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Posts posted by greysandmollie

  1. I say, congratulations for recognizing your home wasn't the best place for her, in spite of the fact that you had fallen for her! These hounds are easy to love, and it would be tempting to want to keep her even though she wasn't a great fit for your household. I have met several dogs that I wished I could keep, but weren't a good fit. They all found great loving homes that were a perfect for them :)




    Hope you keep fostering....it is invaluable!! I am sure there is a failure out there waiting to happen for you! :)

  2. Hi there. We're considering adopting a greyhound and I suspect this will the first of many questions I will ask of this board or search it for. We've heard some contradictory information in regards to it so I'm hoping someone can help me: I understand that greyhounds like/need to be run from time to time: 1) How often do you take your dogs out for a really good run and 2) Where do you do it? I know that a fenced-in dog park would seem ideal, but I've hear that this may not be the case because the greyhound may chase smaller dogs - is this true? We have a postage stamp sized yard and would need to take it to a fenced in dog park, but how do we handle the possibility (if true) that the greyhound may chase other dogs?


    Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated ad I would be happy to have whatever misconceptions I may hold cleared up.







    Here is the funniest part of this whole thread...the OP never really implied they were planning on running their dog off lead in an area that was not fenced. Specifically asked about dog parks and how to handle the chase instinct....which you all completely lost focus of... :lol


    My two cents is that I wouldn't take a retired racer to a dog park for a while. I would do long walks and they can burn steam off in a pretty tight circle in your yard probably. After you get to know the dog and see what type of a prey instinct it has then I would try it early in the AM when there are few dogs there and no small ones.


    Best of Luck!

  3. 1330696021[/url]' post='5180799']

    Over and over again people come here with small children with the same dilemma. More groups should make a child class mandatory before adopting a greyhound, I think these posts would be dramatically reduced. Partly the parents need to do research as well (and not have the knee jerk reaction), but I believe that half of the responsibility lies with the adoption group as well.


    So sad to see this come up yet again...


    Me too. sad.gif It really gets in my craw.


    Not every dog is right for every home...the OP is doing what is best for the dog and the child...your comments are not helpful.

  4. I can completely see your point that if you are going to have small children for the next many years is Timmy the right dog for you. Probably not....I would rather see you give up a dog so he can find a family more suited to his personality that manage a situation that has potential for disaster.

  5. I am heading down that way next week....are there any fenced in dog parks now? I usually stay with friends but they had conflicts and I am on my way to Sandy Paws so I am going to stay in a hotel. Dylan and Mollie are coming with me and Dylan much prefers to poop off lead. I hadn't taken the time to look if there are any dog parks there now.



    Hugh McCrae Park on College Road has just fenced off an area for dogs. It is pretty much in the middle of town. I have never used any of the dog parks for mine because a lot of people here do not follow the rules. This fenced area has recently been added so it may not be as well known. I spoke with someone the other day who does like it though they are a non-grey person.


    Thanks...we will have to check it out....when I was living there we could still take the dogs to shell island so that is where I always took Rascal.

  6. Maybe try feeding him a bit later if he doesn't go at night before bedtime then maybe it wouldn't be so urgent in the AM? Just a thought...


    I got my first dog Rascal when I lived in Wilmington...I just noticed your location. He ended up with what was diagnosed as FCE from NC State vet hospital. So his was chronic...that was many years ago when greyhounds were pretty uncommon around there.


    I am heading down that way next week....are there any fenced in dog parks now? I usually stay with friends but they had conflicts and I am on my way to Sandy Paws so I am going to stay in a hotel. Dylan and Mollie are coming with me and Dylan much prefers to poop off lead. I hadn't taken the time to look if there are any dog parks there now.

  7. I can't answer your sizing question, but I would guess that it is easier to clean the floor (assuming solid-surface), than to clean the hairy backside of a diapered greyhound.


    I had a dog with no anal control for many years. I never diapered him for this very reason.


    Also tried to diaper a female foster dog once who was in heat....they are not made to fit a dog and she would not leave it alone....


    Hope the tail holding will work...or maybe moving the evening feeding.

  8. I am so sorry that he is not improving....I hope that you have gotten better news since your last post.


    I would have to agree that your circumstances don't sound like FCE. After the intial onset with Rascal he only improved. I was told by the vets then that most of the improvement is happening within the first week....

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