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Posts posted by greysandmollie

  1. Years ago when I had my first greyhound, rascal, he was unable to empty his bladder completely due to nerve issues after a battle with FCE. Our vet put him on Orbax...no mention of problems giving it with meals. He was on it for an extended period of time as it was a constant battle for him to not develop an infection. It kept him infection free but he wasn't battling an on going issue. I thought it was a pretty heavy duty antibiotic.

  2. I'll join the not helpful crowd by saying Bitey has never tried to get on the furniture. The concept of his front feet leaving the ground seems to distress him. Not that I want him anywhere near me on the couch :eek:broke


    I'm sorry I missed the Beth/Bootsy show.


    Are you sure you weren't there perched in the window?




    No significant help but maybe with some time he will choose to do it. Dylan will only get on furniture when we travel but I don't encourage it. Maybe leave some treats on the couch and get him comfortable with putting his front feet up??

  3. Warm thoughts for Marley..hope he is feeling better.


    Completely understand being a worry wort.....one night Pixie was very lethargic which is completely out of the norm. Belly was a little gurgly and firm so I knew I would never get to sleep worrying about her so off to the evet we went. They thought I was nuts I am sure but I said just do an xray and humor me. They did...nothing showed up and I went home and got some sleep! :lol

  4. Funny stories....


    Honestly my two current ones are pretty perfect. Although Dylan has his one annoying slurping his privates at bedtime habit but it isn't every night so not too annoying.


    My first grey, Rascal, who I adored was a bit of a challenge. He was more of my equal than my dog. He was a horror with food...anything he could eat he would. He has been gone for a while though and now I just miss all of those annoying things.

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