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Everything posted by BauersMom

  1. It's not contagious dog-to-dog. They all got infected via the fleas, not via each other. Fix the flea problem, you'll fix the tapeworm problem!
  2. If I disinfected the house every time someone came in with tapes, I'd have a MUCH cleaner house. Seriously, it's pretty common and easily treated. You might not even have to bring in a sample if you just tell the vet what you've seen. You don't even need a flea infestation to get it, all it takes is one. Nasty buggers. Once I fed the dogs rice and got all freaked out when they ALL had worms.... except, it wasn't worms, it WAS rice. Good thing I realized it before I called the vet. Oh, and I never treat multiple dogs with the wormer unless they show tapes also - and that's only happened once in 3+ years of fostering. I wouldn't treat, but just keep an eye out. There's a good chance that the others are OK.
  3. Sounds close to what we're looking at, except it's affected her pads also. And I wonder if is it likely to see that deformity on multiple toes, or just one?
  4. Ok, so I had a chance to see Sweetie today (OMG, what a sweet dog!!) and this is one screwed up foot! The leftmost nail goes UP. The pad for that toe is so warped, it looks like she's walking on bone (and not the pad). The second to the left toe has a screwed up pad also, but not as much. I'm amazed she's walking as well as she is! She's in good hands with Amy though.
  5. I believe they were (I wasn't at her pickup). There are a bunch of notations in her medical records about the toes, and something about them being "corkscrew". The owners claim it was a racing injury? But honestly, I don't remember her having any issues when we placed her the first time, so right now it's a big mystery and she's clearly in pain.
  6. One of bounces we took in is having a very time walking - it's clear that something's up with her toes/nails: I'll be making an appt. on Monday, but any ideas? The one second from the left looks like it's totally twisted around!
  7. I know what you mean. It seems like the old gals get all sorts of bumps and whatnot! Sucks getting old!
  8. Princess seems to be sprouting bumps and lumps all over. We had a clear pimple-like thing drained a while back and the vet said it was nothing to be concerned about (I forget what he called it - we just call them "old lady bumps" because she gets them every once and a while). Welp, now she has this on her eye: And this one on her belly: Vet appt is on thursday. Any ideas?
  9. If she's already putting full weight on it, you'll be OK! Her leg looks great. And she's young - my broken legged foster was 2 also and she bounced back like nothing happened! And our current broken legged gal is also young, and she's the same. Leash walk, restrict activity for 8 weeks, but don't worry! She'll be fine.
  10. Yes! We're SO lucky to have such great foster homes!
  11. I'm so glad it sounds like you have cheaper options, Gemma! I nearly had a heart attack when you told me the cost.
  12. Here's KennelMom's pics with her PRA dog. http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showtopic=191615 And I was trying to find the link where they show eyes having different reflectance (I think it was also PRA?), but I can't seem to find it. I want to say it was actually an example in humans? I'll keep looking.
  13. He'll probably be ok, but keep an eye on him just in case. Naughty Peyton!
  14. YOU ARE MY ANGEL !!!! I read your post and DH and I ran over there and she didn't want us to touch it ... we pulled out an ACORN! It was embedded between her toes. I cannot tell you how thankful I am ... I'm in tears. Thank you so much. DH just said to tell you that he owes you a beer .... Whoo!! The first time she did it I was SO FREAKED - she just started limping out of nowhere! Now it's like old hat... "Welp, she's got another acorn stuck in her toes!" What a relief!!
  15. This might be totally off, but my girl always get acorns stuck between her toes for some reason. Is whatever that is something stuck like that?
  16. I've used pooch pads also - they're great.
  17. Oh no! I'm so sorry! I knew when I picked Butch up from the track that he was a special boy. I hope Dr. Couto has good news for you.
  18. Without knowing what the "big bulge" is, I would not give anything and would bring her in to be seen.
  19. this is the closest I found: http://www.marvistavet.com/html/body_vacci...ibrosarcom.html http://www.avma.org/vafstf/treatcoutomacy.asp
  20. We were on raw for a year and so no change in the ear gunk. Really, if it's not bothering him and causes no problem, I wouldn't worry about it. You'll probably cause more problems changing foods.
  21. He is having the explosive D on the beef and rice, you mean? That doesn't seem right to me, honestly, even with the change, etc. I know rice can aggravate the stomach, so I usually use potatoes but even then I wouldn't expect the rice to make it get worse to the level of explosive diarrhea. Is he drinking OK still?
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