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Daisy With The Curly Tail!

Guest Goldsmom

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Daisy is gorgeous....I am so sorry for your loss...words just cannot say how sad I feel when one loses their gorgeous greys....she is shining brightly at the bridge and her curly tail is waging and waiting for you.....my prayers and thoughts with you and your family at this time.

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Guest Goldsmom

I can not THANK YOU ALL enough, for this out pouring of kindness for my little Daisy....I just can't believe she is gone!!! I drove up the driveway from work expecting to see her face along with Goldie and Shadow at the kitchen door, but no Daisy......making the turn at the top of the drive I looked up to the back of the yard and saw the fresh dirt, and reality hit me........Daisy with the curly tail is at peace with Petie, and the Boys... no more trying to stand on legs that had no strength, and no more trying to find my face with eyes that could no longer see.....she is released from the bonds of this earth, and is running and playing with friends.......


Again! Thank's to each one of you for the support and kind words.....God Bless you all!

Cherish each and every day with your babies and those in your life you love, our lives can change before our eyes!

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Guest Greymom

I am so very sorry you lost your special girl. Heaven must have needed another Angel. The night sky is brighter with her star shining down on you. :grouphug:f_white

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Guest Goldsmom
Would you be willing to share some pictures of Daisy with the Curly Tail with us? She sounds like a love!




this isn't the best photo of Daisy with her tail in full curl mode.......This is the....."The horses are out, someone to chase" curl........

Her tail looked like a "question mark" laying on it's side, and when she ran or walked it bounced like a spring.....That's how she got the name "Daisy with the curly tail!"

God, I miss her so!!!!


Thank you for asking.....

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