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Everything posted by Xan

  1. Ain't that the truth! Hey, cristar, how are you all doing? I checked earlier and didn't see any recent updates. Don't make me stalk you! Thanks for all the good thoughts, folks!!
  2. Update May 30: Path report came back and there was no cancer! The toe still had to go, as the bone was proliferating and chipping off due to some trauma somewhere along the line, causing pain and chronic inflammation. So, no toe; no more toe pain! WHEW!! :confetti
  3. That's what I had to do the other day, and it worked, but yeah, those bandage scissors would be an improvement!
  4. Thanks, Jen! We're doing well so far, no sores or other weirdness, but it's good to know just in case!
  5. To dissolve? That's how they do it? Huh. How about that. Well then, I'll take it as hopeful, too! Thanks!
  6. Ugh! Yeah, foot bandage woes, we has dem. Actually, it's going great, this time. Our first experience, years ago, was not good. That seems to be a good price. I'm going to get some. Anyone have a source in the US for Sofban? My vet has it, and I can buy it from them, but maybe cheaper elsewhere?
  7. Went in for our scheduled bandage change today, and everything is looking very good. There was some waiting after the bandage was off for one of the vets to come take a look at it, and he actually put his weight on it a bit. It must feel very very weird to him, even more so after being wrapped up in padding for several days. He did stress a bit about being told to lie down and then being held there, albeit in a very gentle and friendly manner, while stuff was done to his sore foot. They did tell me that the path report is going to take a little longer than usual because of the size of the sample. So. Tick ... tock ... tick ... tock ...
  8. Yep, that's how I felt, but DH was suggesting it would be fine overnight. I'm glad we went ahead and changed it though. I need those bandage scissors, the ones with the blunt thingy on the bottom blade.
  9. I love that idea about the press 'n' seal wrap! I picked some up while he was in surgery. The vet gave us this neat boot that is working great (when it is put on, that is ... ) so we haven't had to use the plastic wrap, but I'm keeping it handy none the less. We did go ahead and change it. It was soaked through to the skin, so I'm glad we did. He was practically asleep through the whole thing, so I guess it doesn't hurt him too badly!
  10. We did change it, and I'm glad we did. It was damp to the skin and ... it was just time. I did not do a beautiful job. But, oh well, it's clean, dry, and it will be changed again tomorrow. Thanks for the input!!!
  11. Oh, hm. Maybe I should just take the vet wrap off and check the padding. If it is wet, re-bandage, or just re-wrap with dry vet wrap if not. Good thinking!
  12. I asked over here, but will try here in case anyone who's following this checks in: Brilly's bandage got wet on a potty walk in the wet grass. (I'm not pointing any fingers *cough*DH*cough*) Should I wait 'til tomorrow's scheduled bandage change at 9am, or do it myself tonight? What do you think?
  13. Brilly had a toe amputated last Thursday. All's going well, and he's scheduled for a bandage change at 9am tomorrow morning (second change). DH took him out and forgot to put the boot over his bandage, and it's now pretty well damp. Should I go ahead and change it myself tonight, or wait until tomorrow morning? I can change it. I have the bandages and I'm not afraid to use them. But, if it will be fine 'til tomorrow, that's okay with me, too. What say you? Anyone with some strong opinions sitting around reading GT tonight?
  14. That makes sense. Since Pogo, the biggest potential step-on-knock-over offender already sleeps in an x-pen for just that reason, Brilly will get to sleep in the open. ***Wishing for a restful night for us all! ***
  15. I'm glad Cosmo's doing well! I'll have to check your thread to see how he did last night, all "commando" and all! Brilly just had his first bandage change. It looked remarkably good, all things considered. No swelling, not overly red (as in, no redder than the patch they shaved for his IV). I told the tech about the trick of reducing the stickiness of the tape by dabbing it on some cloth first, and asked her to put some cotton between his toes. She used a nice lot of really soft cottony webbing all around his foot for padding, too. He was shaking during the process, but is recovering his composure now that we're home. He's even putting nearly as much weight on it as he did before the amp, so that's progress. We're still using his harness to help take the pressure off when he does stairs (3 unavoidable stairs at each of our 3 doors), or goes in or out of the car. DH took last night's watch, and said that Brilly was restless, getting up and pacing down to the bedroom door about every hour or so. I think we've reached the point where it will be more restful for all of us to be back together than separated. We're still keeping him safe from the two others, who are both classic bulls in the china shop! Onward to healing!
  16. Oh! Good to know about lasers over cancer! Thanks for that! The toe is the inside left front; non-weight-bearing, thank goodness.
  17. Thanks, Jen! That would be great. Anything new that helps, right? I've tried coconut oil on a skin rash on another greyhound, and it was very helpful. Not an open wound, but ... I've also been using it (mixed with CET toothpaste) to brush the dogs' teeth, and I've been very impressed with it. No more red gums, and Brilly's dental went surprisingly well, with no upset gums afterwards. I've even taken to using it myself mixed with baking soda as a toothpaste! I have sensitive teeth, but this actually, somehow, keeps them from being sensitive. Color me happily surprised!
