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Posts posted by GreyhoundGirl

  1. I'm house sitting for a friend who has 6 dogs. They're all lovely. We got here Friday and Molly, my normally outgoing, self-confident girl is not acting like herself. She's not hanging out with the rest of us but rather choosing to either go crate herself in the basement or lay on the bed on the bedroom.


    Also, rather than free feeding I'm having to feed meals twice a day and she's eating almost nothing.


    I'm here until Friday. Is this her adjusting to a new pack in a strange house? Something else?

  2. It was smegma. He was very patient while she examined him VERY thoroughly. He would like everyone to know 2 vet trips in 2 days is unacceptable. Molly, however, jumped in the car to try to go with us.


    I'm supposed to keep an eye on it and make sure it doesn't get any worse. The things we do for out furbabies....

  3. Bloat is almost impossible to confuse with anything else. Symptoms include: Panting, pacing, vomitting foam, and the stomach expands to 2-3 times its normal size. If they're laying down and relaxed that's GOOD! :)


    I lost my first Grey to bloat and once you see it, you never forget it. :( I actually rushed my last boy to the vet because he was showing bloat-like symptoms and I panicked. It's amazing how people will clear the way for you when they hear the word "bloat". Thankfully it turned out not to be bloat but he did vomit all over the waiting room floor. :(


    Don't feel silly asking, it's good to know what to look out for. The biggest things are the stomachs expanding and vomitting foam.

  4. I know you take him on a lot of outings to Lowe's, PetSmart, etc and I would continue to do that. Stopping that just feeds the anxiety. Maybe go in for a few minutes, leave and stay a little longer each time you go. With time it will get better.


    Molly and Mason think that if you bring treats with you when you go it will help lots! (I'm just relaying the message). :)

  5. Well, Molly and Mason both have giardia (sp?). I suspect they got it from drinking the water in the swimming pools at the dog park. I know in the grand scheme of illnesses this isn't a big deal but it's my first go-round with it.


    They're on horse-sized flagyl for 10 days.


    I'm glad I followed my instincts and took in a poop sample. Neither of them have had good poops for a week or so and I saw mucus in both poops within 24 hours which, in the past, has meant worms so I took in a sample today.


    Sometimes being an anal Annie mommy is a good thing! :)

  6. I'm a crate fan; I always have at least one available for the dogs to go in and out of as they please. Also, for the first few months (at least) I crate when I'm gone until they adjust to being in a house. Being in a house is a completely new, and sometimes scary experience for them. As much as we want them to have freedom sometimes it's not for the best.


    I would recommend trying the crate at night for everyone's peace of mind, safety and well being. My guess is your furbaby will take to it and feel safe there. Only one of my 5 didn't like the crate.

  7. We don't have a fence so we walk 3x/day for 10-15 minutes rain, heat, snow, shine or blizzard because no matter how fast Mason is to do his business Molly takes her sweet time (and don't think this doesn't tick Mason and I off in bad weather :hehe ).


    Molly regularly walks 2-3 miles with me in nice weather multiple times a week and loves it. I just took Mason and Molly in 50ish degree weather and while they were both panting Molly could have kept going. Mason stopped at the 2 mile mark and was DONE..refused to keep going until I turned around to go to the car. :) He's also more sensitive to the heat; I don't think I'd take him if it were over 75 degrees at all.


    He needs to work up to long distance walking whereas Molly was more than happy to hit the ground running and walk forever.

  8. Are antlers like rawhides and bully sticks where it's better if you buy American? I've been thinking about antlers for Molly and Mason but don't want to buy them from PetCo or PetSmart (although PetSmart sells American). Molly is a voracious chewer so I'm afraid she'll break a tooth or crack the bone and ingest it. Thoughts??? TIA.


    Oops...I didn't mean to hijack the thread...sorry! :(

  9. I showed her where her food and water were, where her bed was, and I stuck to my regular routine. I actually went to work the next day (or the day after). I also talked to her and called her by her name often (since I changed it). I petted her during commericals. Do what feels right and let your new furbaby guide you; each dog is different.


    Enjoy your new furbaby! :)

  10. Mason's stripeys make it hard to see his ribs and weight. I took him to the vet yesterday just to do a weight check. I felt a little funny doing it, but better safe than sorry...he was looking a little thin.


    He was 93 lbs down to 91.7 which I'm ok with...I don't think he's been eating as much. But, with the winter and everything I'm not surprised. He's been taking treats and scarfed down rice, baby food and the Ivermectin yesterday. I gave him a whole jar of baby food instead of just half.


    I've never had to do with any of my other Greys.


    Does anyone else do this with their Greys?

  11. When we're out walking and see another dog Molly barks at the other dog. I, of course, correct her immediately. When we're walking by ourselves without Mason she's silent; no barking or anything. She's very friendly with the other dogs.


    My current theory is that she's protecting Mason (who's 20 pounds heavier than her :rolleyes: ).


    Any ideas on why she does it and/or how to stop it. For some reason people don't love a 75-pound dog barking at their dog. ;) Truth be told, I don't love it either. FWIW: She doesn't do it at M and G's or at the dog park.

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