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Peter Passed Away

Guest IrskasMom

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Guest needlenosemom

Words cannot express my grief in your loss of Peter. You gave him a 2nd chance--- an unconditional life of love & a new humane world in which to live, compared to his racing days.


I am grateful that you had the opportunity to be with him & didn't have to make any more heart-wrenching decisions.


We lost 2 hounds in the last year, about 7 mos. apart. My heart cries for you and your family.

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Guest VelvetEars

I wept as I watched your tribute, only to find myself laughing through the tears as he roached with his toofers showing. He was a beautiful soul, and you are blessed to have shared his life, as you know all too well. It is when we love so hard and so deep that the loss seems almost too much to bear. But without the love, you would not have helped him live a full life.


Just know that our thoughts and prayers are with you, and we cry for a life taken too soon. We do not forget those we have lost here on GT, and we will be here to help you remember and celebrate his life.


Many many hugs.......


Meredith, with Jane, Jackson, and Porsche, who know that greyhound hearts are larger than other breeds because they have more love to hold

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Guest Tenderhearts

I am so sorry you found GT under such heartwrenching conditions, but please know how much we care :grouphug :grouphug


I never had been in love with any particular breed of dog as I always had mixed breed in my life...until Bart walked into the door with his daddy :wub:


I was smitten.


Sadly, we lost Bart suddenly to a ruptured disc at the tender age of 5.


The devastation I felt was beyond words.


I knew I could never EVER replace Bart, but losing him made me realize how much I truly loved this breed.


Through a series of divine circumstances, Lori Ann came into my home a few short weeks later (the owners were going to have her euthanized because they were moving).


She did not replace Bart, but once again brought into this house the gentle and loving nature of a greyhound. She was truly my heart healer. I was blessed to have her until last December when she passed away at 13 1/2 years of age.


I have no doubt that Bart sent her to me.


May God hold your aching hearts in his hands :grouphug I completely understand how you feel!

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Guest fastdogs

I'm sorry for your sudden loss. :f_white


There is something very special about these dogs that just grabs you. It is heartbreaking when they leave you so quickly. Many of us have been there. The pain never really goes away, time just makes its easier to deal with. Soon your happy memories of Peter will out weight the sadness of him not being here physically.


Godspeed Peter

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Just know it's hard to sit here sometimes thinking of how much I miss Howie. He was our first and the love of our life. He passed over so fast we were stunned. I went to the ER I couldn't breathe. It is my belief he knew we had room in our heart for another one. One day I was just sitting, as you are, looking at greytalk and decided to go look at some greyhounds on a website. My computer froze at the site of one named Unacustomed. I kept hitting every button. It was frozen so I called my husband in. We both said maybe it's a sign from Howie. I start crying and called right away and today our Unacustomed is here next to me on the couch as I type. I named him Nike. I know Howie sent him to me for comfort and Howie was so happy we opened our home to another until we all meet again "Somewhere Over The Rainbow." My computer had never froze up again til almost 6 to 7 months later. I tell everyone this story and they say, yes, it was a true sign. May you always find support and peace in reading on greytalk. When you feel you are ready I hope you are able to one day open your home to another. You both sound so loving and caring, that greyhound will be so very lucky. Peter, find Howie and run free til we meet again.

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There is a GTer that has a beautiful bit of a poem by Emily Dicknson in their signature, and it has always touched me:


"Unable are the Loved to die

for Love is Immortality"


The love you shared with Peter will keep him with you always. I'm sorry that his time with you on this earth had to end so soon.


:f_red:grouphug :grouphug

My boys, together again...




