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Everything posted by Zoolady

  1. Ok. now I'm worried. Pet food store..... What about the vet in case of emregency or even routine care?
  2. Scott found an overall one that may be of some use. http://radar.weather.gov/radar.php?rid=AKC...11&loop=yes It's from King Salmon. Hugs to you both and the pups.
  3. It's only an infection, it's only an infection, it's only an infection, it's only an infection, it's only an infection, it's only an infection, it's only an infection, it's only an infection, it's only an infection, it's only an infection, it's only an infection, it's only an infection, it's only an infection, it's only an infection, it's only an infection, it's only an infection, it's only an infection....... Prayers and quick healing thoughts being sent.
  4. Here's a link to a little more on the arrest. http://www.commercialappeal.com:80/news/20...rebecca-neeley/
  5. Zoolady


    Oh sweet baby girl, we miss you so much. We were blessed to have been part of your family. Your first owner was lucky enough to be with you five years until cancer took her. Your next owner was with you another five years until he moved and said you couldn't go with him. We weren't even looking to chip but we received a flyer and your Daddy was drawn to you. Off we went to "look" and of course you worked your magic and came home with us. It took a while for you to not be frightened and run when someone got near you when you were laying down. We were so happy when you relaxed and stayed put. Thunderstorms were horrible for you but Ben tried to help you and managed to learn your fear so you weren't alone. You were like a healer and everyone loved you and you made such a difference for the people you were surrounded by. You made so many people happy in your lifetime. Our boys, half your age, couldn't keep up with you, even while you barked at them to encourage playing. You easily ran circles around them. You sailed through your dental with flying colors. Eleven teeth gone but you still had your pretty smile and somehow managed to keep you tongue in your mouth most of the time. You looked so cute when ETS showed up. The joy you had each time you went outside....tail wagging and making the rounds of the yard. You had this certain path that you took every time with such enthusiasam and speed. It was like you were on a mission and had to go fast. What a pleasure it was to see how happy you were. Then that awful day two weeks ago when your back leg started to tremble. We're still in shock how you could get so bad so quick and have to leave us. Daddy made the trip to the room for your final release. Soft lights, bed on the floor, candles lit, and a blanket and you were ready for your journey. Your nurse was there and the doctor came in crying. Daddy held your head and loved on you while you left us peacefully with a piece of our hearts. Goodnight sweet angel. We miss you. Edited to add that Natalie's picture was taken last month and she still looked young.
  6. I am so sorry too. Strength being wished for you and your family.
  7. DH was making dinner and I went into the living room and noticed a couple spots of blood on the love seat and couch sheets, then saw a bigger spot. We checked the dogs out and when I lifted Ben's leg he did a mini GSOD and we saw his dewclaw looked huge and was bleeding. Off to the vet which is our regular vet that's open 24 hours a day. They said his dewclaw was torn and the nail would most likely have to be removed. Big concern because his heart almost stopped during a dental. They said they could give him something that would shut off the transmitters and he wouldn't feel pain that they had the ability to reverse quickly. The nail was removed and he was sent home with antibiotics and pain medicine. He is to keep the bandage on at least 24, preferably 48 hours. I stayed home with him today to make sure he doesn't take the bandage off. He is sleeping comfortably. Here are pictures from last night. The hurse wrote Get Well and put a heart on the tape and signed it.
