting here at work crying - Norm is going to stay with her at home until he takes her to the internist @ 11. All I want to do is pick up and leave, but damnit I can't ...


I can't think straight ... if it's either one of those things - is there anything that can be done at all??



3:30 - I'm waiting on a call from the internist. Norm and I talked and it's not good. The swelling is from fluid, not a swollen organ. The ultrasound showed that she every lobe of her liver has a mass. She took some fluid to send off - it was clear, not pussy. Those results will be back on Thursday and that should point us in a more definitive direction ... evidently they will contain cancer cells. If the liquid doesn't show, we've got another procedure scheduled for Friday morning for them to get some cells from one of the masses with a needle. She gave her 2 meds ... Furosemide and Denosyl. Said to give her whatever she wants to eat and we'll find out more on Thursday. I asked Norm if she said whether or not she could operate and remove them and I could tell he didn't want to tell me, but that she put it in the context that if there was only 1 mass - they could do something. But they're so many. He said you could see them all so well on the ultrasound....


I don't know what to do with myself except cry here at work and wait for the doctor to call me so I can talk to her. Norm told me as much as he could but he was so upset ...


She's only 5 ... just 5 ... she's just a baby ...



5:12 - just got off the phone with the vet. Really nice lady - she said if I have any questions at all please do not hesitate to call. She said there are multiple masses within her liver, multiple lobes - varying density. I asked specifically if it was operable and she said no. Asked what the prognosis was and she said she really wanted to wait until the fluid results come back on Thursday ... that she's been proven wrong and she would like to wait and see to determine what the prognosis and possible treatment would be. I asked her if Flecka is in pain and she said no, just quite uncomfortable and I asked if the diuretics would help that and she was honest and said they may not react at all on this fluid ... :(


I'm leaving work ... I can't think - I feel like I can't breathe. She's my baby ... my BABY ... she's my lovebug, my cuddler, my heart ...




I apologize for copying this from an email, but I can't see my computer screen ....


Fluid results shows "transudate" - which means either liver failure, right heart failure or cancer


No cancer cells in fluid, but that's not uncommon if they haven't broken away from the masses


I'm going to bring her in at 8 tomorrow morning and leave her there for a couple of hours to do a liver function test ... it's 2 blood draws, 2 hours apart after 8 hours of fasting. The only thing this will show us definitively is whether or not she's in liver failure.


If she's already in liver failure, there's basically not much we can do and without medical intervention her time is very short ... probably less than a week.


Best case scenario is not in liver failure, we'd have to biopsy to see what the masses are and see if there is something we can correct (i.e., lymphoma with chemo, infectious agents - but not likely).


Worse case is that she's in liver failure already


She didn't eat this morning and I found 2 piles of vomit - she came wake me up at 2 to go outside. I didn't get a tail wag at all this morning and I really think she gave me 'the eyes'.


I told Dr. Garron that I'd bring her in the morning to confirm with the tests that it's liver failure ... I feel I owe that much to my baby ...


If it's liver failure, I think I'm going to bring her home and try to say our goodbyes and bring her back to Dr. Garron. I can't imagine waiting a week or less to watch her continue to decline to die on us at home when we can't control it ... and that she may be in pain or be uncomfortable.


The diarrhea and vomit are most likely the results of the liver failure progressing ...


i think I'm going to go throw up now ... i am just devastated



Friday, 2/15 - Flecka and I are off to the vet in a little bit for her liver function blood draws. Norm asked me last night why I'm doing them ... for me or for her, and I couldn't answer. I just owe it to her to be sure. Norm slept on the couch last night so Flecka could sprawl out in bed with me ... her swelling has made it to where she can't curl up in her little ball. We laid by each other all night, touching ... God how I love this little girl. I don't know what today we'll bring - but if you've got some spare prayers and good thought, we could sure use them.


Thank everyone ... for being so supportive ... it's been a really crappy week.





