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Posts posted by BauersMom

  1. Well, the vet hasn't a clue. She has some thoughts - contact with hard surfaces/hygroma/seroma, infected pores, etc. - but nothing definite.


    However, while we were there, he vomited bile twice.... after vomiting twice that morning at my house too. :( So she WAS going to put him on a course of ATBs to see if that helped, but we're holding off for now until we get his tummy under control.


    He hasn't eaten at all since we picked him up, and now he has bright orange diarrhea, so we're trying to figure that all out. He's on a course of flagyl and an anti-nausea meds. He was wormed w/ Drontal Plus sunday, but maybe a course of panacur is in order.


    Oh, and he's also + for Lyme, and the full tick panel should be back soon. Ugh.

  2. I looked at some of the previous blackhead pics, and didn't see anything quite like this... I'm starting to get very experienced with random growths. :lol


    I'm thinking some sort of irritation from whatever he was lying on? Sand irritation? He has a seroma on his elbow and a few other bony spots, too.






  3. I guess it's good you have a diagnosis, but it really stinks. :(


    Did the vet say that that sound was a symptom of LP specifically? Because my senior does that, but doesn't have any real raspy breathing or anything like that...she does pant, but no more than my other senior... so I wonder if it's an early sign?

  4. This is a surrender, and we have no medical records - so we're going in blind with this one. The fluid was viscous and slightly blood-tinged, for whatever that's worth.


    I thought of a hygroma, but how the heck is he sitting or rubbing that high up on his butt? We've seen them on elbows before, but I thought this was an odd placement.


    We've got him on ATBs for an infected happy tail, so if it is an infection of some sort, we're at least heading in the right direction.



  5. Could be allergies.


    Are you sure it is reverse sneezing? Cody went through a few bouts of this and the vet thinks it was collapsing trachea brought on by an allergic reaction. He does get reactions to dust, when he eats or drinks too fast, etc. He is now walked on a harness just in case, and distracting him and rubbing his throat seems to help during an episode. I can also give him a treat, sometimes the swallowing motion fixes the spasm.


    Being a Greyhound, I would also look into LP. Not sure if it sounds like reverse sneezing or more like a cough though.


    It's that inhale/snort sound, not really a cough. Her panting seems OK and not raspy like LP. It's very odd - she's had the reverse sneezes before, but occasionally. Now it's like all the time!


    I'll try a benadryl and see if that helps. Thanks guys. :)

  6. We used to have one "cool room" that had an A/C unit and instead of shutting the door, we would hang a sheet or blanket on the door so we could come and go. It held in the cool air fine. This might be a good compromise to having the door totally shut - a babygate with a hanging sheet - so he could poke his head out if he wanted to take a peek.


    Or you may be surprised and he may like hanging out in the room with the door shut - doesn't happen often, but some are ok that way.

  7. I was told by an adoption group that some are given steroids. I am glad you guys cleared that up for me. I would hate to tell others the wrong thing.


    Some are - as noted previously to prevent the girls from going into heat. (note that steroids describe a large class of hormones - not all are muscle building anabolic steroids, though...estrogen is a steroid :) )

  8. Ok, so the vet at Ocean State wants to rerun X-rays first. From there, an ultrasound and/or an endoscope. Vet doesn't want to open at this point, but it's on the table if needed. The suspicious area on the X-rays is the stomach, and I guess they can remove some foreign bodies via endoscope, so that will be his preferred route.


    Confirmed that the blood levels were OK/normal. No liver function issues consistent with poisoning. They're running a few other blood tests (didn't catch the names) and we'll have the results for the Addison's tomorrow.


    So basically, we're waiting and seeing still.



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