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Posts posted by Banjoman

  1. Hola houndeez, thees eez Bandito Zavvi. The long legged laydee call me Conan the Deestroyer bekos I find the teeshoo’s in the jacket pocket and shred the pakket. Senor Nate you would be prowd ov me! Eef the long legged laydee geev me an emptee box ov ennee syze I tear eet apart, we do not need a shredder in thees house weeth me livving heer.

    ZAVVI, wat ar yu doing heer. We gotta tell ower frendz we howpe the hurrykane Helene duz KNOT bekum a problim fower them. We will be keeping ower pawsies Xxed fower evereewun.

    It sownd lyke Dory is settling in well.

    I do KNOT fink I wood lyke bearz in mi gaardin.:yikes

    Gud nyte Wagz to awl mi frendz,


    and the Bandito.

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  2. Gud eevning, neerlee bed tyme frendz.

    Bitzi, pleeze tell Miss. Caroline that Mum gived Miss. Geraldine a hug from hur wen we met Miss. Geraldine and Molly on Sunneday. Molly iz missing Lily butt thay gotz fambilee vizziting this week so that may be helping them get ova Lily having to leeve them.

    Mum had hur chek upp wiv the optishun this affernuun and gots nyoo glasses on orda now. She lukking forwerd to being abul to sit and reed a buk! Sum eevningz she bin katching upp on owld TeeVee programs she nevva seen befor on mi iPawd. She bin watching Sean Bean inna Sharpe fillumz. I dunno iffn yu kan get to see them?

    Belaytid Birfday greetings Miss. Halise.

    Glad yur Momma’s horsee wun the bag rayse AndyPandy.

    Mam haz hur Moonshyne bak atta faarm, I howpe she settul in reel kwik.

    Bed tyme now so I send Gud nyte Wagz to awl mi frendz,


  3. Miss. Ducky, pleeze kood yu add ower frend Lily to yur rememboree payge. She waz a luvlee blak Greythowndee ov eleventy yeerz old and hur Mum and Dad had to mayke the desishun to send hur to the Raynbow Bridge this morning. She liked waaking wiv us, just the menshun ov mi nayme waz enuff to get hur upp offa hur bed to go fower a waak but this morning it did KNOT wurk so hur Mum knowed ther waz sumfing rong!

    Fank yu.

    Nutmeg, Zavvi and Mum, who gottid hur Greythowndee fix by mayking a fuss ov Lily after Chancey leftid us.

  4. FancyToo, we gottid luntch., Fanks.

    We did get sum stayke lasst week, Mum gayve it to us fower treetz wen she leftid us at howme. It waz yum yum!

    Mum saw the moon wivva littul bit owt ov it. The furst tyme I woke hur up to let me owt it waz ownlee 1 o’klok so she sed that waz no gud, it waz too erlee to see it and wen I woke hur up layta she sed that waz a bit layte az ther waz ownlee a littul bit missing. Yu kan KNOT pleeze theeze hyoomanz!

    Nutmeg, bin snoopervysing owt inna gaardin and now reddee to snoozervyze onna settee.


  5. Gud hotansunnee morning frendz. We do KNOT know wat the wether doing frum day to day! Tuday hot, yesserday sunnee but wivva chilllee wind and Sunneday it waz hothot agen wiv no wind. Awl lasst week it bin chillee.

    Charlie, hav yu fownd ennee nyoo treshurz in yur sand box?

    Keep getting betta Ivy. Sowndz lyke a greyt deel yu gottid fower the meddysins Miss. Kaffy.

     Ref. Whippersnapperz playing, Mum sez wen ower Rolo played wivva Eytalyan Greythowndee in ower living room, there waz lotsa noyse, speshullee wiv Chester dancing arownd the edge, joyning in frum a distance by barking “Go on Rolo, get him!” KNOT a howndee evva gottid hurt!

    Yesserday we hadda waak inna forrist wiv ower frend Molly. Her beeg sisser Lily was limping affer being aksidentally knocked by Molly so she stay at howme. She getting a bit wobbly.


    nutmeg, wayting fower luntch. AR YU LISSNING MUM ?

  6. Gud eevning frendz. It haz jusst started raynee raynes and Mum iz gowing owt fower stayke dinna tunyte. I howpe she gonna bring bak sum stayk fower us. AR YU LISSNING MUM? She going wiv Missr. R’s bruvver and s-I-l who kum ova frum La France and tayke hur owt wyle they ar heer.

