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All Of A Sudden-skin Tears And Scrapes At Playtime

Guest Hollys2hounds

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Guest Hollys2hounds

Was wondering if anyone has any experience with this? I almost never let Gunner and Lexy in the yard unattended. Usually I stand at the fence and watch them in the yard. It seems that lately, (especially since the weather has gotten cooler) that Lexy gets very playful and crazy in the yard. She runs, and spins, and digs, and stalks Gunner. She is having a blast outside! But all of this play seems to be coming at a price, as Lexy keeps getting little skin tears and scrapes.


Of course I wash her little wounds with Peroxide, and apply Neosporin, but the hair will not grow back on these scrapes. In the last 2 days, she has at least 4 new scrapes. I can't really see what she is doing to cause these.

I try to call to her, but when she is being a "wild woman" she does not stop.


I want her to play, but not so rough. Any suggestions?

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Although hair is an ongoing thing, unless the skin is absolutely removed in that area and replaced with scar tissue, it'll grow back in with the next "wave" of hair growth.


You might want to walk the yard and look for anything obvious- branches down, damage to the fence, a wire at a bad level- all of which is a good idea to do even if your hounds aren't getting scraped and injured. Ours fly around so fast, I wonder how they manage to keep their eyes from getting injured. We do the best we can to prune the trees so there's nothing within 6' of the ground, but the wind will occasionally knock a big dead branch out.


A quick walk around the 'hood will take some of the edge off before they romp in the yard; just a few minutes might tucker them out just a bit.


You might want to skip the hydrogen peroxide; although the fizzies it does make it look like it's doing something, it's also killing living cells- giving bacteria something to chew on. The Neosporin isn't a bad idea.

Coco (Maze Cocodrillo)

Minerva (Kid's Snipper)

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Guest Hollys2hounds

Thanks for the suggestions. I do walk the yard at least once a week, but I can't find anything that might be scratching her. I even "feel around" in the holes that they dig, and I can't find anything sharp or pointy. ??????

My boy, Gunner never has even a hair out of place.


It's almost like her skin just rips. This never happened before, and she has played in the yard for a year.


I have tried walking them around the block before putting them in the yard, but being free in the yard in the nice cool temps makes her wild.


Thanks for the peroxide info.

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Guest Hollys2hounds

That was a thought, except the last small tear was on the inside of her leg.


I will try the muzzle for the next few days and see what happens.


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Hee-hee welcome to my world. I can really sympathize. In the last 2 months I had to pull a pine needle splinter out of one foot (which of course got infected), stitch one laceration, deal with skunking (P-U!) and the latest boo-boo involves a cast--my girl broke her foot chasing a squirrel up a tree! As much as I hate the winter I'm kinda looking forward to it--too cold to stay out and get into trouble!! :P

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Guest FireHorse
It's almost like her skin just rips.


This is Jet! I swear, if he were a ten-year-old boy, I'd have the market cornered on Bactine and band-aids. And Luke's out there running the same laps and comes back with not a hair out of place.


I second the muzzles, and will also suggest that you keep a sharp eye on the nails on her back feet-it seems like when he's really going, Jet manages to gouge himself, usually right around his front elbows or down the inside/back of his front legs. Dremelling them to be rounder/smoother cut down on those scrapes a lot.


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Diesel and Sully are always getting scrapes. And that's not even w/ playing with each other. :blink::rolleyes: Neither one is especially -graceful-, and Diesel, well, he got his name for a reason. He's like a tank. :lol It's funny to watch him trot down the hall, turn, hear something, swing his head around and WHAM!!!! hit is hard on the corner :blink: . Doesn't phase him, but wow, you'd think it'd hurt! He's the same way in the yard... he'll just go trotting by, cut a corner too close, and whack his butt against some branches... and gets a new scrape. :rolleyes: Nothing big, since he isn't going fast, but he's just got to be the clumsiest boy ever! :lol

In vino veritas
Rachael with Rook, missing Sully, Sebau, and Diesel

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Guest Moebaaviva
Diesel and Sully are always getting scrapes. And that's not even w/ playing with each other. :blink::rolleyes: Neither one is especially -graceful-, and Diesel, well, he got his name for a reason. He's like a tank. :lol It's funny to watch him trot down the hall, turn, hear something, swing his head around and WHAM!!!! hit is hard on the corner :blink: . Doesn't phase him, but wow, you'd think it'd hurt! He's the same way in the yard... he'll just go trotting by, cut a corner too close, and whack his butt against some branches... and gets a new scrape. :rolleyes: Nothing big, since he isn't going fast, but he's just got to be the clumsiest boy ever! :lol


Bella is the same way. She usually has 2-4 minor scrapes or scabs on her legs on any given day of the week. Much of our yard is clear, and the part with trees and shrubs I keep trimmed wide and tall enough for me to walk, and certainly good enough for her to run (it's part of her "racetrack" around the yard). She still manages to get little cuts and nicks. Watching her play sometimes, it's no wonder. She's also one of those rather uncoordinated greys. :rolleyes: I've seen her try to run around the deck and take the turn to sharp and hit the corner, and I've also seen her decide to take a flying leap through the bushes. It's like she doesn't even notice, she's having such a good time crashing into everything.

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Are they on the inside of the back legs? if so, my 3 Beau, Chloe and Teddy have come in with big straight 2- inch long tears in their hind legs. I have no clue what caused it. Possibly getting their skin caught on a branch of a low lying bush?


Just like kids playing have scraped knees, when they romp and frolick ( I love that phrase) our greys will get boo boos too!


Hope they heal quickly!



ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

Waiting at the bridge Angel Polli Bohemian Ocean , Rocky, Blue,Sasha & Zoobie & Bobbi

Greyhound Angels Adoption (GAA) The Lexus Project

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Guest Hollys2hounds

Yes, inside of back legs. Outside of hind quarters, on her side... you name it! They seem to be small most of the time, but heal as little patches of skin with no hair. I really don't think it is brush, as we clean the yard constantly.

I know they jump on each other, when they run like maniacs--- so I rounded their nails this morning.

It's so great to watch them play, but I don't want Lex to get hurt.


They HATE their muzzles, but I am gonna try them for a while. When they are muzzled, they rub their faces along the fence, and try to get them off!

Gunner never has a hair out of place, and Lexy looks like she she got in a fight with a cat. (ha ha... it's not really that bad).


Thanks Aunt Robin!

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