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Everything posted by ZoomDoggy

  1. I forgot to add my endorsement of acupuncture & chiro also, if you've not already tried them. These have helped Chancy, my 12 year old with her back and legs, in addition to meds & supplements.
  2. Oh I truly feel for you. I don't know that I have any great advice, just know that many of us here have walked this path as well. It's always a painful decision. Are you currently giving Ellie any joint-support supplements or pain meds or anti-inflammatories for her arthritis? Maybe at least we can help you think of ways to make her more comfortable...
  3. I still say that your post-surgery corn photo looks exactly like Sissy's did after her corn surgery failed. I would still try the duct tape method before considering amputation. The thing is, you do have to be very patient and persistent wit that method. But it did work for me. I hope your guy finds some relief soon. :
  4. I'm so so sorry. There is never enough time, is there? I wish I could say something to make you feel better... Just please know you're not alone. Treasure every minute you can with your sweet girlie. Spoil her rotten. I promise you won't regret that.
  5. Wow! That looks like it's healing wonderfully! : I didn't see this thread until today, and was very saddened by the "before" pics. Glad she's feeling better!
  6. I'll never forget your beautiful Susie either. I loved all of her stories. She was a lucky little girlie to have found you at last.
  7. Lots of theories as to why they eat grass, but no firm conclusions. The upset tummy theory may be true in some cases, but not all. My Tipper grazes at every opportunity, just because. He doesn't get sick from it either, as some dogs do. I don't think it's harmful, as long as there are no lawn chemicals on the grass.
  8. I'm so very sorry for your loss.
  9. ZoomDoggy


    What a horrible shock! I'm so so very sorry this happened. At the very least, and I know it's little consolation right now, he didn't suffer...
  10. She is GORGEOUS! Well worth the wait, no doubt. Happy to hear things are going very well so far.
  11. She's the blue-est blue brindle I've ever seen! Beautiful! Welcome to Greytalk.
  12. Gorgeous! Looks just like my Tipper-- a few years ago.
  13. Welcome! I coerced a friend into naming her white greyhound Quinn. I just kept singing to her... "When Quinn the Eskimo gets here, everybody's gonna jump for joy..."
  14. I'm so desperately needy, that I'm posting a comment just so I can get the personal affirmation of your approval. Don't let me down, okay?

  15. So are ya gonna approve this comment? Huh? Huh?? Stalkstalkstalk...

  16. Stalkedy-stalk-stalk!!!

    Back atcha! :P

  17. I've only had Chancy since she was ten, and by the time I got her, she already had mild symptoms of LS (shuffling back feet primarily). Occasionally she has "flare ups" usually after overexerting herself. The flare ups consist of periods where the act of lying down and standing up cause her to yelp in pain. This gradually dissipates in a day or two with use of pain meds and acupuncture. I tried six months of chiro, but it didn't seem to do anything for Chancy. I also tried a series of acupuncture treatments which did seem to help somewhat. Currently we are on supplements only: glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM, and fish oil, among other things. I will certainly do the acupuncture again if/when she has another flare up, but mostly she seems to get along very well. My vet said I should limit her running, but walking is very good for her. If Chancy seems to significantly decline, and acupuncture doesn't do the job, I will try the depo medrol shot. I've heard enough positive results from others that I'd give it a try, but only as a last resort. My vet is in agreement about this.
  18. She's doing great! Not a single bump in the road so far. She even tolerated Sid boxing her nose without eating him. This afternoon I was unpacking groceries in the kitchen, and turned to notice that Marla was curled up on the kitchen doorway rug, watching me, in exactly the spot and position that Sissy used to occupy.
  19. Thank you everyone! Marla has blended in here seamlessly. She slept through the night without a fuss, walked with us on our regular morning stroll, ate her food right alongside Tip and Chancy. Yesterday evening, she even played a little with a toy. : I think she's had some obedience training. She definitely knows how to sit on command, and she heels perfectly just at my left. Which is a challenge for me, since I am accustomed to walking all dogs on my right. Yesterday I kept trying to coax Marla to my right to join Tip & Chancy, but she insisted her place was on my left. Today Hubby walked her while I had Tip & Chancy, and she heeled flawlessly... until she spotted a cat in some bushes. Can hardly blame a girl... I think Marla was pretty well loved, as she is the first bounce I've had who came with some possessions. a sweater, toys, bed, even dishes in a home-built-looking raised feeder! That's the update for this morning. Today she'll be alone here muzzld with my gang while we're at work. Hope it goes well! :
  20. Marla came to meet us this morning. She's a nine year old bounce who lost her home due to a death in the family. Kari's right, she is a total sweetheart. Never have I felt such soft fur on a black grey. During the intros in the backyard, Marla trotted right up to my hubby and leaned on him for lovin'. He was immediately smitten. Tip and Chancy were perky and friendly (of course!), so we moved indoors pretty quickly. Marla was curious about Sid the kitten, but was easily distracted away from him. We got a little choked up at first, missing our Sissy princess. We weren't necessarily *needing* a third hound again, but Marla just caught my eye when Kari fostered her. And now that she's here, it just feels right. Marla's only been here a couple hours, but already all three pups are napping away right behind me in the "office beds" like it was meant to be. She has a couple of weird spots on her skin that I certainly want a vet to look at, but otherwise she seems fairly healthy. Marla checks out Sid the kitten: Marla quickly discovered the cushy dog beds in our office: After the dogs settled in, Sid Vicious had his evil way with one of Marla's toys. Welcome home Marla, I think you'll like it here sweetheart. We already adore you!
  21. ZoomDoggy


    He is a stunning and clearly well-loved hound. Thank you for sharing his pictures. I'm so terribly sorry for your loss.
  22. ZoomDoggy

    Ec Lori Ann

    Oh no no no... I'm SO sorry to hear this. My sincerest heartfelt sympathy to you DeVon. You gave that beautiful ol' silver gal a wonderful love-filled life. And I feel blessed to have known her, if only from a distance, through your heartwarming posts here on GT. You are in my thoughts.
  23. My senior girl Chancy ate a whole can of fish flakes shortly after we adopted her. Tip and Sissy never seemed to care about the fish food, so it never occurred to me to put it out of reach. Chancy suffered no ill effects at all. Seemed quite proud of herself actually.
  24. It was in the 20's this am, so I pulled out the heavier winter coats for Tip & Chancy's morning walk. When I held Sissy's coat and saw all the beautiful silver fur still embedded in the fleece lining I just started crying. I used to give her a little hug every time I put that coat on her, making sure it fit just perfectly. She always loved her coats & sweaters because they always meant a walk or car adventure. She would pogo and give me little kisses... I so miss my little princess.
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