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Posts posted by Trudy

  1. Please take a look at your signature - does it meet the guidelines? If not, fix it before we remove them.

    I'm noticing quite a few signatures not meeting the text portion of the guidelines - this is your chance to fix them before we start deleting them


    Signature Guidelines ~partial~


    * Image size no larger then 500 wide and 150 pixels high (500x150) and not more then 15k in file size.

    * Only a single row of images and the combined is not to exceed the above standard.

    * No more then 4 lines of text, this does include blank lines.

    * No religious or political "messages" in signatures (subject to staff interpretation)

    * Greytalk does not allow links or images promoting related forums in signatures. We do not advertise ourselves on other Greyhound forums and we expect the same courtesy in return.

    * Very limited animation.

    * The complete Signature Guideline can be found HERE


    *** Not adhering to these guidelines may lead to removal of your signature without warning. ***



    If you have more than 4 lines of text/blank lines, you need to reduce it to 4 lines

    If your combined image total is greater than 15k and 150x500, you need to reduce it

    If you are advertising somebody else's business, you need to remove it

  2. Next dogs won't be allowed on the couch.

    Jet and Ryan are on the furniture, though much less now as we try to persuade them to look elsewhere for their lounging space.

    T doesn't get on the furniture, though he does sit his butt right at the edge of the couch cushion, but keeps all 4 feet on the floor.

  3. If you made a donation this week, you should have received a response from me this evening saying I've now taken care of them since I'm home.

    If you made a donation and didn't get a response to your ticket from me tonight saying it was complete, please respond to your ticket.


    Thanks :)

  4. If you join the K9-EPIGLOBAL yahoo group you can order the enzymes for much less that any where else

    How much less?

    We can find an 8oz bottle of Pancrezyme for $100 and the shelter is able to get it through the vet for a bit less. If the shelter can get it somewhere else for less, that would be helpful for them.


  5. I'd get bloodwork done on the one that hasn't had it done.

    Then not do bloodwork until you actually need bloodwork for anybody else.


    Jet hasn't had bloodwork done in a long time and I'm ok with that.

    Ryan was a pincushion 2 years ago and hasn't had anything done since - I'm ok with that too.



    I have no idea what T's had done, but if they snip snip him, he'll have bloodwork done before that.

  6. My boyfriend heard that, while the tick prevention in Frontline Plus lasts a month, the tick prevention only lasts a week, so in theory we're going 3 out of 4 weeks each month without tick prevention. Maybe that's the problem....has anyone heard of this?


    I assume you mean 1 week for tick prevention and 1 month for flea


    But that's incorrect - it's 1 month for tick and 3 months for flea - or at least it used to be when we used it (we don't need anything here)

  7. It sounds like intestinal issues to me (I'm NOT a vet though)

    For the rest of the weekend, I'd go with rice and beef or rice and turkey or rice and chicken - bland diet. Call your vet on Monday and get him wormed anyway. See if by Monday you have any improvement in him. He may not be doing well with something that is in the kibbles.

    I will sometimes use oatmeal or mashed potatoes instead of rice when I'm feeding bland.


    When Ryan was eating kibble with wheat and chicken in it... he had pudding poop.


  8. Von Willebrand's disease. From peteducation.com:


    Von Willebrand's Disease is a common inherited bleeding disorder.


    In Von Willebrand's Disease, the dog is missing a substance, which helps the platelets form clots and stabilizes Factor VIII in the clotting process. This substance is called 'Von Willebrand's factor.' Because of the deficient clotting of blood, dogs with Von Willebrand's disease have excessive bleeding upon injury. This would be similar to hemophilia in humans.


    Description isn't entirely accurate.

    von Willebrands factor may be present in a vWD dog - just not always enough to do a good job. They can also have it and bleed due to something (injury, surgery, etc) and deplete the factor.

    And not all affected dogs will have excessive bleeding. Many affected dogs make it though their entire life without a problem due to the vWD.


    That's why the vets here not wanting to do the neuter is nuts to me. They have NOTHING that will suggest if he will bleed or not.

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