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Posts posted by Aerosmom

  1. Hi Secret Santa! It's Kanga Roo! I've been busy devouring yummy chicken treats from Trudy so I haven't had time to get my pictures downloaded, but finally Mom helped me. First I wanted to let you know that I LOVE the treats!


    Here's some photos of me checking out the treat bag. At first I didn't quite know what to make of it. So I just stuck my nose in an inhaled. MMMMMM!




    Then my mom let me just reach with my teeth and grab one.




    And another one....




    TTFN -- I'm a busy puppy, but I wanted to say Thanks Secret Santa! Mom loved her chocolate too but she wouldn't let me take any pictures of her biting into it. Wonder why?


    You're great Secret Santa! :lol :lol


  2. Thank you Secret Santa! This is Kanga Roo and I got a package in the mail the other day that I was so excited about I was hopping. Not that I don't usually hop, but I was extra jumpy!! :bounce1:bounce1


    Mommy wouldn't let me open the box and she snatched away two big white things and said it was all hers! :chocolate It sure smelled good though.


    BUT there was another thing in the box just for me! TREATS! A big big bag of 'em. Mom says I hav'ta share with big sister Cricket and big brother Aero and I might share some but they eat too much and I'm still growing.


    I will ask my mom to add pictures of me and my treats later. :digicam


    This is for you Secret Santa! :kiss2 I hope you know that I've been a good puppy. :angel (Just don't ask Aero or Cricket! :colgate )

  3. Gail oh Gail please please answer me please,

    your Secret Santa wants to shop with ease!

    Your Cricket sure sounds like she is so sweet

    But your SS wonders what she likes as a treat!

    Peanut butter? Chicken? Fish? Bunny?

    Monty says the last one isn't funny!

    We also need lots of her dimensions,

    for what reason I am not at liberty to mention!

    Please measure her girth, her height, her neck,

    and I guess give us her weight, what the heck!

    When Cricket likes to run and play,

    what kind of toy really makes her day?

    If you can tell us these facts we will rush her gift

    And give her Christmas that extra lift!


    We'll set Secret Santa's mind to ease

    with simple facts about Cricket to please

    Treats are delightful of any type

    Cricket will devour all night

    (bunny. however, she might take exception to)


    Racing Cricket was big and strong

    well muscled and about 75 pound

    Now she's working to recover lost ground

    so she's only about 67 pounds.


    Toys used to delight

    she'd play all night

    lately she's determined

    to work on walking

    so perhaps someday

    she'll play again

    but not today.


    Whatever the gift

    Cricket is sure to

    appreciate the

    kindness and thoughtfulness

    of her Secret Santa.

  4. Hi Mimi. Glad you like the box. :colgate We guarantee that you will like the contents even better. Another small surprise is on its way to you in the next few days too. Maybe your mom will let you open that one before Christmas. Geez. We don't know if we can't wait to see/hear your reaction to the white box until Christmas....

  5. wow.jpg

    Someone should warn Winslow's mom. He looks like he's computer savvy enough to do an online search for plane tickets....Cricket would love to have him visit and go for a swim with her. She does think she looks better in a swim jacket than the camel at Winslow's swim therapy.


    Winslow you are a cutie! :inlove:beatheart:love2

  6. I think the feelings are mutual -- Cricket is in awe of Winslow -- handsome, smart and artistic. :wub::wub: In her words: He is HOT! (and not just because he doesn't have to wear a coat :lol )


    I will work on the bikini pic for him. Cricket is very flattered and asked me to brush her fur and put on her new collar for him.


    Aero says hi back. He'll put in a good word with his sis for him.

  7. We don't have a bikini picture yet, but here's Miss Cricket at swim therapy. She swam and did other PT stuff to help strengthen her muscles and regain nerve control. She's regaining bowel/bladder control too, which makes me very happy. I'm noticing her steps are much more sure. Until her next swim therapy session next week, we're going to work on regular walks and also some maneuvers around cones (for balance/cornering) and walking over short "jumps" (six inches -- not really a jump but to help her regain a sense of her back legs.)


    She did great swimming -- used her back legs too. I think she still looks confused about why she's in there but she works hard paddling toward me. This is only the second swimming session and she's really so much more sturdy and deliberate when she walks now.


    So, although Winslow will have to wait for the bikini picture, here's Cricket at swim therapy:






    Here she is taking a quick breather:




    She's such a brave girl. :wub::wub:



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