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Everything posted by SGE1967

  1. Actually, no GSoD! She just lay there, pathetically, 'til someone noticed, the great soft lump that she is.
  2. Cara got her head stuck under the sofa. Again.
  3. She ran it well...she was in trap 6, and won easily 🙂 If only she could walk in as straight a line now as she ran in her racing days. Perhaps more distractions now walking through woods full of squirrels!
  4. Quick boy!! Here's my little angel in action! Cara Mia
  5. Ah, Head Honcho was Top Honcho's dad, so he's Cara's great-grandad too!
  6. Far more interesting than human family trees!! Hello to Nate - we'll call him a distant kennel-cousin, as I suspect working out the actual relationship would be very, very complicated!! 🤣
  7. Apologise if this is the wrong forum, or inappropriate. Doing some digging into Cara's family - one of the dogs she made friends with at the Great Greyhound Walk on Sunday was Norman, who turned out to be Cara's half brother!! - and it turns out her grandfather was Top Honcho. Apparently, this is a Big Deal. Top Honcho also fathered over 10,000 puppies. So much for greyhounds being lazy!! This got me wondering, peoples who know their greyhound's racing name, who's related to who?? Cara (Jumeirah Friend) is the daughter of Droopys Jet and Jumeirah Gaga. Anyone related???
  8. Are you by any chance on the Retired Greyhound Owners UK FB group? That one made me snort coffee out of my nose just yesterday!!
  9. Wow, just seen the stats for South Yorkshire...375 dogs, 236 of them greyhounds!
  10. Absolutely brilliant day! Not sure on numbers, but I heard a few say it was around the 200 mark. Was so funny when someone was playing nearby with a springer, throwing a ball for it on the park when 200 pointy noses all snapped around to follow the ball as one...and 200 owners were all thinking "oh, you think your dog's quick do ya??" 😁 If any of you are reading, hi to the parents of Casper, Jack, Dave, Norman, Pancho*, Lola and many others who's names I didn't catch. *why yes, Cara did seem to make friends with a lot of boys, peculiarly!
  11. Just getting ready to set off to the South Yorkshire one. It strikes me, this many greyhounds on an organised walk is lunacy! We set off, after 10 yards the first one statues. We all wait, then when that one's induced to move another one decides they're not moving! 2 hours, 11.5 yards walked! 😁
  12. So as the nights are getting colder, and I'm an accountant from Yorkshire so too tight to put the heating on before November, I got Cara a new bed today - big and fluffy and contained. She spent half an hour chewing every inch of it to find the (non-existent) squaker!
  13. Oh you'd be amazed at the positions this girl can sleep in!
  14. Ain't she pretty?? Show us them pearly whites!
  15. Ah well, see, no...well, yes! However, when she was spayed, wrapping her anti-inflammatory tablets in a slice of Leerdammer was the perfect way to get her medicine into her. And she kind if acquired a taste for it. And I have no willpower when I see those big brown eyes!
  16. That was the look from Cara. If she moved slowly enough whilst maintaining eye contact and surely I wouldn't notice!?
  17. Cara's settled in beautifully and now she knows for sure that her peoples are coming back when they leave, she's cool. But in certain circumstances she's straight on her feet and glued to a human, can't bear to be parted. Separation anxiety? Nope, it's when someone goes to the kitchen. She's terrified that someone will open the fridge and she misses it - there might have been cheese!!!
  18. Cara is a 4 year old girl, retired from racing in May this year. She's the most sociable dog imaginable, so easygoing with other dogs, even the bouncy, shouty ones. Takes it all in her stride. Last night though, she saw a small, furry, terrier type. She'd spotted it from a long way off (sighthounds, am I right??) but seemed her usual enthusiastic "pleased to meet you, can I sniff your arse please?" self, but as we got closer she lay down and started quivering, as if she was suddenly full of nervous energy. Any ideas how to interpret this (so far) one-off behaviour?
  19. Cara's been in her forever home for 4 weeks now, and honestly we couldn't have wished for an easier transition. However, the other day something off happened. She was in her day bed, next to the coffee table. Out of nowhere, she clamped her back/middle teeth on the corner. Was told a firm "no" and she stopped, but did it twice more in pretty quick succession. Later on, she was gnawing on the plastic buttons on the duvet cover which protects her bed. She has plenty of food, treats and attention...bored? Pushing the boundaries? Tooth pain? Something else?
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