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Waiting To Adopt In Bloomington Indiana

Guest sunseeker1066

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Guest sunseeker1066

Hi all,


My name is Jim, and about a year ago i was pretty confident that my wife and I were going to have a whippet or two. Since that time, we moved 3 hours south to Bloomington Indiana, had a new house built on an acre of land, and had our first child together. Also in that amount of time, we attended a couple of dog shows in Fort Wayne and discovered a couple things that changed our minds on what kind of dog we wanted. Whippets are delightful, dont get me wrong. But my wife is not necessarily a "dog person" and the whippets seemed to jump up on her quite a little bit. To make a long story short, she vetoed the whippets idea. Then, while taking in the beauty of Brown County state park here in Indiana, we came across a couple who were just relaxing with thier greyhound. His name is Thunder and he was the sweetest boy. He didnt jump up on us, just did the greyhound "lean" and let us hug on him for a bit. At that time, we knew that our dog would have to be a greyhound. I have now decided that we need a pair of them, so they can play together and plot against us for treats. Hopefully, in the spring I can get our property fenced so that this can become a reality. Funds are tight right now, but I will not get my greys without a fence. I just wanted to say hello to the group, applaud the posts, and say that i really enjoy the pictures. I have done a lot of sighthound research, so I will be ready when I finally can welcome some new pooches. One question i had is should i get two males, a male and female, or two females?

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Guest hamiesmom

Welcome, and good luck in the spring in getting your "pups". As to what to get, others will chime in, however, my sister has a male and female. A friend of mine, has two females and one male. Another friend has two males and a female.

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Guest WhenIGiveIn

Congrats on your picking a grey to be the new family member!


I have had alllll sorts of combos of boys and girls so honestly I dont think it makes a huge difference. Make sure you tell the adoption group what you are looking for and they may even have littermates or dogs that are fostered together! The individual personalities are much more important than the sex in my opinion.


Good luck!!!!

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Guest sunseeker1066

Thanks for the advice. I will probably be going through the GPA Indy group to get a couple of nice retired racers. I would love pups, but potty training is for the birds and would require a lot of patience. Besides, i think a couple of retired racers will deserve to be loved in a new forever home!

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Welcome!!! It sounds like you have a wonderful home for Greyhounds and kudos for already admitting that you'll have 2. :lol

Jennifer and Beamish (an unnamed Irish-born Racer) DOB: October 30, 2011


Forever and always missing my "Vowels", Icarus, Atlas, Orion, Uber, and Miss Echo, and Mojito.

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Guest bowiebears

Welcome, Jim, from the MD 'burbs of Washington DC.


We've had 2 greys for the last 8 years, but only our first pup (Dowland) has been a constant presence. He was almost 4 when he arrived, and he's over 12 y/o now.


His 1st co-dog was a bounced older female named Sandy. They got along well, till she went to the Bridge, in March 2002.

Then Arlo arrived; he was what was termed an attention-deficit boy. Be was full of energy and life...not too strong in the brains department, but he was quite and fun. Again, he and Dowland got along famously. He left us in late Feb of this year, having lost use of his back legs very quickly over a 2 week period or so. Our current 'younger hound' is Azalea, who's almost 8 y/o. For the third time, Dowland has quickly settled in with a new friend. He seems to like Azalea the best of the three, altho there were no problems with the others at all. At twelve, I think he likes having a spunky younger woman around though....


So 2 males, or one male and one female have been pretty much equally the same for us. Not sure what 2 females would be like.


Dowland enjoyed being 'sole dog' for a while, but he quickly let us know that he wanted a fellow canine to live with. And they've all been wonderful !


Three of our four came from GAP MD; Arlo was the exception. He was fostered by someone locally, and when we announced we were looking for a 2nd hound, he seemed to drop right into our laps (& hearts).


Again, welcome!





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Welcome from NE Indiana... just about three hours from you. :) My in-laws are in Bloomington, live in Gosport actually, and he is at IU. We haven't been down in awhile, but it is some pretty country. You guys have the hills. We're nothing but flat up here :lol


Good luck getting a grey!

