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Posts posted by bjnno1

  1. Well.. that went better than I thought :colgate Somebody said put the cotton ball in his ear afterwards, Thumbs up on that suggestion :lol otherwise I'd need a bath :lol He gave me the ol' stink eye for a few seconds but then I gave him a treat and all is good in the world again :lol Let's see if he still loves me when I do it again in a few hours :unsure

  2. Major's been shaking his head for a couple of days and I noticed some dark ear wax deep in his ear. (He usually doesn't have an ear wax problem and it's usually really light in color) Anyhoo, I've irritated the outer ear trying to look down there with a flashlight and holding his ear open with my fingers also by trying to remove it with my finger.. I know.. bad choice.. but I was able to remove some of it but there is more way down deep.


    Anybody know of any over the counter products to remove ear wax that is deep in the ear? Would rather try something over the counter before taking him to the vet, if it doesn't clear up by this weekend or if it gets worse I'll take him to the vet, but would rather try another remedy first.

  3. Grenies Pill Pockets to the rescue!!!! They worked like a charm!!! A little pricey, but hey, if it gets him to gobble down his medication with no problems, it's worth it!!!




    I'm totally shocked they would have you wait TWO WEEKS on such an issue! We've been through this now (counts...) three or four times (thank you, genetics! We have an entire set of littermates, and five of the nine have broken this same tooth--the fourth premolar, whose roots touch/enter the sinus cavity), and they *always* get us in immediately to section and remove the tooth--like within one or two days. The only time we've had to wait was once over the 4th of July weekend, and once when they couldn't decide if it was an abscessed tooth or a bee sting (in the space of a morning, half of Rusty's head swelled up until he looked like a bull terrier on one side). That swelling *is* infection (although usually the swelling *itself* is simply inflammation from the infection itself; we've never had to wait until pus forms to get treatment!).


    As far as pain goes, we've had different experiences. Rusty's *looked* the very worst, but he never even reacted to it; it was as if he had no clue there was a problem. Jasmine refused to chew on that side of her mouth for at least two months before the abscess formed (we'd had her checked, and our vet couldn't see anything wrong until he got in to do the dental), and Flint was visibly sensitive to the touch when he had it. He'd also exhibited all the symptoms of a pending *ear infection* prior to it happening--head shaking, rubbing his ears on the floor, acting stoopid :rolleyes: So, yes: it can be VERY painful! I bet your vet's never had one himself. ;)


    Please don't talk bad about my vet. I have known him pretty much my whole life and I have the utmost trust in him and his veterinary practice.


    The reason I am waiting is because I gave him aspirin. Aspirin is a blood thinner and I don't want to take a chance that my dog might to bleed to death when he pulls his teeth.


    Trust me, my vet has met me at his office before hours and after hours and goes above and beyond for my critters. He (and his wife) are truly some of the most caring, thoughtful people I have ever met.



  4. Nah, I don't want to give him any other medications other than what his vet prescribed.


    Since it's so close to his eye, he wants me to just leave it alone but I can dab it with a warm cloth a couple of times a day. He said I could use neosporen if I have to, but I'll just wait and see for right now. I don't want him getting it into his eye, ya know.


    LOL BJ I just ordered that chart your vet has, I love it! I have never seen it before, did a google search and found it here:



    It is a little spendy but really neat!


    I hope Black Jack is feeling all better, his little face looks a lot better already.



    Cool!!! :colgate I know it's awesome!! I always stare at it when we are waiting in the exam room.

  5. Let me tell you... Arby's works GREAT for sneaking medicine down them :nod


    I went to Arby's last night and today I took the bread with a small piece of roast beef and wrapped it around the pills and sat them on my plate. When Black Jack walked over and started his usual vulture begging routine... I said.. you wanna bite???? and snuck him the Arby's wrapped pills :evil hee hee hee


    he gulped them down and never gave it another thought that it was really his medicine :colgate Now I'm gonna have to eat Arby's every day for the next week :lol





    It appears that it's starting to heal. :yay



    Here are some pics from Tuesday...



    On the way to the vet's office....





