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Worried About Flake

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Flake is our first greyhound, adopted 8.5 years ago, and she is 13.5 years old. She's always been a little picky but about 6-7 months ago started being REALLY picky... we would have to change her food every 2-3 weeks in order to keep her interested. She has a heart murmur and has been to the cardiologist several times this year. He has her on Enalapril and Norvasc (for high blood pressure). The picky eating started before the heart drugs.


Flake's not eating became a real concern just last week. Some of you may remember that we lost Buzz last week and not thinking, we never let the other dogs say their goodbyes. Flake, who has been with Buzz for over 8 years, stopped eating the day he died. Maybe it's a coincidence but I think that she might be grieving for him and I don't know how to help her. We have tried about 15 different canned foods, human food, Elphie's raw food and different dry food. She puts her nose up at most of them and if something does seem appetizing, she might eat it for one or two meals.


This is what she's eaten since last Wednesday:


Thursday evening: raw steak (diarrhea later that night)

Friday evening: can of Pro Plan select chicken and rice (small can) and raw turkey necks

Saturday morning: picked at the turkey necks

Saturday evening: 3/4 can Iams puppy chicken and rice (large can) & 2/3 double cheeseburger

Sunday morning: 1/2 can Iams puppy chicken and rice

Sunday evening: 2 cups dry EN food

Monday morning: 2 cups dry EN food

Monday evening: picked at the dry EN

Tuesday morning (today): nothing but licked a little milk from cereal bowl


We just don't know what to do. We did bloodwork over the weekend and all in all it looked okay. A little elevation in her BUN but her creatinine was good and her urine was nice and concentrated... we were worried about kidney disease.


Does anyone have any suggestions on things we can try to get her to eat or supplements?????? I have been using acupuncture on a appetite stimulation point in her nose and that seems to help a little sometimes.


Any and all suggestions will be appreciated!!!!



Edited by retiredracers

Elphie, Kulee, Amanda, Harmony, Alex (hound mix), Phantom, Norbet, Willis (dsh), Autumn (Siamese) & Max (OSH) & mama rat, LaLa & baby Poppy! My bridge kids: Crooke & Mouse (always in my heart), Flake, Buzz, Snake, Prince (GSD), Justin & Gentry (Siamese), Belle (Aussie/Dalmatian mix), Rupert (amstaff) and Fred, Sirius, Severus, Albus, George, Hagrid, Hermione, Minerva, Marilyn, Wren, Molly, Luna, Tonks, Fleur, Ginny, Neville, Bill, Percy, Rose & Charlie (rats)

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Guest jurishound

So sorry to hear this - hopefully, it's just a short term thing. When we adopted our senior Cuffy, he was very picky. I tried a variation of Batmom's meatloaf mixed with kibble, and he woofed it. It is fairly easy to make if you want to try it. The original recipe (which I can't seem to locate) has more nutrients and would be better for longer term use. Good luck with your girlie's appetite.


Batmom's Meatloaf II


1 lb. ground beef

1 lb. ground chicken

1 C frozen chopped spinach, thawed

1/4 C wheat germ

2 eggs

2T molasses



Mix well, shape into a loaf, and bake at 375 for about 45 minutes



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So sorry to hear this - hopefully, it's just a short term thing. When we adopted our senior Cuffy, he was very picky. I tried a variation of Batmom's meatloaf mixed with kibble, and he woofed it. It is fairly easy to make if you want to try it. The original recipe (which I can't seem to locate) has more nutrients and would be better for longer term use. Good luck with your girlie's appetite.


Batmom's Meatloaf II


1 lb. ground beef

1 lb. ground chicken

1 C frozen chopped spinach, thawed

1/4 C wheat germ

2 eggs

2T molasses



Mix well, shape into a loaf, and bake at 375 for about 45 minutes


Well, it certainly looks tasty. Looks like I will be baking a meatloaf tonight!!! Oh, what percentage ground beef should I use? higher or lower fat?


Does anyone know if human Ensure is okay to give to dogs?

Edited by retiredracers

Elphie, Kulee, Amanda, Harmony, Alex (hound mix), Phantom, Norbet, Willis (dsh), Autumn (Siamese) & Max (OSH) & mama rat, LaLa & baby Poppy! My bridge kids: Crooke & Mouse (always in my heart), Flake, Buzz, Snake, Prince (GSD), Justin & Gentry (Siamese), Belle (Aussie/Dalmatian mix), Rupert (amstaff) and Fred, Sirius, Severus, Albus, George, Hagrid, Hermione, Minerva, Marilyn, Wren, Molly, Luna, Tonks, Fleur, Ginny, Neville, Bill, Percy, Rose & Charlie (rats)

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Yes, Ensure is okay. Just not the chocolate flavor, of course.


