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Everything posted by plepkowski

  1. Hi Laurie & Dennis & Callie! I'm in Fishkill Plains near the VanWyck middle school. Give me a ring or stop by, I'm in the phone book. Paul Lepkowski
  2. It's happy tail and he will keep whacking it against things and opening the wound back up. About a 1 foot length of pipe insulation keeps it cushioned and reduces the wagging speed and repition rate. Let it extend a couple of inches beyond the end of the tail. This stuff comes in four foot lengths and various diameters to fit 3/8 inch to 1 1/4 inch copper pipe. Buy an assortment of diameters.
  3. About a 1 foot length of pipe insulation keeps it cushioned and reduces the wagging speed and repition rate. Let it extend a couple of inches beyond the end of the tail. This stuff comes in four foot lengths and various diameters to fit 3/8 inch to 1 1/4 inch copper pipe. Buy an assortment of diameters.
  4. Michele, I'm sorry to hear about Cocktail. What vet are you using? Is Cocktail back home? How old is she?
  5. I wonder if Bill or Elmo would like some Spam for dinner? Just another random thought.......
  6. It's good to see you here Bob!
  7. Run free sweet Donnie. My sympathies Bob.
  8. Pet her lots. Introduce her to the greyhound in the mirror. Pet her some more. Watch her refuse the crate and take refuge in the knee hole of a desk instead. Pet her some more. Touch her when she's sleeping and see if she can jump fast enough to bite your hand. Resolve to not do that again. Introduce her to windows by taking her head in your hands and pressing her nose against the glass. Clean the first nose print off the glass. Get some masking tape and tape big X's across the width of your sliding glass doors. Turn her out in the yard every two hours. Your yard is fenced, isn't it? Follow her around and watch her learn about the real world. Lift her off the kitchen counter just before she grabs the roast cooling there. Resolve to find another place to cool roasts. Collapse from exhaustion after all the petting, following, and laughing. Then go out and bring home a second greyhound to keep her company.
  9. I'm very sorry for your loss, Jay. Thank you for reuniting her with her son. I'm glad she could spend her old age with good friends! Run free sweet Pretty.
  10. I think that all of the members should send each spammer about 20 emails every day!!
  11. I posted this five years ago today. Sweet Happy, you are still in my heart and thoughts. Happy, aka "Slick's Brindle", was born on 4/14/89 and died on 10/16/01. He was 12 years 6 months and 2 days old. He was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in the humerus of the left front leg on 3/21/01. That leg was amputated on 3/22/01. The amputation was followed by 3 chemo-therapy treatments with carboplatin. His lungs were still clear on 7/2/01, but on 9/2/01 tumors were found in his lungs and his right rear leg. No further treatment was possible. Happy was the sweetest, most courageous dog I've ever known, and I've known a lot of dogs. I trained 962 guide dogs half a century ago. I'm really going to miss him.
  12. Lightining fast here! Thanks! Are we still in Texas?
  13. I'd be glad to if you're in western MA. I'm in Wappingers Falls, NY, south of Poughkeepsie. When you use Irfanview the only precaution is to not overwrite the high resolution file. The safest way is to put all the files from your camera in one directory (say BIG) and make sure that Irfanview writes the shrunken file to another directory (say SHRUNK). Here are step by step directions for shrinking one file at a time. Load an image into Irfanview. Select Image/Resize and note the size of the original image (maybe 1200 x 1600 pixels). Then type 400 in the width or height box which contains the larger original pixel count (1600 in this example). The number in the other box for height or width will be recomputed to be 300 in this example. Then click OK and the photo will be shrunken. Then select File/Save As (carefull, don't select Save) and change the directory to the SHRUNK directory In the sample I just dig this to the file shrunk from 745,000 bytes to 25,400 bytes. Now you can try to upload the shrunken file to Greytalk. If it's still too big go back to the start and shrink it to less than 400 pixels on the large dimension. Irfanview will also do batch conversions. That is it will resize many files at one time very quickly. Here are the step by step directions. Start Irfanview and load (File/Open) the first file. Then select FILE/BATCH CONVERSION. A new window opens. In the upper right panel navigate to your BIG file directory and highlight all the files. Then click on the ADD button and all your filenames should appear in the left window. Then set the OUTPUT DIRECTORY to your SHRUNK directory using browse if necessary. Under WORK AS: click on BATCH CONVERSION. Under BATCH CONVERSION SETTINGS: click on USE ADVANCED OPTIONS and on SET ADVANCED OPTIONS. A second window opens. Click on RESIZE, SET LONG SIDE TO, and type 400 in the box. Make sure pixels is checked. Then click on PRESERVE ASPECT RATIO, USE RESAMPLE FUNCTION, and DON'T ENLARGE SMALLER IMAGES. Then click OK. The second window closes. Now click on START and watch it go! Click on Exit when it finishes. To check your work you can select FILE/OPEN, nevigate to your SHRUNK directory, click PREVIEW ACTIVE, and move the highlight through all the file names. The preview window will show you the picture and next to it will be displayed the Width, Height, and File size. Paul Lepkowski PWP Bprt, MPWA
  14. I had access problems yesterday about 4pm. I couldn't get in and gave up after 10 minutes. Paul
  15. This is a great idea! If you need a quick and easy way to communicate you are welcome to subscribe and post to the list serve mail list that Ellen Schneiderman and I own, The Greeyhound Rescue List. It is a low volume list read by most of the primary people in the adoption groups. You join by sending an e-mail to LISTSERV@APPLE.EASE.LSOFT.COM In the message area type SUBSCRIBE GHRESCUE-L <YOUR NAME> All messages will then be echoed to the e-mail address you sent the subscribe message from. This is normally a moderated list, but if you send me an e-mail message telling me the name under which you subscribed I will set any DVM subscriber to a no moderation status which will provide you with instant distribution of your messages. Apple provides this list server to adoption charities at no cost. They may provide you with a separate list if you find that the Rescue List works well for you. Additionally, Jeff, the webmaster here at Greytalk, might be able to provide you with either a forum on this board, or maybe your own private board for little or no cost. You can PM him through this board. Paul Lepkowski MPWA & PWP Bprt
  16. Jeff, I'm very sorry you lost Lexie.
  17. A chemist, Paul Krebaum of Molex Inc., whose research involves working with thiois - those nasty-smelling chemicals typical of degrading proteins - and skunk spray, has found that the thiois can be changed to non-smelly products by an oxidation process. He became involved with the skunk problem as a result of a colleague and his pet cat. Krebaum knew skunk spray was made of thiois and suggested a variation of the formula he used for getting rid of thiois in the lab. The formula breaks up the oils in the skunk spray and allows the other ingredients in the solution to do their stuff. The solution should be rinsed off the pet with tap water. The formulation defies normal marketing techniques as the chemicals become unstable when mixed and release oxygen in such quantity that a container or bottle would be ruptured. As a result of these marketing packaging difficulties, Krebaum decided to make this bit of information a "free gift to humanity." In October of 1993, Chemical and Engineering News published Krebaum's formula. The formula: One quart of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide 1/4 cup baking soda One teaspoon liquid soap Apply and rinse off with water. One reader was interested but skeptical and decided to try it before recommending it. By luck he found a road-kill skunk, carefully wrapped it inside two plastic bags and put it in the trunk. Back in the office he made up the solution. The whole time his eyes were watering as he had never been this close to a skunk in his life. He dunked the skunk in the bucket and immediately the smell went away. He was amazed and impressed.
  18. OK, now that Dennis has had his say there's nothing left for the rest of us to say.
  19. plepkowski


