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Posts posted by BauersMom

  1. With those symptoms, kidneys or Cushing's disease are my first thoughts but that does not necessarily explain elevated CK. Did your dog do a lot of running or exercise before the vet visit? From the description, I am guessing not.


    No, but we were in the waiting room for 40 minutes or so with her constantly pacing and fretting. Not sure that's enough to raise the numbers and generally speaking, yeah, she's not out in the yard running. :lol


    The other thing I thought of was I had moved her to the high protein Wilderness kibble (something like 43% protein) in an attempt to find something that she'd eat... this was just a few days before her symptoms started. I have since taken her off it just in case.

  2. Princess (12 yo) has been drinking heavily and peeing a lot - including two accidents (very unlike her...).


    I brought her in for bloodwork and urinalysis and the only two things the vet saw as problematic was very un-concentrated urine and an elevated creatine kinase (she said it was "significant" but I don't have the number). She has also lost a few pounds since last check up, even though she gets more food than all the other dogs. She has a lower-than-normal thyroid, but the vet thinks this is a symptom and not the cause. All other bloodwork, including a 4dx snap, was normal.


    She also has had two episodes of her back legs locking up, for lack of a better term. We know she has poor proprioception with both back feet. Unsure if this is related to the other problem at this point.


    What should we be looking for? Other tests? The vet wants to do an ultrasound and X-rays.

  3. Parsnip, sugget you try posting your query on a UK rescue dog board/UK greyhound board.


    Can guarantee that no one there will agree with Kennelmom. This muzzling business (when and where to use them) is totally different in US. In UK we sometimes use muzzles to protect small furries out on walks (yes because when greyhounds come into a new home they can sometimes NOT behave around small animals and NOT all adopters instantly can fix it).


    So.....I'm somehow "wrong" because I believe I should teach (even my high prey dogs) to behave properly and politely and in control on a leash and not lunge or try to attack and kill small animals?????




    I don't think they are saying that you're wrong. I think they were just trying to illustrate how different things are between the US & UK when it comes to muzzling.


  4. No, didn't appear suddenly, it gradually got worse. Today it actually started looking like a "sack" of fluid, before it was looking more like just some bruising. It actually hangs down from her chest.


    I just sent an message to the foster home... not sure if she's still up or what at this point...will see what I can do.

  5. Is that pooling blood? Can you get her on her back and take a picture looking down on the incision?


    Can't - but only because she's not my foster. I have a few other pictures, but none show the incision. Foster home says the incision itself is unremarkable.


    That's not by her incision. I'd at least want bloodwork tonight.


    I know, it's no where near her incision! I'll see what I can do about getting her seen tonight. Here's the wider shot, showing her full side:



    My mom's dog ruptured her inner stitches after her spay and it was similar. Was bleeding into her abdominal cavity. My mom went the e-vet route, but I don't know if that was absolutely necessary or not. The ended up reopening the wound restitching everything, then had to sedate her for a week while she healed. She's fine now. :)




    Well... crap. That does sound like something that would cause this sort of pooling, doesn't it.

  6. Emma, is this the same vet that did Abe's neuter surgery? This sounds horrible to me, pale gums, vomiting,low temp, sounds like she had a reaction to the anesthesia. Poor Juliette, she will be in my prayers, I hope she pulls through this, can she be seen by a specialist?


    Nope, different vet, different practice... heck, different part of the state entirely!

  7. Ugh, what a week.


    Juliette went in for her spay yesterday. All was fine until she was coming out of anesthesia and she started vomiting. Vet released her last night and said to keep an eye on her. She vomited throughout the night. Called the e-vet and they said to watch for signs of dehydration, etc.


    This morning, she's still vomiting, and the original vet was called - they weren't too concerned. I asked the foster home to bring her into a second vet for another opinion, because this was just not right.


    Her temp is down to 98. Her eyes are dilated and she's groggy. Her gums are pale/white and she's still vomiting. They admitted her and we're now just waiting for the call back with any update.


    Any experiences? Thoughts? :(

  8. Sweet Abe passed away today while he was under for his neuter (he was a cryptocrid, we're not sure if that played a factor or not).


    You may not have found your forever home, Abe, but you were loved and cared for by many. Run with the wind, my friend. :gh_run2




    I'm not sure there's much worse in adoption than losing a foster. :heart

  9. Yep, been there, done that!


    One thing to watch though - those hard splints will cause a sore in literally days. Keep an eye on him and if he starts limping more, or not using the leg, have it looked at. You can keep them in a soft wrap also for dislocations, which is all we do now (believe it or not, we've been through this about a dozen times with our guys :rolleyes:).

  10. I dunno; I keep thinking about how a mere paper cut hurts. :o


    And yet, I never take anything for them.


    I'm not saying that males don't feel pain - what I'm saying that 5 days of rimadyl is largely overkill in many cases of neutering. And considering it's not without serious side effects, you have to weigh the pros and cons in each case. To just say that you must give 5 days worth of rimadyl regardless of the individual case seems silly to me.


    We have a broken leg dog as a foster that I had to pull off everything except tramadol because he was having massive GI issues with NSAIDs. In his case, I know he needs the anti-inflammatory, but he doesn't need him so much as to risk a GI bleed - and the vet agrees. It sucks in his case.


    For a neuter, based on my own experiences, 5 days of NSAIDs brings with it more risk than it's helping. I'm interested to see the evidence on healing faster in cases of neutering. In all 50+ males that have come through our group this year, we had no issues with healing at all. I'd like to see the studies you mentioned earlier if you can pass them on.

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