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Posts posted by BauersMom

  1. You may find that Abby is not just possessive of you, she will transfer that to beds, toys, food etc. etc.


    I was going to say this - it sounds like she's possessive of things she deems to be high value - food, toys, AND people.


    I've never worked on this particular situation, so I don't have any helpful advice, except to mention that the fact that she's already bitten means she will likely bite again in order to protect her "high value" things. (Bauer bit several times until we got his food aggressive under wraps).


    Good luck.

  2. Ignore him. He'll get it. I use a pillow over the head to block out the whining. :lol


    I also keep all new dogs sequestered to one side of the bed so they don't go wandering around getting into trouble if they are up early, and it also helps me keep an eye on them to figure out if they "have" to get up and out.

  3. I would not go the tough love route with a dog with any sort of medical issue. Yes, a healthy dog will eventually eat but a dog with anorexia or inappetence for a medical reason will starve themselves.


    I would have the blood work re-run and check kidney and liver values.


    I would also try supplementing with DogSureif you haven't already - it was the only thing Princess would eat consistently and kept her weight at least in the decent range.


    Good luck :)

  4. Could be dislocated, could be broken. Both can look very similar - swelling, bruising, etc.


    We had one toe incident where he'd broken off a chip of the bone right at the "knuckle", which then cause a lot of instability at that joint. It took a long time to heal, and we opted to splint that over just the soft wrap we usually do with dislocations.


    In most cases in our house, they will want to run around even with the injury. :rolleyes:

  5. You can also start supplementing with Ligaplex II - that was one of the recommendations I got when I was going through this.


    With our dislocation + ligament damage dog we ended up having to leash walk for 6 months. We went through several periods of re-dislocation with the shorter time frames in our case. Ligaments are notoriously slow healing.


    As far as wrapping - be careful with partial wraps that don't cover the toes. Too tight and you will cause swelling in the toes.

  6. Princess (aka Ima Queen) told us she was ready to go today. She was my grumpy old lady, super roacher, cuddler, new foster instructor, paper shredder and toy collector. She leaves a humongous hole in this house.





    Godspeed, my sweetie. :brokenheart

  7. So Princess has sucked down four cans of DogSure tonight, which we had bought on-line last week to replace the Ensure we were using. It's obviously not going to help anything kidney-wise, but if you are dealing with a dog with inappetence or anorexia, I definitely recommend it.


    Thanks for the well-wishes. She's definitely happier at home than she was at the vet. Here's hoping for a few good days.

  8. I misheard the creatine number this morning. It's also through the roof high - 10.2, not 2.2. <insert really bad word here>


    Here are the numbers from her report that were out of range:


    HCT 60% (ref high 55%)

    HGB 20.8 g/dl (ref high 18)

    MCV 81.2 fL (ref high 77)


    BUN 104 mg/dl (ref high 27)

    Creatine 10.2 mg/dl (ref high 1.8)

    Phos 9.3 mg/dl (ref high 6.8)


    ALT 111 u/l (ref high 100)


    <insert more bad words>



  9. Sorry for my short message to start - I was on my mobile. :rolleyes:


    Princess is 13.5 years old and two weeks ago decided to go from "regular old lady picky" to "nothing shall pass these lips". Since she was feeling fine other than that, we thought it was just her going through a phase (not uncommon for her). The last week or so she refused everything except for Ensure and chicken jerky - because of her LP, I don't bring her into the vet unless we have to and so this Monday was finally when I decided we needed to take the drive.


    She has no teeth. :) I will ask about the urine specifically when I call this afternoon, I don't have any details there.


    Vet is doing IV fluids today and will re-evaluate this evening - she might need to stay another day, we'll see. Vet also suggested starting her on calcium/phosphate binders - she seemed most concerned with the elevated phosphorus levels.


    Thanks for everyone's help. I appreciate it.

  10. BUN 104 mg/ dl (ref lab high - 27)

    Creat 2.2 (high ref- 1.7)

    Elevated phosphorus


    I don't have the urinalysis numbers but I didn't hear that anything was off.


    Princess has refused to eat anything but Ensure for a week or so. Her creatine doesn't seem crazy high but her BUN is off the charts. This confuses me a little?

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