Well, how do I say this .... but it's just not time yet. Of course I am worried that I'm being selfish, but when I asked her to go for a ride this morning she smiled and wagged her tail at me. She stayed at the vet from 8 - 11, they did the 2 blood draws for the liver function test and hopefully we'll have those results tomorrow to confirm liver failure. The vet is an extraordinary woman ... when I picked Flecka up, I told her that I know it's her job to save them ... but I asked her if Flecka was HER dog, was today the day. She said no ... no because she feels Flecka is not in pain and no, because Flecka hasn't let ME know yet that it was time. She said when Flecka came in the room with her and saw me she just brightened up and she still has some kick in her step. She's actually lost a pound a half, which is good she says because she's considering that's fluid. She sent me home with 7-days worth of meds ... a lot of them ... 2 for the liver, 2 diuretics, 2 vitamins that the liver normally produces, something to help with the diarrhea and something else if she starts vomiting again. I stopped and got her a 10-piece chicken nugget meal from McDonald's and just gave her all of her pills ... :)

I think Norm is upset with me because I didn't do it today ... he's upset, but feels if it's inevitible - why am I putting everyone thru this. I, for me, and for my girl ... I need to know without a doubt that she's in liver failure. I need to know I've done what I could. But I will say that if I thought for a momemnt ... for one moment ... that she was in sort of pain - I would not, could not hesitate. But we're here today ... and we'll see what the results bring tomorrow hopefully and then we'll live in tomorrow. Today I'm going to love her and tell her over and over again how much she means to me. I hope I'm doing the right thing.




I just got a call from the vet on duty - she had spoken to Dr. Garron about the results from the liver function test as she's not an internist. Good news is that Flecka is NOT in liver failure at the present time. Bad news is that her fluid is a little worse, but she's still eating ... at least she did when I cooked her 2 boneless chicken breasts tonight ... :)


So, since she's not in liver failure - it's pointing more to the masses on her liver as being cancer. OR right heart failure. I've made the decision to bring her back to Dr. Garron on Monday for chest x-rays and an echo of her heart. She said that right heart failure most likely isn't the cause of the fluid, as it almost always accompanies a murmur - which Flecka doesn't have. My gut tells me it's the masses on her liver, but what the echo will show is if she has masses other than on her liver. The doctor said that if it's limited to the cancer (can you call that limited?) - and if we can control the other symptoms and complications (fluid, etc.) ... then we can perhaps make the decision on chemo - whether or not that's even an option. It's a bit premature to talk about that now.


But I'm back to square one ... I don't want her to be in pain or to suffer. I still get a little tail wag and ears perked when I say "wanna treat?" and I'm also back to that I need to KNOW that I've done all I can for her. Although I'm struggling with whether or not I'm being selfish. So if she can hang on until Monday - we will do the x-rays and echo and see what that tells us. The next step in this would be putting her under and doing a needle aspiration to get a piece of one of the masses.


Please see a prayer for Flecka ... and one for me to help me do what's right for my baby. Thanks ya'll - couldn't be going thru this without your support.

Edited by MomofCash
Edited to fix blown margins.
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Guest MomofCash
Did you do a TBD test on her? Babesia and erlichia.



No - our regular vet didn't do anything because of the fluid. He sent her straight over to the internist for an ultrasound.

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Sending my many prayers and good thoughts! :grouphug Please update us as you can. :grouphug


Patti-Mommy of Lady Sophia 7-28-92 - 8-3-04... LaceyLaine 8-2-94-12-5-07...

Flash Gordon 7-14-99 - 8-29-09... BrookLynne...Pavé Maria... and 18 Bridge Kids.




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Guest MomofCash
No, I meant in the past? If not, it's a good idea depending on what shows up. One of the questions to ask is if this can be babesia, RMSF or erlichia. Hopefully the specialist is up to date on TBDs.


Sending prayers!


No, sorry - never had a TBD in the past. Weird thing is that they checked her levels for her liver just 5 weeks ago and all was fine. In fact, I posted them here and all were in agreement.


I'm numb, trying not to jump to conclusions but I'm just sick ...

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Guest ishapespace

Sending :grouphug Gail. I hope Flecka is okay. This is the second sick young one around here too recently. Give Cash and Flecka some scritches for us. I so hope she gets better soon!

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Guest GreysAndMoreGreys

Flecka is in my thoughts and prayers.


Please keep us informed of how things are going.

Question, is she coughing at all? I know sometimes with CHF there will be a cough.

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Checking in. :grouphug


Patti-Mommy of Lady Sophia 7-28-92 - 8-3-04... LaceyLaine 8-2-94-12-5-07...

Flash Gordon 7-14-99 - 8-29-09... BrookLynne...Pavé Maria... and 18 Bridge Kids.




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:( I am so sorry. My heart and prayers are with you. :grouphug


Patti-Mommy of Lady Sophia 7-28-92 - 8-3-04... LaceyLaine 8-2-94-12-5-07...

Flash Gordon 7-14-99 - 8-29-09... BrookLynne...Pavé Maria... and 18 Bridge Kids.




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