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Posts posted by bjnno1

  1. Hey.. just wanted to pop in real quick and let you guys know how grateful I am for your support :grouphug I haven't had a chance to read the thread yet, I've been without power for 6 days thanks to IKE <_< (Click on the link in my siggie for the scoop)


    I promise as soon as I get my power back, I'll read every one of your posts and PM's!!!!


    Thanks again,



  2. I'm so, so sorry. As a preadopting 'mom' myself, this is my worst fear.

    :grouphug I hope this doesn't discourage you from pre-adopting!! :hope It was an accident and it could have happened at anytime. Sometimes things like this just happen. :sad1 as unfortunate as they are, it was just bad timing, could have happened anywhere. I think the benefits and the joys of being able to watch them grow up and knowing that they are being cared for and loved with the FTH program are well worth the risk. Look at all of the success stories out there and how happy this program has made so many people. :) Yep.. definitly think it's worth it :nod



    BJ, thank you for saying this. My heart hurts so much when something happens to any of the dogs, but it was a lot easier before FTH when only Bill and I had to be sad. Now more people get hurt, and I was starting to feel like this wasn't a good idea anymore.


    Pansy Jane will be very missed, but reading your posts about all the mama dogs up there to take care of her is a comforting thought.

    You were loved, sweet Pansy Jane. I'm so sorry, BJ.



    Oh God No!!! PLEASE don't ever feel like FTH is not a good idea. It's a WONDERFUL idea, and you guys go above and beyond to make sure that it's Top Notch!!!! :nod The rewards FAR outweigh the risks (which look at the statistics.. the risks are very small compared to the rewards) :)


    I know this sounds corny, but listen to Garth Brooks song "The Dance" (sometimes for me, it's easier to relate to a song than to put into words what I'm trying to say) :)



    Looking back on the memory of

    The dance we shared beneath the stars above

    For a moment all the world was right

    How could I have known you'd ever say goodbye

    And now I'm glad I didn't know

    The way it all would end the way it all would go

    Our lives are better left to chance I could have missed the pain

    But I'd of had to miss the dance

    Holding you I held everything

    For a moment wasn't I the king

    But if I'd only known how the king would fall

    Hey who's to say you know I might have changed it all

    And now I'm glad I didn't know

    The way it all would end the way it all would go

    Our lives are better left to chance I could have missed the pain

    But I'd of had to miss the dance

    Yes my life is better left to chance

    I could have missed the pain but I'd of had to miss the dance




    Trust me... the risk is worth it!!! :grouphug





  3. OH NO! BJ...I am so sorry. She was a beautiful little girl..... :f_pink


    Beautiful story of how she got her name. Are your grandmothers still around to know how they were honored?


    My dad's mom died when I was a baby, but my mom's mom (Maw Maw) is still here. :) I haven't told her yet either :sad1


    Getting the phone call, and making the phone call to BJ was one of the hardest things ever. :cry1



    God speed Pansy Jane. Look over your sisters OK? :kiss2






  4. Oh. my. god.


    Oh my heart is broken with you. So so so unfair. Poor little girlie.


    My mama Alimony... I just burst into tears looking at her. In a way, I'm glad she doesn't know...


    :grouphug I know this has to be hard on you too. Give Alimony some hugs and scritches for me. :)


    I'm so, so sorry. As a preadopting 'mom' myself, this is my worst fear.

    :grouphug I hope this doesn't discourage you from pre-adopting!! :hope It was an accident and it could have happened at anytime. Sometimes things like this just happen. :sad1 as unfortunate as they are, it was just bad timing, could have happened anywhere. I think the benefits and the joys of being able to watch them grow up and knowing that they are being cared for and loved with the FTH program are well worth the risk. Look at all of the success stories out there and how happy this program has made so many people. :) Yep.. definitly think it's worth it :nod

  5. Run free at the bridge little special girl. :sad1



    As most of you know, last October Cathie and Jenn posted some pictures of some little black Trent Lee puppers and there was one in particular that I fell in love with on the spot. This picture below just stuck in my mind.





    In November, I finally had the chance to meet this little girl and fell head over heels on the spot.









    In December, I contacted Jenn and Cathie about pre-adopting her through the FTH program. We ran into a little road block... She wasn't one of Cathie and Bills hounds and they couldn't guarantee that I'd be able to adopt her. :(


    So I thought about it, and thought about it and thought about it... I just HAD to have this girl. I finally asked what if I bought her??? Well Greyhound puppies (and all that goes along with it) were definitly not in my budget. We talked about all the details and I wasn't going to be able to afford her by myself, so Cathie decided to ask one of their best owners if he would consider going in partners with me. He agreed. So a partnership was formed and I became not only her pre-adoptor, but co-owner of her as well. I was so excited and even sent out baby announcements.




    I decided upon the name of FTH Pansy Jane because her sister was already named Flower and I wanted something to go along with that. As I was laying in bed one morning it came to me. My grandma (dad's mom) her nickname was Pansy (a name of a flower) and my other grandma (my mom's mom) her middle name is Jane. So the name Pansy Jane came to be. My partner wasn't crazy about the name, but after I told him about my grandma's and wanting to name her after them, he was all for it.


