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Sophie Walking Weakness(tripod)

Guest JohnnyBell

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Guest JohnnyBell

As most of you remember,Sophie had her rear leg amputated in May due to osteosarcoma.Well my concern is she still seems like she's unstable when she walks.She still dips a lot and not just a small dip but sometimes goes all the way down and she'll get herself back up and contiue where she was going.Her remaining leg seems so weak.I'm just hoping she's not in any pain.Her remaining rear leg just seems overworked and tired.I feel so bad for her.She runs fine accually better then she walks.Do you think she'll ever gain enough strength in that back leg?Any suggestions?Maybe supplements?Should I give her glucosemine and/or MSM?Is this normal?I heard that they have better balance when the whole hip is removed but she still has her hip,she has a stump.Could this be why she's so wobbly?Sorry I'm just concerned about her,I don't want her struggling or suffering.

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Look for corns and have the vet do an exam for signs of pain in hte back leg. If it is true "weakness" (thta would be unusual) then you could consider an anabolic steroid like Winstrol.



Bella and Sky at the bridge

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." -Anabele France


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Guest Ruthygirl

My Ruthy had her leg amputated in April. I noticed that she would often do what you described, we called it the Ruthy dip. Ruthy was also very crabby with the other greys and wouldn't play with her toys like she used to. I decided something had to be wrong. I started out by taking her to our regular vet to rule out any medical issues. After the medical reasons were ruled out I was told her leg had to work harder so it gets tired.

I then took a joint yoga class for animals I stayed after to talk to the class instructor. She was also a Chiropractor. She suggested I take Ruthy to see a chiropractor. Ruthy has been under acupuncture and chiropractor care since July. The difference one adjustment made amazed me. She doesn't do the dip very often if at all, she walks better, her balance is better, she isn't crabby to the others and when we got home from her first adjustment she grabbed a toy and took off.


I hope this helps!

Shawn and the Greyhounds

Ruthy, Badge, Bows and PeeWee

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