Thanks! I think she would like the Vanilla flavor because she will usually drink my vanilla soymilk.



Elphie, Kulee, Amanda, Harmony, Alex (hound mix), Phantom, Norbet, Willis (dsh), Autumn (Siamese) & Max (OSH) & mama rat, LaLa & baby Poppy! My bridge kids: Crooke & Mouse (always in my heart), Flake, Buzz, Snake, Prince (GSD), Justin & Gentry (Siamese), Belle (Aussie/Dalmatian mix), Rupert (amstaff) and Fred, Sirius, Severus, Albus, George, Hagrid, Hermione, Minerva, Marilyn, Wren, Molly, Luna, Tonks, Fleur, Ginny, Neville, Bill, Percy, Rose & Charlie (rats)

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At her age, and especially if she's losing weight, I'd be offering her anything her little heart desires. To put weight on Sissy (the pickiest eater I've ever had), she had a daily breakfast of meatballs (aka satin balls, or fatballs). The recipe has many variations, but is similar to the above (beef, molasses, eggs, gelatin, oats, etc). But I formed them into balls and froze them raw, thawing as necessary to feed.


When Sissy fell ill, I was offering her anything and everything. I know some of the things I gave her upset her intestines a bit, but in her case, it was more important to get something in her, and worry about the consequences later. That's a judgement call for you to make. That said, I had a fair amount of success with baby food, meat flavors. I've also fed eggs (prepared various ways) chicken, bacon, braunschweiger, cheeses, anything that came to mind... When she stopped eating anything solid at all, I used an oral syringe to feed her vanilla Ensure. She actually seemed to like that, more than I'd thought she would.


My Chancy's been feeling a bit off lately, and doesn't always want to eat. She has a weakness for soft white bread, so if she eschews her normal meal, I give her a "sandwich" which is a hotdog bun and a pile of sliced lunchmeat, all shredded into bite-size bits. So far she's never turned that down, though she's decided she prefers I "hold the cheese, please." :lol I don't like to let her skip a meal, because without food, her meds will upset her stomach.

~Aimee, with Flower, Alan, Queenie, & Spodee Odee! And forever in my heart: Tipper, Sissy, Chancy, Marla, Dazzle, Alimony, and Boo. This list is too damned long.

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Guest 7Greys

Hi, I'm Flake's dad.


One thing Sheila didn't say is that Flake goes to the kitchen and acts like she wants to eat, she just sniffs what is put down for her and sometimes noses it a little but won't eat. If you start to prepare something else she gets real interested then turns her nose up at it.


It seems like she has an appetite just doesn't want to eat what we are giving her.


It isn't for lack of variety. I have had as many as four bowls with four different foods and two plates with four different foods on each in front of her and she won't touch any of them. This is everything from cheap to expensive canned foods, dry foods, home cooked foods and even raw (all at the same time for her to choose from).


Any time I am up and head toward the kitchen and she sees me she wants to go with me (like she wants to eat) but won't eat any thing I try to give her.


Sorry this was so long.


I am at a loss.

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Guest 7Greys

We have tried baby foods, pizza, and anything else we happen to be eating.


We have kind of adopted the attitude that give her anything that remotely interests her and deal with the consequences (big D) later if she will just eat.


Our nephews our visiting and one of them fixed a bowl of shredded wheat this morning he turned around to put the milk away and Sheila had his bowl trying to feed it Flake (she drank the milk, wouldn't eat the cereal).... Nephew did get another bowl of cereal.

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Guest david_42

Sounds a lot like Cougar. His trouble started when I gave him some Prescription Diet D/I. Puked his guts out & is now very leary of anything in his bowl. Dump the same food on the floor & he'll eat it! He's lost weight, but by giving him smaller quantities frequently, that has stabilized. Can't leave food out, Katie is a gourmand.

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I empathize with your frustration, I really do. :(


One other trick that sometimes worked for no reason I understand, is offering food on a different plate. This has worked for both Sissy and Chancy. I'd just put a bite or two on a small plate and offer that. If they eat, then put another bite or two on the plate. It's painstaking, but for whatever reason, the novelty of the plate piqued their interest when they'd not touch the same food from a bowl. :dunno:


With Sissy, I'd gotten to the point of dipping my fingers in the baby food and letting her lick the food off. She wouldn't touch it any other way...

~Aimee, with Flower, Alan, Queenie, & Spodee Odee! And forever in my heart: Tipper, Sissy, Chancy, Marla, Dazzle, Alimony, and Boo. This list is too damned long.

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This may or may not help, but for what it's worth... Nadia is also on Enalapril and digoxin and is a picky eater (although she's only 8). She is a pciky eater, but it seems she prefers food with a stronger smell. Her current favorite is Pro Plan Selects salmon and brown rice (which the cat finds tempting, too).

