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Posts posted by Sirocco_Nikki

  1. Red dog, run fast and free with Zoe at the bridge. Also, please send your family and Prissy a sign soon that you both are ok. But, don't be surprised if it takes the bi-peds in your family a while to recognize the sign. So, make it a REALLY good one.

  2. A friend's previous vet recommended heartworm preventative only from March through November. When she took her dogs for heartworm checks, one of her dogs was positive. We had a freak superwarm spell in January that allowed mosquitos to hatch. One little pill for 3 extra months would have prevented a lot of unnecessary misery and expense. Needless to say, she now has a different vet and keeps her pups on preventative year-round. btw-we both use interceptor.

  3. I am very sorry for your loss. I hope Cooper soon sends you a sign that he is ok. Although, sometimes I wonder just how gone they really are. It used to take me by surprise when either Sirocco or Nikki would suddenly pick up characteristics & habits of Polly & Chester. How else to explain a greyhound suddenly acting like a brittany spaniel. :angelwings

  4. She was a little beauty! I hope you get the answers you need to help heal. A friend recently lost one of her greys the same way. I had just seen them the night before and the little sweetie was her normal happy bouncy self. It was such an unbelievable shock that I didn't know if I felt more devastated that she was gone or relieved that she never suffered.

  5. I have never taken any of my pups to Banfield. We have taken our pups to see Dr Sheff for the past 20 years. As long as we have dogs and he cares for dogs, that is where we will go. However, a friend of mine used to take her dogs to Banfield because she thought it would be cheaper. We compared exam and vaccine costs one day. Dr. Sheff was 1/2 the cost of Banfield. He also had a much better rapport with her terrified basset hound.

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