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Posts posted by Banjoman

  1. If your greyhounds are retired racers the high pitched barking of the spaniel would have been enough to arouse them. Have you ever been to a greyhound race meeting? The dogs in the traps are screaming with excitement as they hear the lure coming round the track.


    I kept my Chancey muzzled for over two years before she calmed down enough for me to trust her around other dogs but even now I am very careful about letting her close to them, preferring to stand at the side of the path to let them pass by. There is one little terrier in my neighbourhood that is guaranteed to wind her up with it’s high pitched barking and the stupid owners still let it off the lead in our vicinity despite knowing what she is like. She had been quite good about it for a while but a few weeks ago it did just enough that she was trying to get to it again. Luckily I had both of mine on short leads and could walk them away.


    Your dogs will be fine wearing muzzles, they were used to wearing them on turn outs at the kennels and on the race track. I bought a pink one for Chancey so that she didn’t look dangerous or menacing.

  2. Some locals collect the poop from their garden in bags (I have had biodegradable ones too) and drop them off into the general dog waste bins that the Council provide in dog walking areas.


    You can use a wormery for animal waste as long as you don’t use the resulting compost on food plants.


    No doubt there are US suppliers.

  3. Because you wouldn’t be without them!


    At 2.30.a.m. on our return from the emergency vet I was trying to convince Nutmeg to swallow charcoal meds to counteract the risk that there may have been more than the few raisins she ate and was made to throw up at said vet clinic. And trying again at 7.00.a.m. and again at 11.00.a.m. Now I’m supposed to get her to drink a litre and a half of fluids each day for the next three days!


    We love them really!

  4. Miss. Robin, we ar finking ov yu and sending yu and Xavi likky kissis and nose nudges to halp heel yur harts now that Missr. Iker iz att the bridg, we know how mutch yu will miss him.

    Chancey and Nutmeg in Reel Engaland.

    Luv frum Mum too.

  5. You say you intend to take the puppy out for a “long” walk before leaving it but it is recommended that puppies do not have long walks but several short ones / play sessions throughout the day.


    How much knowledge do you have of living with dogs? If this is your first one I’m not sure that you understand what you are letting yourself into. Over the years as a stay at home Mum I have had four whippet puppies in a house with a small garden and have been close to tearing my hair out with the things they can destroy in the few minutes you aren’t watching them, I wouldn’t dream of disappearing off to work for the day and leaving any puppy at home by itself! Even at ten years old my retired greyhound can still surprise me at the speed she can find something to steal and chew on / eat that she shouldn’t.

  6. I knew somebody who adopted a rescue dog who was great except at bedtime when they shut him in the kitchen and said “Goodnight” to him, when he went for them! They soon realised that he was fine providing they didn’t use the phrase “Goodnight”. Goodness knows what had happened to the dog earlier but it obviously brought back memories to him. Maybe if you do feel you need to verbally chastise him, and we all do it without thinking, maybe you could use a different phrase to show displeasure? After all it is only a sound to a dog, the actual words only mean something to us!

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