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Everything posted by bjnno1

  1. I am so sorry but I agree.. you did the right thing..
  2. What a beautiful collar on a beautiful houndie
  3. It IS a sweet picture isn't it??? I'm gonna have to print copies of that one!!!
  4. Yep, autographed too!!! He's the bestest supervisor Black Jack's eyeballs crack me up in these pictures :rofl
  5. VERY COOL GIFTS!!!! What??? I wanna see!!! WOW OH WOW!!! LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!! Maj LOVES all his prezzies too!!!
  6. Thanks auntie Jenn OOOH NEW COLLARS Easy.. I'm on pain meds... gimme some time woman
  7. AGAIN... THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH When I feel up to it, I'll take some pics of them with their matching snowflake collars They look AWESOME on them!!! Really?? off to look...
  8. Maj says.... Continue with the gifts.. ya'll are doing a good job!! CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP!!! Maj FINALLY gets in on the excitment Annnndddddddd... he's done oooh new collars
  9. Major is supervising everything Hey lady... I saw the size of that box.. quit holdin' out on me.. I know there is more in there!!! ARRGG!! I'LL GET YOU MR STUFFIE!!! CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP!!! Maj can barely contain himself from all the excitment MUST CHOMP HEDGEHOGGIE!!!
  10. She should know.. she was there as a witness
  11. Why did they return it?? They didn't return it. They haven't said anything about it. hmmm... maybe they are out of town My package came the other day and I was in Chicago all weekend and didn't get it until I got home last night (my dad got it off the front porch and put it in my house). I didn't acknowledge that I got it until this morning. Be patient grasshopper!!!
  12. Maj just brough Mr. Football guy upstairs :rofl They are making their way up here one by one
  13. My dad went to all three in 1973 and actually got to hold Secretariat's lead after he won the Belmont (he has a picture of it) Talk about a lucky dog!!!! He said all of the press was hovering over Penny Chennery (sp?) and that Shakes (I think that was his groom's name) was walking Secretariat and smoking a cigarette, my dad said he walked over and told Shakes to go take a break and enjoy his smoke and that he would hold Secretariat for him and he actually let him!!! Major just brought Mrs. Hedgehoggie upstairs too I guess he didn't want Mr. Hedgehoggie to be lonely hee hee hee Sweats.. his name was Sweats.. I just googled it
  14. Maybe I'll make it back up there again one of these days and you can go to the Preakness with ME!! (this year is OUT unless I win the lottery) :lol but I'd love to go again one year and I'm quite sure Mrs. Carden would JUMP at the chance to join us. I've still never made it to Belmont That's what I ought to do when I turn 40 (2010) is [A] Go to The Price is Right and Go see all of the Triple Crown Races hmmm... I like the sound of that
  15. Major thought Mr. Hedgehoggie needed to be upstairs with us so he brought him up here and dropped him on the floor I need unpack my camera from my suitcase!!!!!
  16. I've never been to Laurel, but remember riding past it a few times on the train (My sister used to live in Columbia MD) and we went to the Preakness when Silver Charm won I also went with my husband (now EX Husband) when Funny Cide won. I LOVE the drink they serve (Black Eyed Susan) much better than our yucky ol' Mint Julep *barf*
  17. I know, I can't wait to see the pics either. Black Jack was so darned funny :lol I noticed that the t-shirt was 2008 and pointed that out to Jenn
  18. OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!! Can I just say.... WOW!!!!! Thank you SOOOOOOOOOOOOO Much for EVERYTHING I am soooo touched by EVERYTHING you gave to me and the boys (and Pansy Jane)!!! You put so much thought and love into your gifts, words are not enough to express how thankful we are We loved EVERYTHING (and I mean EVERYTHING!!!! ) Auntie Jenn was here and took SEVERAL pictures of us opening our gifts, (she just left to head back to Jacksonville so we'll probably have to wait a couple of days for her to post the pics) Black Jack was sooooo excited, he was hilarious to watch playing with each and every stuffie making sure they all squeeked (and they did) While Maj watched from his throne (the recliner) Maj finally jumped down to join in the excitment and chomped on Mr. Football Guy Mr & Mrs Hedgie were the crowd favorites and were chomped on throughout the night (and the morning) The Calander, Preakness T-shirt (LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!), Gift cards and one of my faves... The Engagement Calendar We had a ball reading through that last night Again... I can not express enough how much I appreciate your kindness THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!
  19. bjnno1


    11:00 a.m. EST
  20. bjnno1


    I FOUND IT!!!! I FOUND IT!!!! Post # 165 http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showto...gger&st=160
  21. bjnno1


    Crap, you made me cry all over again!!!
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