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Posts posted by Josie

  1. Hello fellow raw feeders! (I did not want to start a other topic...)


    this morning Otis puke a little bile with a small part of chicken bone (the knee cap piece??)

    I draw on this pic what he puke:



    Otis is acting normal, poop ok this morning, eat his breakfast ok...


    are your raw fed grey pukes sometimes?

  2. I also notice that during the nights we leave the windows open (nights are getting colder now) Otis will awake and start whining around midnight/ 1 am... I dont no if it's from earing interesting things outside of because he is afraid...

    He sleeps on the main floor alone, our bedroom is in the basement (Otis hates going downstairs).

    Sometimes he will setle down after 5-10 minutes, other times he wont...DH or I will get upstairs and lay on the sofa and only then Otis will go back to his bed and we return to bed...

  3. thanks!

    I guess 2 months is a short time to know each other... His personnality is comming up slowly even if he never was shy or affraid from day 1...


    to you with whiners, do you found that ignoring the whines is a god thing? Or should I respond to it? saying it's ok or trying to find out what he want?

    I have the feeling the whining is guetting to DH nerves a little. :unsure

  4. Otis been here almost 2 months now. He is doing good, lots of energy and happiness that help heal the big hole in our hearts made by Tuffy departure.


    Otis is quite a vocal grey, he barks to other dogs (or squirrels)wen happy and playfull. Love to bark and growl when playing tug of war with us.

    An other way he express himself is through whining... it does not seem to be of anxiety just a way to express what he wants...food, treats, go for a walk, play... :rolleyes:


    My concerns are how will I know when he whines because he is in pain or disconfort? :unsure

  5. They just haven't built up calluses yet. As long as they don't bother him it's fine. You'll need to build up to be able to long walks on pavement and other hard surfaces.


    and how long does it build up?

    is it normal for a 3 year old grey to not have calluses on pads? :unsure (he is home almost 2 months now)

    Otis is full of energy and we alreday take long walks.. I notice that after those walks he does seems to be a little unconfortable but there's no limping...

  6. I tried Walmart this morning and found a package of smoked turkey necks. Is that what you guys use? Does it make a difference that they are smoked?





    I personnally dont feed smoked thing. lots of times those part are chimicaly smoke and I dont want my grey to eat that. You can find fresh turkey necks at a butcher or at an asian grocery store. Iusually froze hem and give hem froze so it tkaes moe time to eat, so more fun ;)

  7. So, if I want to give Robin one for his teeth, I just get one at the grocery store and let him go to town? Sounds scary, with all the bones and stuff. :unsure He'll just eat it? I'm thinking about trying it, but I may have an anxiety attack while I watch him. Is that okay? :P


    eta: He doesn't eat raw and hasn't in the 7 years we've had him. When he gets my roommate's dog's bones, though, he will chew until his gums bleed. That's why I have some concerns....


    If Robin loves bones he will certainly like eating the turkey necks ;)

    Yes first times giving them are a scary experience for the grey owner, but it will go fine :colgate yes Robin will swallow piece that seems big to you but dont worry, he chew them good and it's all digestible in a dog stomac :blush

    Otis loves turkey and capon necks.

  8. I ussually feed chicken leg or necks for breakfast and the evening meal is grounded chicken (cacasses, I buy them at my butcher, they ground them up and freeze them in blocks) with giblets (1/4 cup mix of: chicken hearts, beef liver, chicken gizards, pork hearts) plus yogourt, egg, salmon oil and tree-four times a week I add veggies.

  9. thanks Sandra!

    we will start brushing Otis teeth ;)


    I started giving Otis capon necks and chicken legs last week-end, he loves it! crouch crouch crouch and they are all gone ;)

    I want to add new protein source since chicken is doing good...

    what else can I try first?

  10. (I could have post in health but it's relative to food too :unsure )


    Otis is on raw (mainly chicken, slowly adding other protein). He is an energetic almost 3 years old grey and he loves to go on walks. I usually walk 30 minutes in the morning and 1 hour and + in the evening. When on walk, the first 2 poops are great, well form and good texture (texture of a raw feed dog). But after it gets not to great.. the third and forth poop are not pickable and really soft-liquid... those occur after 30-45 minutes of walk...

    should I worry or is this normal?

