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Posts posted by msjpk

  1. I am feeding my guys Nature's Domain. I have noticed that Plummer looks like he is losing weight.

    I am going to subliment his kibble with something fattening. He is almost 13, in good health though.

    Has anyone experienced lose of weight on grain free?

  2. He might have leash reactivity (do a search under Training and Behavior). Some dogs show unruly behavior to other dogs while on leash.

    I have this with Lou who reacts to some dogs while walking.


    I would suggest some training classes, a harness vs. collar, and most of all training for

    you, so you can react favorably.


    Good luck and keep us posted.

  3. Something is diffidently going on besides heat. It almost looks like he pulled something.

    Insist on x-rays, go back to the vet and hopefully she will not charge you another office visit. I would tell her know your dog, this is all new and more investigation please. Also, get the name of a chiropractor. Good luck.

  4. My Plummer has infected nail beds and it is ongoing and challenging. I was biopsied and SLO had to be ruled out as the tissue was to small to be conclusive.

    So 5 years later, I am determined to control this.

    So for now, I use to use Epson salt but have switched to Selsun Blue shampoo, recommended by my Vet. Also a antifungel topical and he was on Doxcycline but it is not working.

    He has been on antibiotics for years with no success.

    I am going to call vet tomorrow and try Cephalexin .

    I also am using a topical silver sulfadiazine cream by prescription which has seemed to help dry up the area.

    Baby socks are a staple in this house along with masking tape.


    This nail bed infection is a job. But Plummer seems less stressed and doesn't lick his paws anymore. He has it on 2 paws.


    Good luck and hope your pupper gets some relief. Keep this post going and we can bounce off some ideas.

  5. I also question whether she has to be crated- leave crate door open, close all bedroom doors, try it when you leave the house for 20 minutes or so.

    Don't feel panic, we all have been through it, both of you just have to come up with a system.

    You can also try gating in an area, maybe kitchen? Your new strategies should be tried when you have time at home,leave for 20 minutes and see what happens.


    Is there someone who can check in on your pupper while you are at work? Let him out, give him a goody?

    Good luck, it will work out and don't feel guilty, he has a home and is loved.

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