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Posts posted by SarahsBlackPack

  1. Trust me when I say my dad called the cops! He was soo mad he couldn't even dial the non-emerency number right. The cop who came over to the house was very nice. And went over to our vet to take a look at Fast's injuries and to take some pictures. He thinks Fast is a really sweet boy too!


    The officier told us that he willing be issuing her 2 tickets too! One for Dog at Large and the 2nd one for failure to have him licensed in the city of West Bend where I live. Both tickets are $208.00 a piece! Plus my dad is going to make her pay for Fast's vet bill too. He said he would take her to small claims court if she's not willing to pay the vet bill!

  2. My dad was walking Angel and Fast around they block this am. When they got attacked by a neighbors unleashed dog! My dad said the dog saw them and the charged them. Fast got the worst of it! He has bite marks over and under his left eye. And several other puncuture marks on the right side of his face and both of his front legs. And he manged to loose a tooth too. He didn't just break it. He manged to rip it out. I saw the hole in his mouth where the tooth was. Angel is fine. My dad said she was biting the dog in the butt that was attacking Fast!


    So my Fast dog is over at the vet's getting sewn back together!

  3. Mine do get the kennel cough shot. Because they do go to meet and greets and they will be going to the dog park too. Plus I've had a friend who had a kennel at Dairyland bring it home on her clothes and as a result all of her hounds got sick. And one of them almost died. Plus with my sister and I going down and volunteering at place where our group boards there up for adoption hounds and other people's hounds too. Our vet thought it would be a good idea for them to get it.

  4. It is with a heavy heart the I am posting about Brooke crossing over on Saturday. It was in November of 2008 when we adopted this sweet little senior girl at the age of 11 and a half years young. She sure didn't act her age at all. When I first met her she at her foster mom Susan Fortkemp house in West Allis and we took Angel along with us. Because we didn't know how the girls would get along. As it turned out the girl got along wonderfully.


    In the beginning she was kind shy towards us. But after a few months she was starting to come out her shell more and more every day. And then in May of last year she started to limp, so my mom and sister took her to vet. And Dr Dale did some x-rays of the shoulder and then came back to where my mom and sister where and told them the bad news. That it was cancer. And with her age is was a week short of 12. We figured we would just make her time with as comfortable as we could. And over the course of the last week she was panting more than normal, and she was restless, which wasn't like her at. I do think she was getting to the point she was done fighting the cancer and she was ready to go. And then on Saturday Angel went after her in the yard, we don't really know what happened. Because I was still sleeping and my dad was getting there food bowels ready for them. Next thing my dad knows is that Angel is over by Brooke and Brooke was screaming. Angel never knocked her down or anything. and once they were all in the house, even when she was just standing on her bed she was still screaming in pain. So we made the decision to put her to sleep on Saturday.


    Run free my sweet Brooke dog! We miss you!

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