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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. She is eating little meat balls with meds in them Also ate frozen BilJac again this morning and some cooked turkey/beef. Her eye looks better! She did scream when she was given a piece of bread last night Day to day--prayers are working. Please keep them up
  2. I can't tell you how many greyhounds have had the peeing problem and when put on antibiotics, it clears up. Many times doing a culture will find it, sometimes no. email me at Burpdog@msn.com Greyhound kidney issues are the most misdiagnosed, along with hypothyroid. Drives me batty.
  3. Yes they can get leg cramps. Either have her walk it off or massage it for her. With Austin I taught him to walk it off
  4. First his creatine is fine and he doesn't need to be on a kidney diet! I can email you the print outs from Dr. Feeman. I wonder if the lack of protein has anything to do with his symptoms? I know with Tootsie who did have vestibular, I add meat to her diet. Sending prayers.
  5. I wouldn't use Advantix. If I remember right, some vets won't sell it to houses that have cats. Usually the rule is if it's not safe for cats, don't use it on greys!
  6. Ouch! Some oozing is normal. As long as she isn't really bleeding. Sending prayers.
  7. Sending my sympathy. It's hard to lose a friend.
  8. She just ate some frozen BilJac (thawed of course ) Ro went into the back bedroom where she was, closed the door and turned her back and Mizzy ate everything in the bowl
  9. An alternative vet mentioned that spring is worse for seizures than other times of the year. Acupuncture does help!
  10. Changed my mind and took her to the vet this morning. She got an antibiotic injection and a shot of dex (to reduce the inflamation). We shall see. She did walk in and drink more water than she has in two days. If she is not markedly better by morning, she'll spend the day there. Buy biscuits p.s. I can vouch that stress produces big D......
  11. Sending prayers for peace and comfort.
  12. Something is off. 9 year olds are young I don't see an eating problem until around 13 or 14, unless something is wrong. I'd do the vet visit and also spice up the food. Try adding different things and see if he eats. If he has been on it a long time, he may be bored. Will he do ok on another food? Even CA Natural but the other protein source? Many people think dogs are picky when in fact it's all in the nose. Where you and I smell dog food, they smell every ingredient! So, if one ingredient is off, they won't eat. Call the company and ask. Could be they have a different supplier for one ingredient.
  13. She runs from me if I go anywhere near her with food. I crushed the tramadol and even one clavamox to get it into her. Vet due her for adjustments this morning. If she can get them into her, I'll wait until tomorrow morning to drop her off. Unless she starts eating and drinking..... If vet cannot, I'll run her in for an antibiotic shot. I am so stressed I could puke.
  14. If she is not better by morning, she is going back to the vet I hope she'll eat the pills in cat food.
  15. Please, please give my thanks to his forever family. Although it is hard on them, he found his forever home How many times I've said, they stay as long as they need to. I hope he sends someone special to them. My sympathy to all who loves him
  16. I gave 4 of the "kids" turkey necks Sunday. Long story short, by Monday morning Mizzy wasn't quite right. I thought maybe she had a bone stuck or fractured a tooth. She did take a tramadol and ate Monday lunch. Went downhill from there I dropped her off this morning. By then her eye looked funny. She has an infection behind her eye. She ate clavamox for the vet. I took her home and if I approach with food, she runs. Hopefully she will take some tramadol from Ro and also her clavamox tonight. I dread the thought of forcing pills down her and her screaming
  17. Sending prayers. I remember when that happened with Trevor--lots of blood and very scarey. Vet never could find out where it came from by the time we got there!
  18. I was afraid of this I feel like I lost a friend... Many on this board have seen him, they just don't know it. Scooby is the birthday boy on my site. I hope the memories help you thru this. Happier times:
  19. Fossil Flower(Flour) Used it for worm control. Can't remember how much daily..... My -- that seems a lifetime ago. I actually went looking for them a few years back to try & buy some. Now that I know what it is, I can buy away if needed....
  20. I doubt it. I wonder if DE is the fossil flower I used many years ago? A Sheltie breeder in Cleveland sold it.
  21. If she's itching, give her the benedryl. I don't know where you live but in Houston, tree allergies are high especially oak and one I cannot remember right this instance Gakking could be allergies. Did the vet check her last time? Mizzy is on Tavist1 year round (generic) and gets benedryl too on bad days.
  22. I've not heard of it. Searching, it is a prescription med:
  23. Unless it's been 48 hours, I would not stop them up. Their system is getting rid of something bad. I'd call the vet too.
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