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Everything posted by ZoomDoggy

  1. Batteries are restored, order is restored in the world. So as promised, photos! Here's Sid, checking out Dazzle's loot. Soooo many treats, so little time! Thank you RaineysMom for your wonderful generosity! And now, on to the pics you really wanted... Dazzle-toy-time! Gibittoomeee... She played with her fabulous new giant squishy doggy toy with her rumpy up in the air like this for quite some time. Odd girlie. She never did let poor Tipper have a turn at her precious new toy. I'd call this a smashing success! Thank you again, and warmest regards to you and yours!
  2. RaineysMom, This is just the preliminary thank you note, as sadly my camera battery died right as we were opening your gifts. Change battery? No probs! But the backup had died also. The backup's backup was also dead. What are the odds? :blink I will definitely post pics later after the batteries recharge. Dazzle LOVES the giant squishy doggy. I'll try to get a nice one of her with it. And y'all went nutso with the goodies! I think we're set for the rest of winter at least! : Tho it took some convincing that the Andes mints were not for dogs... Both Dazzle and Tipper have pretty orange "Cheeto" smiles right now from sampling the "Pupcorn" Thank you so much for Dazzle's wonderful gifts!
  3. Awww, I'm glad everyone enjoyed everything. I always worry just a little when I get a "multi-hound household," that everyone gets their fair share of goodies. I love that even Malone enjoyed a stuffie for a little bit. I thought he might like the extra-fuzzy one. I liked that one so much that I had to get one for Dazzle. It's become one of her favorites.
  4. That looks scary to me. Ultrasound prices will vary, depending on whether they decide to do a needle biopsy of anything suspicious-looking. The ultrasounds I've had done ranged from about $350 to $550. Xrays I've had done are around $75-$95 per view (and they *always* need more than one view. ).
  5. That's my little Sid, sharing Gobi's bed. Gobi doesn't live with cats, so he's fascinated whenever he comes to visit. Cat-butt has a magnificent scent, apparently.
  6. Yup. I have pics from his more recent stay but haven't gotten around to re-sizing them.
  7. Heeeeeey! Good to see you here! We need more Mpls folks 'round these parts. We LOVES our Gobi! Here are some Gobi pics from one of the times we babysat him:
  8. Awww, Chase looks perfect in that collar! I'm glad he enjoyed the gifties. And thank you so much for posting all the pics for me to enjoy! I'm curious to hear how he likes the "ice cream" as we've never tried that before. The story for the collar is... I had bought that collar a while ago (from 2Hounds, I think) for my Chancy girl, who is also a big beautiful brindle grey. It was a gorgeous splurge, and I intended that she'd wear it on special occasions... So it got put away for a while. Well, the "perfect" time for her to wear that collar never quite presented itself, and my poor sweet senior Chancy had to leave us this past summer, due to cancer. What I learned from my Chancy-girlie is that every day is a special occasion. Each day is a gift. I shouldn't have "saved" the collar, as no occasion is more special than right now. So I hope your gorgeous Chase gets to wear his lovely new collar often (and I really hope he doesn't lose this one! ).
  9. Tipper's fur stands up between his hips when he's very cold. It stands up between his shoulders when he's angry.
  10. They are beautiful, thank you for sharing their pics. Looks like they loved each other too.
  11. That's a great shot! What cuties you have.
  12. Tipper has had Pannus for four years. He started on NeoPolyDex daily, and over a year gradually weaned down to twice weekly, which is his "maintenance dose." Seems to be doing the trick. It's not "cureable" as it will come right back if I stop the eyedrops, but it receded so much that regular vets can't even see it.
  13. What wonderful news! : Does he get to come home soon?
  14. I agree with the others. Acupuncture first, then chiro, if needed. I had better luck with acupuncture than chiro for Chancy's LS. Wish I had tried acupuncture first. Just my experience.
  15. I often call Tipper my 98% Good Boy. Practically perfect in every way.
  16. Yes, the honker in the goose is among the best I've heard! The goose is already crusty with doggie spit, having quickly become a household favorite.
  17. I was trying to wait until Dazzle's SS gift arrived, but in a moment of weakness, I caved. Here's Tipper's haul, before the storm... What's this? Smells promising! This photo has a bit of a story... I thought it'd be cute if I got a pic of Tipper snarfing a few cookies right from the funky tin... Well Tipper was in hog-heaven, since I am usually rather stingy with the doling out of the treats. So during the five seconds it took me to take this photo, Tipper Hoovered about thirty of those little cookies, and then proceeded to immediately gack up about fifteen of them, completely unchewed, onto the floor where Dazzle and Sid were able to help with cleanup. I chose not to grace y'all with that lovely image. There was some debate as to whom this Goose was for... It was Tipper's prezzie, so I made Dazzle let go for a few minutes at least. It wasn't long before Dazzle surreptitiously snatched the Goose and had her squeeky way with it. This Ukrainian trinket box is absolutely gorgeous! What a wonderful thought! The notecards and the GPA ornament are lovely as well, how thoughtful! Sid also send his thanks for the great kitten box, but asks if you might please send a larger one next time. Tipper finally has a contemplative moment with his new Christmas Goose. I think what's going through his mind here is that he's hoping Dazzle is the target of the scented doggie wipes, and not him... Tipper is very grateful for all the wonderful gifts from his Secret Santa. Thank you Anita! We will enjoy everything thoroughly! Please give Cedric and Bitsy smooches from us!
  18. We were feeling a little blue a couple days ago, so we decided to open Tipper's SS gifts to cheer ourselves up. What a lovely assortment of thoughtful gifts! I will post pics and a proper thank you to Tipper's Santa in a new thread after work today.
  19. Thank you for letting us know. I hope Dear feels better quickly.
  20. I'm very sorry for your loss of Dewey. Many say that time eases the pain of loss, but it will always come in waves, won't it?
  21. I don't wrap things sent out of the US, but if it's staying in the states, I'll wrap 'em up. As far as I know USPS has never opened any of my packages. I once received a SS package from Canada and every gift inside had been opened in customs. I felt bad, since the sender had gone to such trouble to wrap them prettily.
  22. Handsome shiny boy! Nice haul too.
  23. Oh poor baby! I hope she got lots of cookies from that mean ol' tech after she was done slapping Holly around.
  24. My deepest condolences.
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