Marc and Myun plus Starbuck (the cat)
Pinky my AWOL girl, wherever you are, I miss you.
Angels Honey (6/30/99-11/3/11) Nadia (5/11/99-6/4/12) Kara (6/5/99-7/17/12) Cleo (4/13/2000-4/19/2014)

Antnee (12/1/2002=2/20/17)

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I am so sorry. I do know how you feel and what you are going through. Our Flashman did not get to say goodbye to Angel Sophia and he looked for her and waited at the door for weeks. He ate very little...and the pounds were just dropping off of him so quickly. After a complete physical and labs which were all normal...our vet gave him something to increase his appetite and I can't remember what it was...that helped somewhat...but with him it just took time and when Angel Sophia sent us LaceyLaine that helped too. I am so sorry...it is so hard. :grouphug


Patti-Mommy of Lady Sophia 7-28-92 - 8-3-04... LaceyLaine 8-2-94-12-5-07...

Flash Gordon 7-14-99 - 8-29-09... BrookLynne...Pavé Maria... and 18 Bridge Kids.




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I don't really have much experience in this area, but I know my two go nutty for fishy things - perhaps some canned fish? How about canned tripe? Most dogs find it's yucky smell incredibly appealing, plus it's very nutritious too.


One thing that crossed my mind, could her tummy be upset because of excess stomach acid or any meds that she is taking? I know that when I've waited too long to eat, my stomach feels all acid-y and even though I'm hungry, I don't really feel like eating (if that makes any sense). But I force myself to eat cause I know that's the only way I will feel better. Unfortunately dogs don't have that type of reasoning, but maybe a pepcid or half of one before mealtimes would make her feel better? I know that all kinds of things go wonky as we age, maybe her tummy is one of them?

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As they age the smell declines, so stinky is good. Have you tried: tuna with the kibble or salmon, EVO reduced fat, Barking at the Moon, Innova senior, parmesan cheese, boiled or rotissere beef or chicken (if boiled, add a little garlic powder)


One thing Sheila didn't say is that Flake goes to the kitchen and acts like she wants to eat, she just sniffs what is put down for her and sometimes noses it a little but won't eat. If you start to prepare something else she gets real interested then turns her nose up at it.


I've had dogs do this when their stomach is queasy. Are you giving any stomach meds? pepcid, tagamet, zantac, carafate, prilosec?

Diane & The Senior Gang

Burpdog Biscuits

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Batmom has a lot of good ideas about tasty tidbits. I'll PM her about this thread.

Standard Poodle Daisy (12/13)
Missing Cora (RL Nevada 5/99-10/09), Piper (Cee Bar Easy 2/99-1/10), Tally (Thunder La La 9/99-3/10), Edie (Daring Reva 9/99-10/12), Dixie (Kiowa Secret Sue 11/01-1/13), Jessie (P's Real Time 11/98-3/13), token boy Graham (Zydeco Dancer 9/00-5/13), Cal (Back Already 12/99-11/13), Betsy (Back Kick Beth 11/98-12/13), Standard Poodles Minnie (1/99-1/14) + Perry (9/98-2/14), Annie (Do Marcia 9/03-10/14), Pink (Miss Pinky Baker 1/02-6/15), Poppy (Cmon Err Not 8/05-1/16), Kat (Jax Candy 5/05-5/17), Ivy (Jax Isis 10/07-7/21), Hildy (Braska Hildy 7/10-12/22), Opal (Jax Opal 7/08-4/23). Toodles (BL Toodles 7/09-4/24)

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Guest 7Greys

She has been taking something for her stomach, I'm not sure what it is (it might for the big d). Sheila is the med expert in the family I just give Flake the pills as instructed.


When she decides she likes turkey necks or raw chicken she has no trouble crunching up the bones, so no sores in her mouth or bad teeth to cause the trouble.

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Guest ss556

Alan is on meds for blood pressure and kidney disease and I had a recent problem with him eating. I was changing foods constantly. I was giving him pepcid 1/2 hr before each meal. At one point I gave him pepto b/c his stomach was really gurgling. Then I bought Purina One Selects - Lamb & Barley - he started eating again. I never gave him lamb before - maybe it is more stinky, I don't know. I'm not loving the ingredients b/c I used to give him more "high end" kibble, but if he's eating it with mixed in chicken or hamburger, I'm happy. Good luck, I hope you find something soon.

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As they age the smell declines, so stinky is good. Have you tried: tuna with the kibble or salmon, EVO reduced fat, Barking at the Moon, Innova senior, parmesan cheese, boiled or rotissere beef or chicken (if boiled, add a little garlic powder)


I've had dogs do this when their stomach is queasy. Are you giving any stomach meds? pepcid, tagamet, zantac, carafate, prilosec?