  8. Dogs and cats all microchipped here. It was done while they were awake and wasn't a big deal for anyone.
  9. I lit a candle too. Hugs and prayers to you all.
  10. Just saw this too. Prayers and white light for a good outcome.
  11. Della was our first greyhound. We almost never had a greyhound. We knew we wanted one but we had a rottweiler and we only felt he should be part of the selection committee. We went to the kennel and the first one they brought out, Murphy went ballistic. We thought he would never accept a greyhound and as we were leaving, Silvana said, "Wait....we just got one off the track yesterday." She brought Della out. Murphy walked over to her, sniffed, and laid down at Della's feet. The rest is history. Della was a ray of sunshine. Every meal she would race around the coffee table until she was fed. She could roach any where, any time. Loved water and would pull just to get to the edge and cool her tummy. Oh, she ran clockwise. I guess that's why she had a short racing career. She ran three times. Fell once, sat down once and one time got half way around the track....stopped, and ran backwards. I guess she knew there was something better out there for her. When we had company she would go into "play" mode, run around the living room and launch herself onto the loveseat and slide it about three feet. We had to put rubber feet under it so she wouldn't crash into the wall. Her heart was big and when we adopted Wonder and Alice Ben and Natalie, she welcome everyone. Even the new cat Precious. No problem. She let us know this morning that it was time. The vet we use you go in to the reception area and no one ever goes to the right through the glass doors. Scott told me they took Della to see the vet and sent Scott to the rooms on the right. It was very peaceful there. They put him in a room with dim light and candles and soft music playing. On the floor was soft blankets. They brought Della in and she insisted on staying in the sphinx position until she relaxed. The vet and the tech were crying as was Scott. The passing was quiet. Scott rubbed her head and told her how much we love her and we would see her at the Bridge. I probably could share more but think our GT family is mourning too. Here is one of our favorite pictures. Peace baby girl. We will see you again. We love you.
  12. Yesterday evening she'd go to the water bowl and walk away. Time and time again without drinking. I put her to bed in the kitchen with a bed covered in towels because she likes to nest and gave some water (which she drank some of). I was attempting to sleep in the living room but she knew I was there and was whimpering. Took her out...nothing. After 1:00 in the morning I had to go to bed and thought she might go to sleep too. Took her out first and she peed. Six this morning she had had another smaller blowout (probably because of the lack of food) and some vomiting. The look on her face was different. Sort of like she knew this wasn't right. She turned her nose up at kibble and canned food but did eat the canned chicken and tuna again. She's lost more weight and looks like a walking skeleton. I've never seen a dog so thin...you can see her entire shoulder blades...not just the tops. Scott took her in this morning. She's lost another five pounds since last Tuesday. Now weighing 49 pounds. The vet said he could change one of her meds to the azathioprine that we discussed previusly but it takes about three weeks to work and he felt she didn't have three weeks. She just looked different today. The vet says that when they get to that stage, it makes them sad because they know they're not supposed to be going potty inside. He said it was probably painful to lay on her bones. When I think of it, the last two days she has been roaching almost all the time. When Scott put the other three outside to put Della in the car, they went to the gate and were crying. Scott brought them back in and Ben ran to the front window and was crying. They never fuss like that. She didn't want to lay on her side at the vets and wanted to stay in the sphinx position. Scott talked to her, loved her and she passed quietly. They will make a "paw print" whatever that is for us. Hopefully she's running with Inky, Maui and Murphy, full bodied and happy. We miss you baby girl.
  13. I got a lot of it except the liver sausage. What we have here is made with onions. She wanted no part of the plain yogurt (which she used to love) or cottage cheese. She did eat, with gusto, a small can of organic white chicken and a can of tuna (both packed in water). I think I will stop for now and see how everything sits. I bought boneless skinless chicken breasts to cook for tomorrow. I do have more canned chicken and tuna. Trying to keep it simple. I think maybe I will make her a bed in the kitchen and me sleep in the living room so I can hear her if she has to go out or gets sick tonight.
  14. I'm off to the store. Thanks for the suggestions. She did make a squirt a little while ago. She hasn't drank a ton of water today...just little sips here and there. Sometimes I think it's all the medicines but I know she was much worse without them.
  15. Della woke up 5:30 this morning and vomited. Did mini-lap around the coffee table but didn't eat. Slept most of the day. Drank some water. Peed around 5 o'clock this evening. Refused dinner. We called the vet and was told to give her tuna, cottage cheese, yogurt, boiled or canned chicken or baby food. Scott has to go out tonight and I will go to the store. Any tips or suggestions of what I should get or just get it all? What type of baby food? What works for you? It just goes against everything we've been doing but I guess we're desperate now. If we can't get her to eat she needs to go back in for fluids.
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