  18. I'm not sure if we're talking about the same thing. I've tried the human version of vet wrap, and agree it doesn't stick enough. I'm thinking now of the stuff people wrap on sprained ankles or whatever, that used to need those spiked clips. Now, they sell self-adhesive versions, so presumably no clips necessary. I'm thinking it might be worth having on hand, either for them or us! Oh, yes, the "sticky-outy-parts"! Always a target, right? As all the eyeless, noseless, earless and tailless stuffies in stuffy hospital can attest! Posing in a dust pile is pretty easy around here, I have to confess! : I used up too much of my lifetime housecleaning budget earning a living back in the day, I always say! I've sure been reading a lot of mentions of cold laser therapy! My vet doesn't have it, or we might give it a try. My only experience with lasers was with a bite wound Brilly took to the neck, where another vet used it to clean and neaten the wound. It healed beautifully. I know: not the same thing at all. Pogo did that, with the spike between the toes! Ick. It was a thick grass stem, and it worked its way all the way through his foot!! I had thought of the lubrication possibility, as opposed to the cotton/padding between the toes. Any idea what that product was? I bet any of the greasy antibiotic type ointments would work, or even maybe coconut oil? I'm all for doing the bandage changing myself (control freak much? ), but I'm willing to see where my vet is going with this first. Thanks for the good thoughts for the path report!! I just stumbled on those yesterday! Doesn't it look like something that should be easy to make or approximate? If a wound didn't need anything but protection from the elements, with possibly a bit of absorption, a baby sock and plastic wrap should get a potty walk sufficiently squared away. The vet gave us a fabulous boot, made of something like woven nylon, with a hard sole, two velcro tapes, and a drawstring top. So far, it works great, easily fitting over the bandage, and staying on and stable. I was just going to use IV bags, but this is a lot easier to secure and walk in! That IS where his name comes from! It's really "Brillig", but he only hears that when he's in trouble. He was an only dog for about a year, so I was calling him and the 3 cats Brillig and the Slithy Toves. Sounds like a British band from the '60s, doesn't it?
  19. How's it going with Cosmo? How often are you changing the bandages? First night down! I spent the night with him in the living room, so everybody else could get some sleep. He rested, not comfortably, but at least not restless, for all but about an hour in the middle. We worked our way outside for a pee, he drank some water, and after much whining and standing woefully despite all my encouragement and petting and water-holding, he finally found his way back to lying down, where he stayed mostly quietly until around 7am! I call that a pretty good first night! He's had his pain tramadol; meloxicam, cephalexin, pheno and thyroid will come at 10 {just finished with that}, he ate a good breakfast and DH took him out for a full potty. He's now resting quietly. We fenced off the other two dogs, but they all seem to want to keep in within eyeshot of each other, or whining ensues on all sides. Funny, considering they're not exactly a cuddly bunch! But, pack is pack, right? The vet wants to do the bandage changes herself, so she can keep an eye on his progress. I'm going to watch carefully, and will kibitz if necessary. I will also use my judgement about how long to keep the bandage on. My vet does have some experience with greys, thank goodness. There aren't a whole lot of them out here, so that's a big bonus. Luckily, Brilly is not a big licker or chewer, so that will make life easier for all of us. If/when necessary, I have lots of bandage stuff, including some elastikon. (Darn greyhounds! ) I've been reviewing all the great tips on the Never Say Never blog page. Question: does anyone use the athletic bandage, the stretchy stuff for sprains and support? I saw it in the drugstore yesterday and wondered. It sticks to itself, and is re-useable, so maybe it would replace at least some of the vet-wrap, where it didn't actually touch the wound area to get soiled, but to hold "the whole banana" together. I just hate throwing stuff away, and wadded up vet wrap kills me. Yeah, I'm like that. So, here he is yesterday evening, dopey and droopy in the rear, panting like a freight train ... And here he is this morning, chillaxing after his meal and meds. (Yes, my rug is that dirty! ) Aaa..nd now he has gotten himself up on the couch while my back was turned! : I'll have to be fast to help him down, later! Oh, and splint: BLEH!! We used one when he broke his toe years ago, and he still bears the scars! Ptui! No splint. It doesn't look like he needs it, so far, based just on his level of mobility already.
  20. We'll be going to pick him up shortly! Vet said he did "brilliantly", didn't need any teeth extracted (yeay!), and he's waking up normally! : So, I've been spending some time looking over bandaging tutorials, and others' stories of toe amputations, joined the group Anne sent me to on FB called "3-toed Greyhounds". It looks like we may have a tough couple weeks ahead, but we can do this. Now we wait for the path report! Thanks for all your good thoughts! Keep 'em coming for a nice, boring healing!
  21. Vet called: nothing bad showing on xrays, so they're going ahead with the amputation and dental. That's good, but it's still sort of bad. I'm so confused!
  22. He's at the vet today. Haven't heard anything, which I'm going to assume means they took the x-rays, didn't find any other problems, and went ahead with the amputation and a dental.
  23. Ugh! Poor girl - poor you! So, I just need to learn the secret of open sesame for the Pawz, but maybe not for this injury. Thanks! I hope all keeps going so well!
  24. Thanks for this. It's so hard to get a handle on all the details, and for most of us money is a more important question than we'd like. How awful to have to weigh $$ against your beloved pup's life, but ... reality can suck like that.
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