Tonya, mom to May, and my angels Vinnie, Rex, Red, Chase, and Jake.

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Guest sunseeker1066

Thank you all for the welcomes!!! We have actually just moved down to B-town from Fort Wayne, and I especially have noticed that Bloomington is a "dog town". The local magazine even did a whole story on it. One thing i noticed is that there is a dearth of greyhound groups in town, so maybe i will start one.

My wife has been very good about agreeing to more than one dog, so i am very happy about that. She is still a bit nervous about the whole thing, but since we are waiting till we get a fence, that helps her deal with the anxiety of having a couple new animals in the house. She is a cat person, or was till her feline passed away this June.

Some background on me, i used to work for Invisible Technologies who manufactured the Invisible Fence and Innotek brands of pet fencing. At first i thought those systems would be fine, but the more i read about whippets and greys, the more i understood not just the breakaway speed problem, but the ultra-thin athletic skin issue which could make them the loser in any sort of fight with another dog who wandered into the yard. Also, apparently we have coyotes down here...!!! I saw one the other day and that settled the fence question once and for all. Good news is we also have PLENTY of bunnies and other critters for them to chase. I have done so much reading on sighthounds and greyhound rescue, i have read all the books recommended by GPA as well as some things on creating a homemade food supply. I also used to work with a lady who did fostering for Iggies, whippets, and greys, and i learned quite a bit from her.

Again, thanks for all your helps and welcomes, i look forward to learning from all of you. And taking my new friends (once we get them!) for walks and runs!



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Jim, you might want to check out GPA/Indy. They have a very active group and might be a wonderful resource for you. Maybe you and your wife could volunteer to foster for them on a short-term basis till you're able to get your fence up, etc.



Mom to Palm City Roxie ("Roxie"). Remembering Heizer Jordan ("Jordan"), DB's PickedtoWin ("Andy"), CB Ectasy ("Ecstasy"), Oshkosh Unafraid ("Tribute"), Arathorn, WV's Imperial ("Abby") and her brother WV's Institute ("Mojo") and KB's Gameboy ("Game Boy"), who've all gone to the Bridge. Working with Austin Greyhound Adoption <austingreyhounds.org>.

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if your wife is a cat person, she'll probably love greyhounds. my two are more like big, lazy cats than like any other dog i've ever had :)

Xavi the galgo and Peter the cat. Missing Iker the galgo ?-Feb.9/19, Treasure (USS Treasure) April 12/01-May 6/13, Phoenix (Hallo Top Son) Dec.14/99-June 4/11 and Loca (Reko Swahili) Oct.9/95 - June 1/09, Allen the boss cat, died late November, 2021, age 19.

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Guest cabrerad

Hi Jim,



It sounds like two greys would be a great fit for you. I actually have two whippets and a grey (alpha female whippet, nonchalant go with the flow small female grey and the male whippet at the bottom of the pack). The whippets are definitely more jumpy than the grey. As other mentioned, pairing two dogs up does depend on the personalities of the greys, but all other thing sbeing equal a male and a female would probably be the surest bet, followed by two males. With two females you want to make sure both are not dominant or you can get fighting. Anyways, it should be fun to have two, they do like company. The adoption agency should help you out with all this.



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Guest sunseeker1066

I was leaning (LOL not a 'greyhound lean') toward a male and female, just so the alpha situation would sort itself out. I have some really comfy couches looking for company, cant wait to have them occupied! It is looking more like i will have to wait for the tax refund season to get the fence up, that will take some serious bucks with that acre. But once it is done, I will finally be able to have the greyhound ranch i have been wanting for 3 years.

How do you get the dogs interested in stuffed animals? I would almost think that is second nature, but it seems to be a training thing...

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Guest cabrerad

With the stuffed animals and my retired grey it just took a little time for her to figure out what toys were. My whippets helped teach her too.

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Good luck--and since no one else seems to have mentioned it, the dogs will most likely NOT be housebroken when you get them...unless they've been in a foster home for a while.


You specifically mentioned that when you mentioned puppies, so I thought I'd point that out!


It's not a big deal, particularly if you're going to have a fenced yard.




Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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