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Posts posted by Banjoman

  1. Ower bruvver Banjo waz so frilled to attend and play the yukulaylee at Lexie and Rocket’s wedding, he waz always tawking abowt it! 

    We hav bin jellus ov awl the beeyootiful hats and outfits that Lexie waz foteegraffed in, she waz a reel Soopa Model! We will miss hur fashion sense. We did KNOT know abowt hur ferapee dog wurk but that put us in eevin mor awe ov hur..

    Mum sez to tell yu she iz sorree that Lexie hadd to leeve yu butt watta Gud way to go, wiv no payne or distress fower hur awltho itta beeg shock fower hur Mum and Dad.

    Likky kissis frum 

    Chancey and Nutmeg.

    Luv frum Mum.

  2. I think you will find that virtually all greyhounds can trace their ancestry back to two greyhounds in the 1800’s. dmdsmoxie is our expert on that I believe.:)

    Chancey  goes back to the Greyhound Derby winner I’m Slippy as do several US hounds on the board as well as UK hounds.


  3. “Now what are you up to? You’re bound to be up to something!” - Usually to Nutmeg whenever I hear strange rustling or other unexplained noises, often when I am upstairs and the dogs are downstairs.

    Then I chuckle to myself because that’s what Nora Batty always said to Compo in ‘Last of the summer wine’ TV programme.

  4. I kept the name Chancey because it was a bit different and easy to say.

    Nutmeg is a lurcher found wandering loose and had been named Meg at the rescue kennels. I don’t like human names for my dogs but didn’t want to confuse her with another new name so added to it and she became Nutmeg. As a dark brindle it seems to suit her.

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