A hui hou kakou, my loves

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Guest PetersMom

On my drive into work today, the sky was beautifully clear with the exception of a few wispy clouds near the sun. I was having a stressful morning - one of those where my wardrobe wasnt cooperating, I kept forgetting things in the house and running late, I managed to get behind the slowest driver on the planet. Just as I thought I was going to cry from the frustration, a small rainbow appeared on two small and wispy clouds near the sun. It stayed with me the rest of the drive, gently following me and giving me such a feeling of warmth. :wub:


There were no rain clouds in the sky this morning, so not really a day I expected to see a rainbow anywhere in sight. I imagine it was Peter - Peetie my Sweetie - watching over me and saying "Its OK Mum, slow down and relax. Dont be in such a hurry to get to the end of your journey."


Its been three days without Peter here but somehow with the comfort of all the signs he has been sending us, I know he is with us all. :(


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I am so very sorry for your loss. When we lost our bassett hound, I remember the quiet house, no tail wags when we got home, the emptyness of the house. We thought we would wait awhile to consider adoption options but within a month we had our first greyhound in our house. It was the best thing for us to have done because while we still missed our bassett, we were moving forward by helping our new greyhound adapt to homelife. I will keep you in my prayers as you go through this difficult time. :grouphug

Cosmo (Fuzz Face Cosmos), Holmes (He's a Dream), Boomer (USS Baby Boomer), Ella and missing our angels Clay (Red Clay), Train (Nite Train), Trip (Bock's Teddy Bear),Larry (Bohemian Frigid) and Jimmy (Bohemian Raw)
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I am so terribly sorry.



ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

Waiting at the bridge Angel Polli Bohemian Ocean , Rocky, Blue,Sasha & Zoobie & Bobbi

Greyhound Angels Adoption (GAA) The Lexus Project

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Guest Winterwish

Oh,I don't have words to say how deeply your words are reaching me PetersMom and Dad. :weep

I am so,so sorry for your sadness. :grouphug:grouphug The love coming thru' so clearly,so free flowing in your words,is your Peter with you always. Sending my deepest condolences to you PetersMom and Dad.


Fly free dear Peter ~ :candle:f_pink:gh_child:f_pink:candle

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Oh Peter....I know it was you who sent your mom that rainbow....these pups are so special.....my heart is still heavy as well....my very deepest sympathies to you and your hubby.....

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I am crushed for you. Sending strength from one who knows how bad the hurt is.


You can still talk to your special boy, Peter. He will hear you. and smile, and send you more rainbows....


Jackie with Tangerine and Chimes

Always missing Gracie, Steely, Annie, Payne, Twilite, Janey Bug, Bindi, Sophie, and Dazzle

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Guest IrskasMom



Kurt ...... Peter will always be with you. No other Grey can replace him . When you are ready , just think

what a wonderful Life you gave Peter and there are hundert's waiting to live that kind of Life and looking

( with their Beautiful deep Angels Eyes ) for Love you have to offer. :grouphug:grouphug:grouphug:grouphug


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Just to let you know I am so happy he sent you the rainbow. That gave me the chills. They are never far away if we just watch for the signs or listen for that little divine nudge.

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Guest sassichari

I missed Peters story. I was away for awhile. I am so sorry.I know how much you are hurting and it feels like nobody can understand your pain and that it will never end. I sat here and read this and the tears just flowed. It brought back the loss of my first grey Nala four years ago. I never thought I could get over her loss. I was single and alone and she was the love of my life for 7 years through many relationships both good and bad. I said I would never get another dog again. I just couldn't deal with the pain. Then about 2 months later while I was helping a friend look for a new rescue on petfinders.org this cute little anti greyhound popped up named Coco-a boy dog I am a girl dog person or was...with bad back legs and something immediately drew me to him. Within 3 days he was mine. He saved me. I wasn't looking for him but he needed me and saved me from the depression I was in. I believe my Nala sent him to me. He has her personality to a T. Now 4 years later that the time is right I am married with a home and have just adopted two wonderful greyhounds like I have wanted to do since I lost her. When the time is right for you Peter will let you know and you will bring another grey into your home. Don't rush it. Give yourself time to heal. Peter was a lucky boy to be loved by you.Again I am so sorry for your loss and welcome as another new member to our GT family.

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