    Waiting in the exam room.....







    and just a few minutes ago...






  6. Thanks guys :) I think a good nights sleep will do us BOTH some good :nod I'm off work tomorrow so the plan :hope is to sleep in!!!!


    BJ, just seeing this thread! Hope the boy is tolerating the meds better now - antibiotics can cause stomach upset.


    So far so good. Gave him this morning's dose about an hour before I left for work and no sickie... Tonights dose is being digested just fine (gave them about 2 hours ago) but the little monster is on to the pill wrapped up in a piece of cheese <_< My cubbards are bare so had to do it the old fashioned way and open and drop. Of course he got a doggie treat afterwards :) Maj didn't have any problem with the drug-less cheese though :lol


    Ran up to the pet store to buy some pill treats but they were already closed so went to Arby's instead :lol Maybe I can sneak tomorrow mornings dose in a roast beef sandwich :lol


    Oh geez! If its not one thing its another for you lately BJ! :grouphug


    Glad you were able to get BlackJack into the vet! I'll be thinking healing thoughts for his choppers!


    Tell me about it. :mellow


    Thanks for the healing thoughts :)





    First :bighug for you and Black Jack!! Then I have to chuckle a little....you have the strangest things happen!


    I swear they need to make a sit-com about my life!!! :rolleyes: or a HORROR story!!!!! :eek




  7. Aw jeeze - that's the last thing you need!


    I'm always really concerned about 'food' stuff in my back yard - mostly because it backs up to an alley and you never know what could be thrown over my fence... (I once found a syringe stuck between the fence post and the garage :eek - luckily there was no needle on it, but still)


    OMG :o That's so scary!!!! Good thing you found it.


    Poor little man...feel better soon sweetie. Hope it was the food that he ate that made him ill and not the meds...The Flashman got violently ill on Cephalexin. Hug Black Jack for me. :grouphug


    Yeah, I think it was the food (I hope) I think he's taken this medication before and did O.K. with it. My vet paperwork is buried in my kitchen right now (Kitchen is under construction) but it looks exactly like what the vet gave him last time.

  8. People suck. Why would someone throw veggie soup into your yard?? Ugh!


    Hope Black Jack feels better soon.



    Thanks :) He's sacked out beside me right now.



    I'm guessing my dad brought it over to the guy who's working on my house for lunch today and the guy didn't like it and threw it out in the yard :angry: I left a note to please not feed the dogs or throw leftovers out in the fenced in part of the yard just incase <_<

  9. How's Black Jack doing today? Prayers for him and tranquilizers for you.


    Do they come in a 6 pack??? :blink: What a day!!!!



    Got off work at 4 (downtown) drove home and picked up Black Jack, took him to the vet (all the way on the other side of town) He's got 2 holes in his mouth and the one hole on the bump on his face that are draining blood and puss :sad1 so he's on Cephalexin 500 mg 2 capsules every 12 hours.


    Blood work January 10th

    Dental and removal of at least 2 teeth on January 15th



    Came home, Major about had a corniary because he missed his (little) big brudder and did zoomies all over the place :colgate Black Jack was glad to see him too :) Had to leave and (once again) go pick out paint for my living room, run to two different pharmacy's because the first one was out of my prescription, and just got home about an hour ago. FINALLY sat down for the first time all day and Black Jack starts yacking up all his food plus tomato's and corn :blink:



    Tomato's and corn???? :huh



    Tomato's and corn :angry:



    Tomato's and corn <_<






    So I go out into the back yard with a flashlight and SOMEBODY threw vegetable soup out in my yard (in the fenced in part) Hello....... if you are going to throw something away, PLEASE use the freaking garbage can or at least the other half acre of my yard that's NOT fenced in for the dogs!!!! :angryfire:angryfire



    So, I'm sure none of the antibiotics got into his system because he threw them up about 45 minutes after I gave them to him. Oh well.. will try again in the morning, poor guys' been poked and prodded all day, then has to throw up what some idiot left in my yard.













    BTW... shoulda seen me out there in the dark with a flashlight raking up vegetable soup :angryfire

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