    I'm so sorry to hear about Chico, Ann. You did your best for him. Godspeed Chico. Paul Lepkowski PWP Bprt, MPWA
  20. Godspeed Truman. You left so suddenly that Donna didn't have a chance to say goodbye.
  21. Godspeed sweet Ailish. Say hello to Happy.
  22. Chelsie was a brood bitch until 5 years ago when Donna Strawbridge got her from an Oklahoma farm and flew her to Stillwater, NY, where she was adopted by Liz Hurd, a founder of Fastrack Greyhound Adoption and a president of Greyhound Rescue of NY. Liz was diagnosed with colon cancer two years ago and passed away last March. Chelsie then was adopted by Linda H and moved to New Hampshire last March. Last Saturday was the annual picnic for the Pro-Grey Alliance, which was held in Lancaster, PA this year. Linda drove down from NH with Chelsie and Willie (3 yo), Donna flew in from Chicago, and I drove down from LI. We all had a nice reunion. Chelsie recognized us and seemed in perfect health and good spirits. She had fun meeting the other 15 hounds there and went for a swim in a pool. Linda drove back to NH, and on Tuesday Chelsie broke a leg. The x-rays showed a hairline fracture but there was also massive osteosarcoma which was also visible on chest x-rays in her lungs. Chelsie left us for the bridge last night. She was 12 years old. I will try to post a photo in the cute & funny section. Godspeed sweet girl.
  23. plepkowski


    Gale and Chris, Sonja and I are so sorry to hear this about Griffin. Hang in there.
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