We have had her on Carafate since Saturday. The only thing we have tried from your list is beef (w/ some garlic powder). But we have tried about 15 different types of canned food.


I'll pick up parmesan cheese today. I have some canned salmon at home but will get tuna fish. The local pet store that sells the Innova and other premium foods also sells puppy mill puppies so I try to avoid it but I may have to make an exception. I did try some Solid Gold chicken and turkey foods but she snubbed those as well.




I suppose there is no possibility she has a sore place in her mouth which allows her to drink liquid or very mushy stuff but not want to bite into anything more solid?


I have checked her mouth and I can't find anything that looks painful. Plus she has crunched up turkey necks with no problems.


Check on the stomach meds.


I've also found that many do not like mixed things. If they are going to eat kibble, they will eat it plain. Shadow was an exception: ate a can of tuna in oil with every meal for months.


We have tried mixing and not mixing and so far it doesn't really matter.

Elphie, Kulee, Amanda, Harmony, Alex (hound mix), Phantom, Norbet, Willis (dsh), Autumn (Siamese) & Max (OSH) & mama rat, LaLa & baby Poppy! My bridge kids: Crooke & Mouse (always in my heart), Flake, Buzz, Snake, Prince (GSD), Justin & Gentry (Siamese), Belle (Aussie/Dalmatian mix), Rupert (amstaff) and Fred, Sirius, Severus, Albus, George, Hagrid, Hermione, Minerva, Marilyn, Wren, Molly, Luna, Tonks, Fleur, Ginny, Neville, Bill, Percy, Rose & Charlie (rats)

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You know I know what you are going through :) Have you tried Merrick? IAMS beef? (these are canned)


Can you get frozen BilJac where you are?


Have you tried rotissere chicken from WalMart? Maybe Magic is whispering in her ear :rolleyes: Magic liked the lemon pepper and traditional.

Diane & The Senior Gang

Burpdog Biscuits

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You know I know what you are going through :) Have you tried Merrick? IAMS beef? (these are canned)


Can you get frozen BilJac where you are?


Have you tried rotissere chicken from WalMart? Maybe Magic is whispering in her ear :rolleyes: Magic liked the lemon pepper and traditional.


Diane, I thought of you when I started this thread. I knew you would have lots of suggestions.


I tried two varieties of Merrick's (can't remember which ones) Didn't try the beef Iams but will.


Don't remember seeing frozen BilJac anywhere but we did try some refrigerated roll stuff from the local specialty grocery store that she snubbed.


Rotissere chicken, huh? Lemon? Well, if that's what it takes!


Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and suggestions. We don't want to lose her anytime soon.


Elphie, Kulee, Amanda, Harmony, Alex (hound mix), Phantom, Norbet, Willis (dsh), Autumn (Siamese) & Max (OSH) & mama rat, LaLa & baby Poppy! My bridge kids: Crooke & Mouse (always in my heart), Flake, Buzz, Snake, Prince (GSD), Justin & Gentry (Siamese), Belle (Aussie/Dalmatian mix), Rupert (amstaff) and Fred, Sirius, Severus, Albus, George, Hagrid, Hermione, Minerva, Marilyn, Wren, Molly, Luna, Tonks, Fleur, Ginny, Neville, Bill, Percy, Rose & Charlie (rats)

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Guest myjazzy

Like Burpdog said, as they (and we) age, they tend to lose some of their sense of smell, so stinky is good. Another thing that is really stinky is tripe. :sick


When I had problems getting Jazzy to eat, sometimes she would not want the food in her bowl, but would take it from me if I hand fed her.


Good luck with your girl.

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Like Burpdog said, as they (and we) age, they tend to lose some of their sense of smell, so stinky is good. Another thing that is really stinky is tripe. :sick


When I had problems getting Jazzy to eat, sometimes she would not want the food in her bowl, but would take it from me if I hand fed her.


Good luck with your girl.



Ooo, tripe... I didn't think about it. Wonder where I can get tripe around here???? I'll have to look into that.

Elphie, Kulee, Amanda, Harmony, Alex (hound mix), Phantom, Norbet, Willis (dsh), Autumn (Siamese) & Max (OSH) & mama rat, LaLa & baby Poppy! My bridge kids: Crooke & Mouse (always in my heart), Flake, Buzz, Snake, Prince (GSD), Justin & Gentry (Siamese), Belle (Aussie/Dalmatian mix), Rupert (amstaff) and Fred, Sirius, Severus, Albus, George, Hagrid, Hermione, Minerva, Marilyn, Wren, Molly, Luna, Tonks, Fleur, Ginny, Neville, Bill, Percy, Rose & Charlie (rats)

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