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Toe Amputation Tomorrow

Guest EmbersDad

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Glad to hear that everything went smoothly for Ember. She doesn't look too thrilled with her new neckware but I'm sure it is necessary to help let her paw heal. Sending healing thoughts for your beautiful girl! :getwell

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Guest gomiesmom

Prayers for you and your pup!!! Everything will be fine. I know an Australian Shepherd that had a toe amp ( cancer) and it did not slow him down at all. His mommy called him her three-toed sloth ( but he wasn't slow)

Again, she'll be good as new, and you won't have to worry about the recurring sore popping open.Life will be good.

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Guest whatahound

Glad everything went well. Hey Ember, My Mom told me that this collar is a new fashion trend. I'm not sure I'm buying it.

Hey, My sister Nikki is missing a toe too.




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Guest msteele

We just adopted a 15-month old who had a back toe amputated 2 months ago. He's sensitive about that foot in the cold, but otherwise it hasn't slowed him down one little bit (unfortunately :) ).


Good luck!!

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Guest EmbersDad
Glad everything went well. Hey Ember, My Mom told me that this collar is a new fashion trend. I'm not sure I'm buying it.

Hey, My sister Nikki is missing a toe too.




thanx for that, i needed a good laugh :lol i picked up her gabapentin (sp?) script today. she has been on these huge rimadyl pills and tramadol, and they seem to work. she wouldnt see me off for work this am, so i guess the pills she took with breakfast had kicked in. she slept almost all night in my room. i heard her get up around 530 or so, and then some whimpering a bit later. im guessing the pills from last nite had wore off. she ate her complete breakfast and then went back to bed. her toofers are sparkley white after the dental, woohoo...hopefully i can get her to eat some rmbs ( she sometimes gobbles em up, and other times just lets them lay around...sigh..) plus i have some gel they gave me at the office and i have petzlife oral spray and oxyfresh as well.


im thinking its time to doctor up that collar.... :colgate


...we watch in reverance as narcissus is turned into a flower......A FLOWER?!?!?!



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glad she is well....Ok not picking but can she drink with the cone. It looks a bit deep, but thats just me. Im sure the vet knows(pls dont take it as im bashing just wondering)


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Guest EmbersDad
glad she is well....Ok not picking but can she drink with the cone. It looks a bit deep, but thats just me. Im sure the vet knows(pls dont take it as im bashing just wondering)


im not even using the cone. fortunately, she has been leaving the bandage alone. im not even sure they did amputate the toe! she greeted me when i came home from work yesterday with a wagging tail and a stuffy, and has been playing with her toys. i havent seen a limp, nor heard anything out of her other than the first evening. she is taking gabapentin and rimadyl twice a day. i have tramadol, but am hesitant to make a cocktail up using that, the rimadyl and the gabapentin. we go for a bandage change tomorrow, and im hoping to get a few pics to share to document how her progress

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Guest goofydog

Wonderful news about Ember's fast recovery. They really surprise us at times don't they? Get Em had a left rear weightbearing toe amp in last June and it hasn't slowed him down at all. Instead of the e-collar I put some packing tape over his muzzle so he couldn't chew. I poked holes in it so he could drink and drain without a problem. Just a thought if you need it. Gentle hugs and scritches to Miss Ember.

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Guest EmbersDad

saw the vet for the bandage change. this is day 3, post amputation. they said everything looks great. i was expecting "night of the living dead" under there, but then again, im a pessimist :lol it really isnt that bad




close up



standing on the foot


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Oh yeah that looks good! When Brogan had his toe taken off, the vet was able to save a little of the pad & wrap it over...I have a picture of it at home, I'll try to remember to post it.

Then we had another dog who broke a toe while racing, and he pad was wrapped up over...

That looks good...you'll be amazed, in a few moments...he won't even notice its gone. My girl Sadie-Grey lost a toe at 12 yrs old...didn't slow her down at all....it was a back left outside toe.

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