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Posts posted by SarahsBlackPack

  1. My hansome guy Fast is over at the vet having part of his tail amputated due to happy tail. It's finally gotten to the point that it will not heal. Even though the vet that saw him yesterday that it was looking better, this coming from a different vet who last month. My family and I don't agree with her though. We think it looks worse.


    If you guys could spare a good thought for my guy Fast, I really would appericate it.

  2. Here a update on Fast!


    As it turns out his tail is just not healing as we hoped. My mom did take him back over there this morning because he really smacked it open last night. And it was bleeding pretty good.


    So Fast is having part of his tail amputated tomorrow morning. My dad is taking him over around 7:30 am.


    So if you could spare some good thoughts for my guy Fast, I would really appericate it!

  3. My guy Fast figured out how to chew on his tail even with a cone on his head. So my dad went to our vet and they gave him one that was longer than the first one. And 3 days later he figured out how to chew on his tail even with the longer cone around his neck. So we had to resort to his muzzle with a stool guard in it. And that is the only way we came get him to leave his tail alone. Some times we take it off his if he is just laying on his bed and someone is there to watch him. But if no one is there to watch him the muzzle goes back one.

  4. No. That would be a very bad idea. These animals are sighthounds. If they see a rabbit or squirrel moving there natural instinct to want to chase it might kick in. They would want to chase it. and they could end up getting hurt very bad or even end up with a broken neck because they could only go so far on the tie out.

  5. Friday update:


    My dad took Fast over to the vet yesterday. They ended up shaving most of his tail. Our vet started him a really strong antibotic for the infection. He'll be on that for the next month. The vet said that he chewed his tail to the point it was infected. We also have to wash his tail with the blue cleaning stuff they gave my dad. The vet also told my dad that we shouldn't have been wrapping his tail, that we were actually making it worse by wrapping it. I don't know it I believe that though. And our one vet thought having to ampuate part of Fast's tail would be a last resort. So for right now the dreaded cone is his new best friend.

  6. Here is a small update on Fast. Since he will not leave his tail alone. He has only made it worse. We had to muzzle him since he will not leave it alone. He is wearing one of those cones right now that way he can at least drink some water. And yes I do realize that he could drink with a muzzle on, but the muzzle does have a stool guard on it. My dad and I tried to rewrap his tail this morning, but he was having to part of it. So my dad made appointment for Fast to be seen tomorrow morning at 9:30. And we will go from there. But my dad and I both have a feeling that they might to ampute part of his tail.

  7. My new guy Fast has a case of happy tail. I've tried wrapping it several times. He's starting to get to the point he doesn't like having his tail messed with. But he's such a good boy when we see him going after the tip of his tail he actually does stop and leaves it alone. It seems like every time it seems to get a really good scab on it he manges to break it open again and then were right back at square 1,


    Anyone have any ideas or tips! I could really use them right now!

  8. Ditto what Judy said.


    I would let them meet in the front yard first. and see how they do. And then go in the backyard. I know when we have a foster hound. We let him or her out in the yard by themself. And then we introduce our other hounds on leash with muzzles on one at a time to the foster hound. And they seem like they are getting along we let them off leash to play in the yard still with muzzles on though.

  9. My senior girl who had Osteo made it from may of 09 when we found out she had cancer untill Jan. 23 of this year. Our vet told us the day we put Brooke to sleep she was the oldest of the hounds and she make it the longest of all 3 Greyhounds that we dignoised will cancer all in about a months time frame.

  10. We have 2 of our hounds on Kirkland foods. Freddie is getting the mature dog formula since he is 9 and a half. And Fast the hound we adopted in May was on the Chicken and Rice formula when we got him. We tried him on what Angel my other hounds eats. And it didn't work so well. So we put him back on the Kirkland food and he's been fine. Eventually I would like to get Angel on the Kirkland food too.

  11. Here's a update for today. The officer that is handling our case stopped by our house this morning. He gave her her ticket. As it turns out he didn't give her one for dog at large, he just gave her one for not having her dog licensed in our city. Which we all think her not getting one for dog at large is a big load of poop! And my dad kinda told the officer that too. And we got a ticket for not having Fast licensed too. What happened there was we all thought someone else had taken care of it. And well um I'm sorry to say that one one did. So my dad got a ticket for $208.50 for our mistake.


    And the officer told us that Angel chewed up the dog rear end really good too. The dog apparently has 3 drain in his backside. And tell you the truth I don't feel bad either. Angel was just trying to defend her brother.


    Fast is doing very well. He seems to be back to his happy tail wagging self. I checked his mouth on saturday because I wanted to see which tooth got ripped out. And it turns out it was one his big canine teeth in the front of his mouth. There's a hole where the tooth was.


    And we actually took them out for a walk around the block on Saturday and sunday night and we didn't get attacked!


  12. Fast seems like he's doing much better today. Right now he's actually laying next to me on his dog bed roaching. So he mustn't feel too bad? Either that or it's the pain meds that are making feel good!


    He has around a dozen or so stitches in his face and on his head. He also has some on both front legs. And he also has some disslovable ones in his mouth.


    The poor guy looks like Frankenstein! And yesterday after it happened I wanted to check Angel over to make sure she was ok and she was. She was afraid to come to me. I think she was afraid that I would yell at her,bit I didn't I just wanted to make sure she was ok and tell her what a good girl she was for trying to help her brother out! That's my sassy girl! Freddie is fine too! He was at home when that attack happened. My dad took Freddie first and then he came back for Angel and Fast!




  13. My dad and I just got home with Fast a few minutes ago. Fast has a lot of stitches. He has over a dozen on his face and he has a bunch on both of his front legs. And he also has some dissolvable one in mouth because he had a big gash in his gum form where he ripped his tooth out. He's not too happy about having to wear the dreaded cone around his neck. And he'll be on soft food diet for the next few day untill his mouth heals.


    The vet bill ended up being just under $500 buck. And my father intends to make her pay for the vet bill!

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