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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. My deepest sympathy. Crying with you....
  2. Thanks to Laura in Houston for the following: As with the "greyhound speedo", necessity inspired another "Who would have thunk it?" tool. The "greyhound legging"... Recently, our non-greyhound, Max, got a scrape on his leg that he constantly licked to the point of rawness. Ointments disappeared, bandages slipped and the area just got bigger. As it happens, a greyhound friend of ours, Travis, is going through the same thing so I thought I would give this suggestion that has worked for us for years with our greys, and non-greys alike. Take an old pair of sweatpants and lie them down on a flat surface. Measuring from the bottom on one of the legs, mark off the length needed to cover most of your dog's injured leg. At that mark make a cut, through both layers, across into the leg fabric on both sides just a few inches and then turn the scissors 90 degrees, cutting straight up to the waistband. Then cut across the top, releasing the pants leg from the rest of the sweats. You now have the bottom part of the sweatpants, with elastic "cuff", with 2 long, cloth extensions, kinda like suspenders. Slip the sweatspants leg onto the injured leg of your pup and use the long lengths of fabric on either side to tie in between the legs and over the dog's shoulders, or back, in a comfortable manner. The stretchiness of the fabric allows for freedom of movement and yet covers the wound enabling it to breath and stay dry giving it a chance to heal. The "suspenders" may need to be adjusted periodically since they will stretch with wear. Do the same thing to the other sweatpants leg and you have a spare to use while the other is in the wash. (If your dog is on the smaller side, you may need to use children's sweatpants where length would not be an issue but adult sweatpants would be too baggy, particularly after they stretch a little.) This works with all the dog's legs but is somtimes a bit trickier with the back legs of males because of the extra equipment. This is just a matter of removing the legging when the he-grey is relieving himself and put back on afterwards. (Note: When used on a back leg, it gives the dog the appearance of wearing bloomers, or half of one. Expand on this idea at Halloween and you have a great beginning for an Arabian Nights / Scheharezade (sp?) costume.) Since our dogs have always followed "out of sight, out of mind", this has been a noteworthy solution for us. We hope you have the same success. And, as always, this does not take the place of sound veterinarian advise and care.
  3. Thinking of you & sending hugs. I can't believe it's been a year.
  4. Isn't that the truth! I just wish they'd come with a winning lottery ticket For some reason the ones that find me are medically needy I had no intention of adding to my pack after SieSie and Shadow went to the bridge. Sigh.....
  5. How sad My deepest sympathy to you. Sending hugs.
  6. I am very sad Deepest sympathy & hugs. I know how much it hurts. You did everything you could for him. He's been fighting for a long time and now is running like the wind with a lot of bridge kids I know and love.
  7. Sending hugs & my deepest sympathy
  8. Burpdog


    I am so sorry to hear Sending hugs & sympathy.
  9. Burpdog


    Tough anniversaries. Five years ago this past Sunday. It's still so hard....and I still cry
  10. Sending hugs & my deepest sympathy. It's so hard
  11. Burpdog


    Kim--I am crying with you. My deepest sympathy. It's such a nasty disease! I know what you are going through and how hard it is. Sending hugs.
  12. I am sure he is running like the wind. I know it was hard for you (it is never easy) He had some days of tender loving care and went with love. Godspeed pretty boy!
  13. He's so beautiful Sending hugs. He's waiting for you.
  14. If I remember right, the TBD panel that Protatek does covers Valley Fever too. I'll go look quick & make sure edited to add from the TBD pinned thread: ProtaTek Labs does a tick panel that includes erlichiosis, babesiosis, rocky mountain spott fever, lymne disease and valley fever for $53. This price is for greys ONLY.
  15. Sending prayers your way along with my sympathy. Although she was uncomfortable for a time, she is now pain free. I wish it had been easier for you
  16. Burpdog


    Sending hugs & my deepest sympathy
  17. Burpdog


    Seems like I've shed a lot of tears this past week. My sympathy to you & your family. It's so darn hard....
  18. I remember his flight to a forever home. Please extend my deepest sympathy to his owners and let them know I am crying too.....
  19. My deepest sympathy I know how hard it is.
  20. Burpdog

    Our Baby Harley

    Again, my sympathy. Prayers for better things for the entire family in the days to come
  21. Burpdog


    My deepest sympathy
  22. My deepest sympathy to you & your family. Crying with you......
  23. Unfortunately, many different symptoms and that is why it is so many times misdiagnosed. Tick Born Diseases
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