    (dont have any experience since previous greyhound did not like to walk for long period of time ;) )

  11. I started Otis on raw on his firt day home and everything is doing perfectly! He loves it! My previous grey Tuffy was not really a chewer, he was really picky on everything.. but Otis is a true carnivor ;)


    wanted to know what I could give Otis to help his bad breath... His teeth are ok, no bad teeth and were cleaned when he was neutered 1 1/2 month ago, before adoption...

  12. Otis is adapting to his new life in our home for nearly 2 weeks now, his personnality is coming out each day and he his quite a outgoing greyhound (DH is happy to have a "dog" :lol )


    and he is vocal.


    Barks when excited and when he plays... barks at squirrels, cats, small dogs...


    For now we found this intriging and kind of "fun"... be we want to keep this in control... good thing we are owners and not tennants.


    what's you experiences with vocal greys?

  13. some updates


    Otis is a little less excited during is window watching.

    He pass his first night alone with Elliot on the first floor yesterday (our bedroom is downstairs and DH was bringning Otis down each nights, the staircase is incline and dangerous). It went well, Otis wake up 2 times (midnight and 2am), got up and walk around, a little whinning (30secs) and got back to his bed... :)


    but i,M still crating during the day. This morning I gived him a kong in his crate before leaving for work... he never saw that I had close the crate door and left...too accupied with the kong ;)


    next week-end we will start letting him out of the crate during the day (leaving a little and come back). I'll install my video camera to see what he does...


  14. thanks for your advices!


    yes smart and high energy I will say I have kind of a hand full :lol

    well DH is really happy having a grey that acts more like a dog :rolleyes:


    I tried shutting the blinds but it did nothing, Otis put his head beetween 2... :angry:


    tried putting something infront will be difficult.. something high enought he wont pass over it and around it...


    I started the water spray 2 times this after-noon and it works, he got distracted and return to his bed... :colgate


    yes I'm planning to take long walks with him when the temperatures will be more tolerable (105F today).


    Otis loves food so I think he will be easy to train with treats.. we are working on learning his name and sit. Tuffy learn the sit real fast and I think Otis will do the same too

    I'm planning to gave him a kong when I'll start leaving him alone crate open :colgate

  15. need some help with Otis "dog behavior" lol

    from all the greys I met and dogy-sit this boy does not act like any grey I met!


    Otisis a nearly 3 year old (august 5th), bright ang intelligent male, he arrived 1 week ago from the tracks. He did 13 races total. high energy, nothing scares him! in learned doing stairs in 4 days!!! :blink:


    this mkorning during the walk he got all exited about squirrels, he fixe and whnnes like usual but this morning he started barking at them! 6am on a sunday morning! :huh but we will work on that...


    Here' my main behavior concern:

    He is obsess to see what's going on outside the house, from windows, patio doors or front door... living in a 4plex buildng there's a balcony in the front of the house, so many times a day tenants pass on it... and the side-walk and street is at about less then 15 feet from the window so lot of things to see and watch... Otis stands there and watch... If he could only do that silenlty and calmely... no.. he is whinning and get excited (some time he puth is font paw on the door or on the side of the window, I'm scared he will get injured)

    I've tried many times to shush him out, get him out of the window or dor but he is really stubburn!


    for next week he will stay in his cage for sure duing work time (like the pass week)... I wanted to start letting him loose alone during the day but I'm affraid...


    we would appreciate tips and help to stop or get this "watching-winning-exited-window-door-looking" behavior under control




    otherwise things are doing good, he does the front an backyard stairs by himself, never had pee or poop accident in he house, never growl or bark at Elliot (andother grey I'm dogy-sitting).

    yesterday we were all out in the yard and Otis lay on his side in grass, he started robing himself in the grass and rolled over a fiew times.. so funny! no roach but it was cute! :)

  16. thanks!


    everything is doing so good!

    This morning Otis wanted to fallow DH upstairs when he went for his shower (our bedroom is in the basement and we take him downstairs at night) and he walk up 1/2 the staircase by himself!!! in the midlle he stop, he forgot how to put his back legs up :lol was stretching on 4 steps :lol I got up after him and put one back paw on the next step and up he went



    one thing for sure tis is not affaid of a lot of things... He walks all over the house and would like to go up the couch (for now it's not allowed) :devil


    No accident in the house :clap


    Today is the first all day alone (in the cage, with Eliot in the house)

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