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Posts posted by Josie

  1. Yesterday we went to pick up our new greyhound (check the story here: Life has its mysterious ways )


    Here's some pics of Otis:








    First evening went great. A friend of mine is staying at my home with her grey Elliot (she just lived a separation and is searching for a appartment that allows dog)and the adaptation for Otis is doing good with an oher grey here ;)


    First night was ok too, a little whinning but not too much. ;)


    I took today off to get starting on leaving Otis alone... for now I have cage and evrything is doing good.


    Hardess thing is to not give too much affection in these firsts days to not get SA... just want to cudlle and give this boy thounsand kises! :blush


    PS I need a new siggy! anyone can help?

  2. Today is a special day, it would have been Tuffy 6th gotcha day.

    I will raise my glass of wine tonight to all the good memories and happy times I had with my big shy boy.

    Happy gotcha day Tuf, hopping you're having fun with your friends up there... specially with Tiger who was also adopt today...

    we miss you dearly,

    :kiss2 Tuffy

  3. I'm dogy-sitting a friend grey Elliot(gosh is feels good to have a greyhound in the house!) and he is obsess with grass!

    he eats the new spring shoots... I'm thinking Elliot is part goat... :lol


    so the big question: let him eat it or not?

    sometimes it make him trow-up... but not all the time...

    some people told me that he does this because something is missing in his diet... ???... fiber? :unsure

  4. Already 1 month since my big boy left :(

    gosh the house is empty...


    I cry avery time we have thunderstorms...there no dog that's crying about it anymore...

    I miss my daily walks too...

    DH still gets watery eyes when he watch TV in the evenings and when he arrives from work and dont have a grey metting him at the door...

    He did not start the urn yet... dont think he will do it before our vacations (we are going to France June 2nd to the 15th..think this trip will help us)...


    we talk about getting an other grey... after the vacation.. mid-summer beggining of automn...


    here's the last pics I took of Tuffy... He was waiting for his friends Tatum and Miles to arrive (when they visit us for the St-Patrick Parade..



  5. the wood planck for the urn is ready for pick up... will go this long week-end... dont know wen DH will start making the urn...

    yesterday evening he said to me "I miss my dog"

    we both started crying... :weep

  6. Tuffy was my SS a few years ago, I remember having great fun putting together all the bits and pieces.



    you're the one who send the wood frame with grey drawing that looks so much Tuffy?


    I wish I was, my parcels all had little notes in them, it included the blue and gold striped collar and I think some wierd stripey stuffy.


    yes! I think that year I sign up for 2 SS... :blush

    this collar:



    was it the magic ball? Tuffy loved it ;)


  7. Tuffy was my SS a few years ago, I remember having great fun putting together all the bits and pieces.



    you're the one who send the wood frame with grey drawing that looks so much Tuffy?

  8. cried a lot today, we got Tuffy ashs... :cry1

    big boy is home now


    yesterday we went to the lumber place to pic up the wood DH will use to make the urn...

    we choosed a wood name sucupira

    it looks like this:




    we tought it look like Tuffy brindles spots...


    the tree sucupira is really nice:




    beautifull purple flowers...



    we will get the wood planck in 7-10 days (had to be planned)

    I'll post went DH we start making the urn...

  9. almost 2 weeks without my big boy :(


    wanted to share with you come pics of him... gosh I miss him...








    a video of Tuffy asking for cookies.. his 8pm routine



    Tuffy and Tiger, now they are running and playing together with angels:




    In the yard:





    with his favorite stuffie MrMonkey





    my favorite pic:



    DH and I will go tomorow buy the wood to make the urn... I found a great figurine (thank you Chilidog) to put on it...

    I'll get Tuffy ash soon and I'll post pics of the urn when it's done.


    Thaks for all your posts.

  10. I couldn't believe when I saw his name :cry1 I wish I could say something to make it better, but I know from experience, I cannot :(


    Sending my sympathy :f_white


    thank you

    gosh I'll miss seing my big boy getting all excited for burbdogs cookies :cry1

  11. thanks for all your posts


    DH is founding this really difficult... he did not tought he would react so violently in sadness.. men and feelings are not a easy thing...


  12. sathurday morning during the walk Tuffy legs gived up... he was not able to stand anymore.. he was in great pain... Marc had to get him in the backyard in his harm for the evening pee.. there was blood in his urine.. he trow up all his meal.. even water came out as fast as he drink it...

    the last 12 hours he did not get up of his bed

    we put him down at our house this sunday a 4pm

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