    Ower kaar iz gowing in fower Serviss and MOT tumorro so Mum hadda kleer evereefing ower ov it tuday. Yu ar KNOT alown Mam!

    Howp yu and the Auzzie howndees Miss the hurrykane Tiller.

    Ivy and Cherry will see they’re ‘rents suun.:D

    Wagz to awl mi frendz,


    Aaagh, just reelyse this still in Zavvi’s littul font……..ZAVVI!!  Where ar yu?

  7. Anuvver wetwetwet day heer. We hadda nuvver erlee waak this morning be4 it get reel bad.

    Mum sez she had mowsee brown furs on hur hed and black eyebrows. Now she gots graying furs on hur hed and hur eyebrows gon grey at the end and still blak by hur snoot. It look lyke she ownlee gots haff an eyebrow now. She nevva plucked or shayped them ‘cos it awlwayz made hur sneeze too much to be worthwhile. BUT mutch to hur disgust she now getting a mustash, witch she duz KNOT lyke at awl.

    Tiller, I yam so pleezed yu gots yur badnidge off. Jusst be kareful now.

    Mum hadda rumblee tum fower day or so, so we KNOT dun mutch, essept hur dashing off!

    Wiki I spekt it wazza dastardly kitteh that stole that sammidge, or maybe a chupacabra!

    Wagz to awl mi frendz,


  8. Ducky, I am not aware of any particular lost dog group specifically aimed at greyhounds or any sighthounds. I believe there are a couple of Nation wide “lost dog” websites but don’t know a lot about them.

    Occasionally I see notices about a lost dog or cat tied up on a lamppost but that’s all. Any dog that runs off in my local forest runs the risk of getting hit by a car as there are several roads that run through the forest, or if it is chasing a deer and wanders into the bog it probably won’t come out again!

    We do not have many wild animals that would pose a danger to a reasonable sized dog trying to survive in the wild. Leastways not locally anyway.


  9. It haz bin a wet wet wet day tuday. Mum took us owt fower a waak erlee this morning befor the raynee raynes got too hevvee. She bin keeping an eye on Zavvi butt it seem he didda wee inna kitchin wen she musta bin uppystarez. She iz KNOT too happee bowt that.

    I yam sorree to heer abowt Missr. Wendell, Mam. Itta shock fower hiz fambilee but problee a kwik way to go fower him.

    Mum aks iffn yu injoyed that Susannah book?

    Happee travling Anty Patsy.

    Howp the gurlz ar injoying thayre hollyday wyle the ‘rents ar kroosing.

    Wagz to awl mi frendz,


  10. Gud eevning frendz.

    Well Zavvi showed us upp tuday by looking to be frendz wiv ower naybour then snapping and barking at hur. Mum finks it iz bekos he smelled hur flooffee doggie Buddy on hur and he haytez Buddy. Mum waz reel embarrass as she let him go to mayke a fuss ov the naybour ‘cos he wantid to see hur. Then, to reellee spoylt the waak he didda wee on mi nose, or I put mi nose down too klose to him!

    Mum jusst rely on the munflee staytmint that kum frum hur Bankz. Mowst ov the howsehold billz and charitee donayshunz ar payed bi Direkt Debit. She getz cash froo Cashbak frum the soopamarkit wen she go shopping and pay bi Debit Kard. Onlyne shopping yusyullee dun froo PayPal. Abowt the ownlee tyme she yuse hur chequebook is to pay fower hur art klassis. Any fing eltse iz telefone banking to transfer munneez.


    I yam sorree littul Missr. Peabody hadda nasstee turn. I thottid he waz doing mutch betta.

    Miss. Ducky gotta itchee doggee tu. Zavvi hadda fyoo dayz ov itchyskratching but Mum kood KNOT fynd ennee fleez or enneefing on him. Now he eeting awl fishee fudz and Mum wonder iffn it lamb treetz he waz havving so she gonna try introdoosing diffrunt fudz wun by wun, leeving lamb to the last.

    We had bunnee eerz chews on Sunneday ‘cos Otto duz KNOT lyke them. I wayte until Zavvi choowed hiz wun soft then I finish it off. :lol
    Nutmeg wivva kleen snoot now.

  11. Gud sunnee affernuun frendz.

    Ticticing ov aksidentz, my littul bruvver izza eedjit. This morning he waz sooo exsitid wen Mum waz getting reddee to tayke us owt fower a waak that he running arownd and shayking  hiz littul stuffed bunnee and turn rownd and run strayte into the edge ov the door, neerlee nokked himself owt! But he a gayme littul lad and bownse bak and still rayse arownd til we go owt.