    Cathy and Jenn were awesome about sending me pictures and stories and just showering my little girl with love while I couldn't be there. She was still in Jacksonville on the farm being a puppy, while I was here in Louisville, admiring her from afar.


    Well back in early spring, as some of you know.. my boiler system decided to die on me. Long story short, it couldn't be fixed and now I'm going to have to have to have a new furnace system installed (along with duct work) into my house. Then it got hot.. my A/C window unit died so I had to buy a new one. As luck would have it... Major and Black Jack decided they needed to start limping so several vet visits and hundreds of dollars later... they were just faking it. <_< (not really Thank God they are doing fine but just showing the signs of age and arthritis).


    Pansy Jane's birthday was approaching and I knew that she would soon start training for racing and there are also license fees that I would have to pay in order for her to race. With all of the financial "stuff" that fell into my lap over the past couple of months and my savings account wiped out, I simply did not have the money to be able to afford any of that, in fact, I still haven't paid off the loan I took in order to purchase her to begin with (final payment is next month).


    So I made the hard decision of contacting my partner and told him about my finances and asked him if he would be interested in buying me out of my partnership. I told him that I still wanted to adopt Pansy Jane when she retired and he agreed. While it broke my heart, I had to do what I had to do. I gave up my "ownership" of her and sold him my share. I still haven't told my neices, they were so excited when I told them about Pansy Jane at Christmas. They even have framed pictures of her in their bedrooms. I don't know how I'm going to tell them the news of her passing, it's going to break their little hearts.


    Tuesday afternoon, I got a call from Jenn. Pansy Jane was running and fell and broke her leg. The break was very very bad and they did everything they could, but she didn't make it. :(


    So please say a prayer for Pansy Jane. I know she's running at the bridge, pain free. :gh_run2


    Please also say a prayer for Cathie, Jenn and everyone involved with B&J Kennels. They loved this little girl so much (as they do all of their hounds) and I know this is breaking their hearts. :grouphug


    I want to thank you guys for taking care and loving my little girl. I will always be grateful.



    Run Free little girl... you will always be in my heart.



  6. Here are some pictures of my back yard (well, and the doggies) :P


    Not sure if you can tell or not but the greyhounds are only in the chain link fenced area, my property goes all the way back to the white picked fence in the back ground. I could fit about 5 of the chain linked fenced areas into the remainder of my yard. For what ever reason.. these stoopid wasps like to live IN the chain linked area (they don't live in the back part) :angry: Maybe they like greyhound pee :dunno anyhoo.... here are some pics so you can kind of get an idea of what I'm up against.








    these were taken when I was standing up against the white fence at the back of my property (where the bees don't live) <_<









    ANYHOO.... Not sure if it was the Sevin Dust or because it was cloudy this morning but the bee population has DRASTICALLY went down in size :yay I only saw 4 (yes only 4) this morning and I zapped them with the raid :evil


    Then about 10:00 a.m. it POURED for about an hour..


    got home this evening and there were a couple more bees flying around (there aren't as many in the evening so not sure if this is an accurate population count)


    sooooooooooo... do I need to reapply??? :dunno

  7. Yeah, I've been out there every morning spraying them down and dug up a few holes, filled with wasp spray and refilled back in with Scotts top soil and grass seed and have been watering like crazy. Hasn't helped any... they came back :sad1


    Plus at this point, looks like I'd have to dig up my entire yard. There are little holes everywhere (I guess this is where they escape out of when they hatch) but there are only about 5-6 burrows. (the ones that the females dig)


    I think I'm gonna play it safe and take the boys out on leash in the front yard for tonight and depending on the situation in the morning, might let them in the yard.


    Thanks for all the tips/suggestions guys... PLEASE keep them coming if you can think of anything else. I swear, I'm desparate!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Well I've already spent about $100 bucks on Aerosol Wasp Killer the past two weeks, not to mention I've put about $800 into my lawn this year, and countless hours and now it's basically ruined.


    I hired an exterminator the first year I lived here and spent $190 and they basically did nothing.


    This morning there were about 50 of them flying in the back yard (the fenced in part where the boys go to the bathroom)


    I'll take my chances on $12.00 worth of Sevin powder.


    Unless anybody else has any other suggestions on how to get rid of them.. I'm all ears..


    I sent an e-mail to The Orkin Man yesterday and got a response last night.


    Straight from The Orkin Man: ANSWER I don't think there is a way to keep them from returning...no insecticide that provides permanent control. WHR





    My house is on a half acre.. they can fly around the back part of the property all they want, but I DO NOT want them flying/living/burrowing in the fenced in area where the boys go. They are driving me INSANE!!!!!!


  9. Before you make any quick decisions, please go to google and search on sevin and dogs. You may also want to check with a animal hospital or poison center.


    I did that, didn't find anything, that's why I started this post.


    It depends. Is it 5 or 10%, pretty darn safe. 80% sevin dust, not so safe and not allowed to be used in the kennels in my state.


    It's 5%

  10. OK.. the Cicada Killer Wasps are out of control at my house so I put down Sevin powder/dust all over the yard tonight. I can't find ANY information online about this stuff and the package isn't the best at telling me how long before I can let the boys back in the yard.


    Does anybody know?? :dunno


    Sorry if this is the wrong forum, wasn't sure where to post this. I don't want to poison my dogs so figured I'd post it here. :unsure

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