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Posts posted by Aerosmom

  1. I am waiting with Roo. I made an appointment for late March, which is around 10 months. It is reassuring to hear from those who have raised greyhound pups that they don't come into heat until well past one year. I know that the mom of Roo's littermate Daisy asked this very question a few months back and although opinions varied, it seems like it doesn't hurt to wait. All I know is that I am going to be a nervous wreck when little Roo is under anesthesia.

  2. Hang in there Winslow! Hope your paw feels better. Ice makes life rough here too, although Cricket still has four legs with her hindend troubles she really struggles out there even with a harness. Let's hope the rest of the winter brings some warmer weather to get around in.


    Cricket says that you look handsome even with a hurt paw. :wub:

  3. I'm so sorry. :grouphug I echo the advice not to do the bone biopsy. We did a fine needle aspirate with Snickers and it came back inconclusive. Nothing else looks like osteo in x-rays except a fungal disease that occurs only in part of the U.S. Osteo is really aggressive, and if you're considering the amputation/chemo route, I wouldn't waste any time.

  4. Don't feel bad about not visiting. When we visited Snickers after her amputation, she was very agitated and not that interested in seeing us. I'm not sure if she was just upset about the whole situation or the pain meds were affecting her behavior. It's probably better for both you and Dempsey that they keep him another day -- you don't want to get him home and have to deal with any complications. I'm glad the surgery went well and now you've got recovery to look forward to. Best of luck to Dempsey!

  5. I'm so sorry to read this. I think the "L" word is lytic -- the lesions/moth-eaten appearance of bone cancer. :sad1 I had a fine-needle aspirate done for Snickers but the results were inconclusive. I think the look of osteo is pretty distinctive and I had my local vet, Dr. Couto and a radiologist confirm it. In retrospect, I wouldn't have bothered with the FNA. There are also typical locations for osteo. I remember I kept asking could it be something else, but there really weren't any other possibilities other than the fungal infection. I remember feeling like I wanted to just do something to fight the OS and scheduled the amputation that week. The difference between Snickers's first set of x-rays and the second just a few weeks later was devastating. It's a very aggressive cancer. After the amputation, the results came back OS as we suspected. I think the oncologist told me if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck....meaning the x-rays were convincing enough on their own.


    I hope you have joined Circle of Grey -- it's a wonderful source of info and comfort. :grouphug

  6. I second the glucosamine/chondritin (spelling?) -- I remember I had to leash walk Snickers for a good six months after her cast came off. Have they given the green light for all activity yet? She limped initially but eventually she was limp-free and could run and jump without any problem.

  7. I just spotted Sophie's picture in the 2007 remembrance thread. I had no idea she had already gone to the bridge. I feel like we helped one another with the horrible osteo diagnosis in our girls. I was hoping that Sophie would hang in there and be able to fend it off. Maybe Snickers and she are running and playing together at the bridge. I am sorry for not seeing this sooner. My deepest sympathy for you and your family. I know how much you loved your girl and how hard it must have been to make that decision. She knew how much you loved her.

    :f_white :f_white :grouphug :grouphug


    Run free Sophie. :gh_run




  8. Snickers to osteo 1/04/02 - 8/03/07


    Snickers left us far too soon. She was so full of infectious energy, enthusiasm and love. We called her our brindle monkey girl because she was such a big girl with a white-tipped tail that curled around like a monkey tail. I miss everything about you, Snicks.


    Looking cute for a treat with sister Cricket.




    Checking out a Secret Bunny box with Cricket.




    Celebrating a birthday.




    Being an elf at Christmas.




    This thread is heartbreaking. I feel so for everyone who has suffered the loss of their pet(s).



  9. No Velcro yet, but Roo is acting completely normal and has her usual number of poops -- I've been watching carefully for any sign of the blue Velcro tie. I can't imagine what possessed her to eat it, but I think she thought it was a game. My daughter was playing with her and Roo loves snatching things in her mouth and running around with them. Guess she decided to sample it. My daughter said she tried in vain to get the Velcro out of her mouth.


    We've been giving her bread with butter so I hope it'll work it's way out soon. I'll update.



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