    Batteree running owt onna iPawd so gotta go.

    Wagz to awl mi frendz,


  12. Gud sunnee morning frendz.

    Hmph, it waz KNOT a gud morning yesserday. mum drove Miss. Rita to the station’cos it rayning but wen she get howme it stop rayning so she deesyde to tayke us fower ower waak. We get neer Lily and Molly’s howse and Mum suggest we awl waak tugetha. We ownlee bin tugevver fyvelebbenty minnits wen the heavens opined and we gottid soked! Mum didda Miss. Lizabeff and hur feets were wet ‘cos hur leather trainers had fancee perforated tops and ownlee mesh under erf so awl the rayne went inna littul holes. Gud, iffn we got wet feets we fink she shud too! Hur trowsis are still wet this morning and so are the towels she dry us wiv. Zavvi’s fancee material harness was still wet wen she took us owt Yesserday eevning, jusst as well he got anuvver wun.

    Mam, Mum seen them RCMP myoosical ryde. We bet yu hadda gud tyme.;) Wen she was lots younger she was gived this book and luvved it. Wen it fell apart sum yeerz ago she gotta second hand copy to reeplayse it. Hur Anty wurked at Penguin Books so she sorta gottid sum books “hot off the press” wen it waz hur Birfday or Krikkulmuss.


    It luk lyke thayre sum film mayde but it chaynge the storee arownd - yusyullee KNOT fower the betta!

    Gotta get reddee fower ower waak wiv Anty Lynda.

    Wagz to awl mi frendz,


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  13. Gud morning frendz. It gonna rayne awl day Mum sez. I jusst bin owt inna gaardin lyke a gud gurl but Mum know Zavvi will KNOT want to go owt fower a wee in the rayne.

    Charlie, we do mowst ov ower waakin onna payvemint arownd ower estayte so Mum gotta kleen up affer us, eevin Zavvi’s littul nuggets of poop. Theez ar mutch eesyer then Chancey’s beeg soft wunz wer! Now Mum duz KNOT hav to buy extra beeg poop kleen upp bags.:lol:

    oh, Mum getting hur brekkulfust reddy, I myte getta towste bone iffn I luckee.

    That stikkee sap izza nyoosints, Mum sez the whippersnappers wood get that on their furs when thay run arownd inna forrist. Mum duz KNOT lyke to let me do that inkayse I run off agen. She got me bekos I was fownd running loose and the dog warden catched me and no wun klaymed me. I nevva sed ware I kum frum. She bin kareful ware she let me run.

    Inna lokul paypa ther a report onna dog that run off inna forrist and was fownd sevrul dayz layta wen a man yused a drone wive heat seeking sense. Mum thott ov Miss. Ducky and the howndees that she luks for.

    Gotta go,

    Wagz to awl mi frendz,


  14. Gud affernuun frendz.

    Mum sez Fanks fower the gud thots abowt the toofer and the kitteh oppyrayshun. Boff wentid OKay awltho wunse agayne she hadda loong wayte atta eye playse and waz getting wurreed abowt us being leftid shut up in ower caygis at howme, speshullee az Zavvi had KNOT dun a poop wen she waak us be4 she leeve us. Miss Fran kollekt hur and tayke us owt wen thay gottid howme and Zavvi still did KNOT poop ‘cos he wantid to get bak to Mum (kreep!) so layta inna eevning Mum had to aks Miss. Geraldine iffn she wood kum fower a waak wiv us ‘cos Mum kood KNOT see sayflee to go by hurownself and kood KNOT see Xavvi’s littul poops or bend down to pik them up! Mum sez we lukkee to hav sutch a gud frend! She kum wiv us agen this morning but Mum kood see betta fower waaking but Miss. Geraldine do the poop bag dyootee fower hur. We do littul poops afta Lily Greythowndee’s and Molly the lurcher!

    Mum having to waak wivvowt hur glasses (varilenses) ‘cos distance iz fuzzee now so she gotta see abowt dryving and needing nyoo glasses fower reeding and fingz. She worn glasses for yeerz and yeerz and it seem odd wivvowt them.

    The sunne iz still shyning so we bin invited ova to Miss. Rita’s gaardin so Zavvi kan havva run arownd and kreeyayte havok by trying to kill the next door dog froo the fentse.

    Yummee snakz Summer, say “Fanks” to Miss. Jen.

    Greyt piggies Molly.

    Wagz to awl mi frendz,


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