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Posts posted by BauersMom

  1. Just a quick check in - we've been without power/internet for most of the week thanks to Irene. Berkeley's white cell count was "a little low" this last check in, so the vet has put him on ATBs "just in case" because he was feeling a little down.


    BUT, this week we've also seen him start to really PLAY and RUN like "normal", which has been great. :)


    Hope everyone is doing well! Off to go check on the stuff I missed.

  2. So I did some quick google-diagnosing and I think it is nausea and I guess it typically does start ~6hrs after administration (we're using carboplatin).


    I crammed some pepto into him and he's settled down and has been quiet for 15 minutes or so. I didn't really have anything else on had for nausea, but it seemed to have helped.


    Greysmom - we must have been posting at the same time. We didn't get anything for nausea, but I will definitely ask for some in the future!

  3. Berkeley was fine (and roaching!) after we got home from the vet, ate dinner fine... and now ~7 hours later is very restless. He's whining a lot and also drinking and drinking and drinking.... is it nausea? I have no idea what's wrong, just that he's clearly unhappy.


    First round of chemo went fine - no issues at all. They used the same dosing this time, supposedly, but it also wasn't our regular onco vet so I don't know if something was different this time?



  4. Berkeley did OK! He walked right into the vet clinic without hesitation. :thumbs-up Wasn't real happy going back to get the IV and still some nervous panting in the car - but definitely better overall. He took treats from me both while we were waiting at the vet and after, too.

  5. Yay Twiggy!! She looks GREAT!


    Berkeley has chemo appt #2 today. We have a thundershirt but it's too large (smaller one is on the way) but he'll wear it anyway, can't hurt. Fingers crossed that all our "fun" trips have helped just a little bit for the car ride up. :goodluck

  6. My greyhound Isaac was diagnosed with OS on July 6. It was at the proximal humerus and had just blown up. I posted a few times right after diagnosis,but then pretty much just read posts to see if any helpful tips were there. I released my beautiful boy today. The tumor had gotten huge,but his last days were really good. He never stopped eating and all poo systems were good. He had some truly horrible days and I learned how to adjust his meds thanks to all of you plus the Circle of Grey posts.. And yes, Gabapentin really did help him as far as the deep pain. I am so happy that I read about everyone's experiences and chose to go the route of "better two days early than two days late". Thank you for all your wisdom. I am at peace with my decision,now I have to grieve.


    I am so sorry. :(


    Godspeed Isaac! :grouphug


    Anybody know how Berkeley is doing?



    Berk's doing good! We're going to a M&G tomorrow to try to keep up with the "non-vet" trips out of the house. We won't stay long, but he'll love meeting up with other dogs.


    His thundershirt arrived today but I don't think it fits right. Drat. He's narrower in the shoulders, and even though they size by chest girth, I think it alters the fit. I was really hoping to have it for his next chemo visit on thursday. I've emailed them to see what we can do.

  8. Thank you for the advice and suggestions. I do have both radiographs with me as I will be bringing them to the specialist on Monday. If I wanted to submit the radiographs through the OSU submission form, can I scan the images using my computer scanner without damaging the images?


    Yes, you can. If they have enough resolution/clear enough, this will likely be enough for them to go on. I scanned mine in but they wanted more views before they made an assessment, and so I went to Angell Memorial in Boston to get digital/high-res X-rays and they were emailed to OSU directly.

  9. Oh, gotcha.


    Yeah, that's the difficult thing with osteo. You can take 5 dogs and get 5 different stories before diagnosis, different responses to treatment and different outcomes.


    Berkeley was barely limping at the time of diagnosis - and even right up to the amp, had full use of the leg. He had two instances of significant limping - one in March and one in June - and they both lasted... less than a day, if I remember correctly. I tried to convinced myself that it couldn't be osteo because - wouldn't he be in more pain if it was?? sigh.

  10. Prior to this Dx, Berkeley had been to the vet no less than a half dozen times for limping - a few broken toes, dislocated toes, random limps of unknown origin, corns, etc, etc.


