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Everything posted by calif_chaz

  1. I'm just curious where you heard they had to amputate a toe In one of the articles on it, I think it was from Stackhouse (am I remembering that name correctly?) They ruled it out just from the cytology exam. The vet read the report to me and said no evidence of pemphigus, autoimmune, etc. Sam's nails were very long and thick as well. I just don't know if we have put this to rest yet. I may be getting a second opinion down the line.
  2. anyone ever had this experience? took Sam in because of hollow, nasty looking nails and expecting pemphigus maybe. they sent out to pathology and the report came back no pemphigus or immune, just a bacterial infection. Now I have read this is a very difficult diagnosis to nail down without an amputation of a toe (which I would not do) plus I am puzzled as to how he could have this infection in 2/3 or 3/4 of his nails. He is only in our yard and walked in our community so not going through strange "stuff". He is on doxicycline and pred in reducing amounts for the next few weeks. anyone have any input here? I like my vet a lot but I have lingering doubts on this conclusion. Thanks!
  3. Sam is licking his hind foot a lot since having a couple of nails trimmed. It was a very minimal trimming of two of the nails and in no way should have bothered him. However, I looked at his nails and they look so weird~hollow almost I would say, and you can see the (i think) quick inside. this is looking at them from the bottom. this is also the foot he has a history of corns on so does limp and wears a therapaw on walks. Now I am wondering if the limp is from some kind of nail problem?? I would really appreciate any help. My other grey's nails do not look like this at all. Thanks!
  4. Someone told me once that if there is something that was good and wonderful in your life and important to you , then it would be in heaven with you. I for one am counting on a great reunion with my goldie who we lost 5 years ago and eventually these hounds when they too leave us. To see them all run again full of youth and strength will be the most beautiful thing.
  5. Maggie dislocated her outside toe on hind foot. She was really bad about tolerating splint or soft wrap and we ended up using a therapaw and leash walking at the times she normally runs like a maniac. Worked out fine.
  6. After finding out Sam had corns on one foot earlier this year (as opposed to all the other things considered) we have gone with the duct tape and therapaws. I don't know exactly what the tape does (very small circles cut out with a hole punch is what we apply to corn areas) but eventually the corns went away. The therapaws are the best thing! They keep him comfortable and able to go on his walks. Now we have learned that when he begins to lag behind regularly on a walk, even tho no limp yet, there are corns coming on. he now has them back on two feet but is still his old self and comfortable and going on his walks. I cannot say enough good about the therapaws.
  7. Maggie dislocated her hind foot outer toe this fall too. Tried the splint which did not work well for her~pressure sore in one day so vet took it off. Then tried the soft wrap which drove her crazy~she was gnawing at it so I took it off within a day and again another pressure sore. this was not going to work for Maggie. So I leash walked her even in the house at meal time when she goes crazy running all over, leash walked her out to potty, and put a thera paw boot on her injured foot. She also is a very high energy hound so we began walking her short distances and gradually worked up. Always with the therapaw boot on when on the walks or car rides so she didn't tweak it. Long story short, the toe healed up just fine in several weeks and has not been an issue since. The splints and soft wraps are fine but they just weren't going to work for Maggie and I was very concerned over the pressure sores that seem so common with these cases.
  8. this was for a badly dislocated toe~~she slid into a dog bed going full speed. well, this early morning I noticed she was starting to limp so I called and got her an appt for 4 this afternoon. I was really on the alert for pressure sores starting up. So, sure enough, she already had two in just the 48 hours. the toe is looking great, she is walking fine, so vets concluded the splint is going to cause more harm than good. so no splint now but really restricted activity. I can deal with that and she is being cooperative. So again, kudoes (sp??) to greytalk people for having me on the lookout for a problem that would have been so much worse by the end of the week! It is my other hound with the corns which by the way are responding to the duck tape. strange but good.
  9. It is enclosed with a hard end for clomping around. She gets re-checked Thurs and in the meantime I am concerned with any pressure sores, etc going on in there. I am wondering if a thera-paw boot would still work as well with keeping the toe protected and less chance of problems.
  10. Of course on a Sunday I have a question and no vet until tomorrow. Anyway, how dry do they mean to keep a short splint on hind leg? Is it ok to let her walk through the wet grass? She has to be leash walked for potty breaks and so far is holding out! Wonder how long she will make it??
  11. Three vet visits, 2 sets of clean x-rays, supplements, weeks of rimadyl, vet suggestion we try exploratory arthoscopic on leg (knee) joint~~~diagnosis of corns by owner, with huge help from walking group leader, and input from greytalk. Sam had gotten very down, depressed, staying in bedroom a lot, etc. Now we have our old Sam back with the help of thera-paw boot and corn treatment. Go with your gut feeling, get lots and lots of input and god bless the internet!!
  12. My husband took Sam to our greyhound walking group leader yesterday evening for an opinion. She is very greyhound savvy and even said one of hers some time ago had a corn problem. And so there we have the definite opinion~~Sam has 2 corns. No wonder the poor guy has been so uncomfortable with his foot down!! He has a vet appt tomorrow am and will take copies of the info I now have on corns, a website in VA where they do a lot of the, etc. We will try treating it at home with one of the home remedies which has good success. Not sure I want a vet digging a corn out for the first time on Sam! Anyway, I am so relieved, happy, etc and no more x-rays or even arthoscopic exploration on a knee joint. Also just received my order from thera-paws and he wore his new boot on the sore foot today and had a wonderful walk with no limp!! Hooray!!
  13. I am almost positive my hound has a corn. This is all new to us and I really need to find a vet who is familiar with this and has some experience with it. Anywhere in DE, or even eastern shore MD would be fine. My current vet has not even brought up the thought of corn or foot problem so would like to see someone else for an opinion. I could be wrong but I am hoping this is the root of all the problem we have been dealing with for some months now. Vet is mystified. Thanks!
  14. Our golden retriever had it the last few years of his life. It progressed from the knuckling under to very little rear end strength, passing stools unaware in his sleep, and sometimes toward the end incontinent. We kept him going as long as we felt he was ok with it but at age 14 we had to make the hard decision to let him cross the bridge. One thing we got that helped with support was one of those good sized canvas slings for carrying wood into your house. it was very inexpensive and held up this 110 lb dog great. I feel for you because it was so heartbreaking to watch this dog who we loved to watch run and leap through snow drifts become so disabled. But he loved us and we lloved him all the way to the end.
  15. calif_chaz

