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Posts posted by SarahsBlackPack

  1. That so sucks! Amanda and Steve are such wonderful people! They adopted one of my former foster hounds Lilly back then her name was Peaches. I was so hoping for a better out come for this sweet boy. GPA- Wis. has worked so hard to help him.


    Please give Steve and Amanda a big hug from Lilly's foster mom Sarah.


    I'll send my 3 Bridge Babies to greet him.

  2. Both Freddie and Angel had there yearly check-up today. They both needed a few of the yearly shots and fecal checks. And every thing came back negaitive. And Dr Lisa thought the both looked greyt and are very happy hounds.


    They wanted to share there good news with everyone!

  3. Danette, if you have a Fleet farm or Farm and fleet check there. I friend found a tick crawling on the back of her leg and quickly was able to remove it before it bit her. So she called her vet to get Frontline for her dogs and her vet recommended that she buy it there because it was about 20 or 30 bucks cheaper there.

  4. We got Brooke last year around Novemeber and we all noticed that she walked a little weird wtih a limp but we didn't truly think anything of it. Earlier this year, the limp got worst and we took her to the vet. Our vet put her on pain meds with restricted activities and Brooke seemed fine. Well, this weekend, we noticed that she was barely putting weight on her right front leg and doing the greyhound scream death when people would touch her leg/shoulder.


    We took her to the vet today at 5pm and we got the worst news. Brooke has the Big C. My family has decided to keep her on pain meds until the meds aren't affective any more and then we will put her down.


    The vet gave us a few options that we could but we have to remember Brooke is 12 years old and we don't think that doing chemo or amputation is really a choice Brooke can handle.


    From now on, Brooke will have to go outside on a leash due to her leg not being as strong as it should be and it could easily be break if we allow her to run, romp, etc.


    Please keep little Ms. Brooke is your prayers. Our family is just heartbroken over this news!

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