    Bee Wiseman never limped once in the three years we've had her. She started limping two Saturdays ago. Ten days later we had the osteo diagnosis from our vet and verification from OSU.


    :grouphug :grouphug


    Just for clarification, I wasn't trying to say there was any connection to his prior injuries and osteo - just that as a greyhound owner, I feel like the sword of damocles is constantly over my head - it wasn't a matter of "if" one of my dogs would get an osteo diagnosis, but "when". So every time he hurt himself in the yard, I was paranoid.

  11. I'd say that from my time as an adoption coordinator and president of a group we did not see a "ton" of osteo cases, overall. So from a general greyhound community thing, it's not as, I don't know, high as it seems on GT.


    And I'd say that of the local greyhound folks that I know, the majority of the euthanasia/deaths have been from non-osteo stuff - other cancers, primarily.


    It's all anecdotal, I know, but maybe that helps some.


    I think the thing that really is hard about osteo is the 'lore' that comes with it - you see the posts and you hear the stories and it becomes ingrained in your head. Every single limp or swollen joint becomes a harrowing vet trip, waiting for the all clear X-ray. Prior to this Dx, Berkeley had been to the vet no less than a half dozen times for limping - a few broken toes, dislocated toes, random limps of unknown origin, corns, etc, etc.


    My friend joked this last time when I was worried about him limping and said "but you always think it's cancer!" And she's right. The actual Dx sucks for sure, but the mental anguish that I put myself through when it wasn't osteo is really the part that gets me. It's like I was just waiting for it to hit.


    Ivy came up limping in the yard the other day and I nearly had a panic attack. :rolleyes:


    Berkeley had his 2 week post-chemo blood work run and everything looks good. The techs took care of it in the parking lot, much less of an ordeal. He still wasn't happy, but it was better than trying to drag him into the office.

  12. Bee Wiseman was diagnosed with osteo this week. We are devastated. :(


    Oh no! :(


    Dammit, I hate cancer.




    :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap


    To have a positive update, Dude is seven months post amp today, with every indication he will continue doing great for the forseable future. He's tolerating the meds well and getting around nearly as well as before. We have our next chest xray and bloodwork in September.


    Hugs to everyone :grouphug


    Excellent Dude!!

  13. Crap :(


    I also went the amp route w/out the FNA - they do a biopsy after for confirmation. Our vet thought there was no point because there was really nothing else it could be - not sure if this is the same for you or what.


    Very sorry but you're in good company, for whatever that's worth here! My thoughts are with you guys :(

  14. Thundershirt is ordered. I have xanax and elavil in the house, if the vet feels meds are our next step.


    He had another freak out today - we were doing one of our "mini fun trips out" in the car, just down the road to the ice cream shop. Wouldn't get out of the car and I didn't press it... but when folks came by the car to say hi, he got really wigged out. He's always been a shy dog, but this was over the top for him.


    He was very happy to get the ice cream, and on the trip back he seemed fine... and he's a very happy camper at the house. But it seems like his vet anxiety is turning into an 'anywhere away from home' anxiety. :(

  15. Always been anxious - but now it's worse since the amp.


    We have been working to desensitize him to the car trip - since I feel like that's really where the anxiety starts (and it seems like once he gets upset, he's a mess until he's back home... then he's almost immediately fine). So we've started taking him to "fun" places, giving him kongs and treats in the car, going for a ride around the neighborhood etc. We've only been marginally successful - and we had to stop for two weeks while he was healing up from the amp.


    I'll take a look at the article, thanks. :)

  16. Sigh. Berkeley had a freak out at the vet today. :( He was just in for his bloodwork and we set it up so that it was a drop-in tech appt - in, blood draw, out. But I couldn't even get him INTO the vet's office. A tech had to come out and help me, and he was an absolute mess. He wouldn't even take the McD's treat I got him after. :(


    I talked to the vet and he's going to have the tech do it outside - no more bringing him in. I think that will help, but I am still wondering if we should be doing something else in addition.


    So...Has anyone used a thundershirt/anxiety wrap on a tripod? Is there any difficulty fitting it properly?

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