    Chief Adam

    Becky~ I am so sorry for your loss of Chief. But I am so glad he had the last phase of his life with you and built wonderful memories together. Joy and Charlie Sam (York) and Maggie (Blue)
  16. As always you GT gang have given me a lot of good advice! Thanks so much for all the information that will give me some options after talking again with my vet! Thanks!!
  17. Does anyone know the best place to ger (or order) rimadyl? I have the prescription from our vet and since it will be a long term thing I would like to get the best price on it. Thanks for any input!
  18. Thanks to all of you for your input! You have definitely given me some options! Sam is a very special guy and we want to do the best for him.
  19. Does anyone have problems of hound having loose poops when on glucosamine supplements? I have tried both the chewables and human pill forms and always seems to have this reaction in Sam. He does have a "touchy system" so I never vary from his usual food. but I am wondering if anyone else has had this happen. I really hate to take him off it ( limp on hind leg but clear x-rays) but don't like what it does to him.
  20. Can't remember brand or anything about the dental chews my vet suggested for my hounds but we opted not to use them because they contain some pork product and one of ours has a VERY sensitive digestive system and did not want to take a chance. The only meat or meat product he ever gets is boiled chicken and I would be afaid to even walk past him with pork! haha! i know who would pay for that. sigh.
  21. What a huge loss to the greyhound community, the hounds he loved, and most of all, Marilyn. I have so much respect for all that Bob and Marilyn have done for these greys. We are fortunate enough to have two fantastic hounds sharing our lives and Bob and Marilyn made that possible. What a reunion at that bridge!
  22. Pre-greyhound, we had a goldie for 14 wonderful years. We brought his ashes home with the full intention of scattering them on the beach of the Outer Banks where we had enjoyed several vacations with him. When the time came however, my husband and I looked at each other and knew we had to bring him home with us like always. He sits by his picture now, a great one of him with his always present T-ball. He taught us to love dogs totally and with great rewards and because of him we share our lives with two wonderful greyhounds.
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