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Posts posted by GreyhoundGirl

  1. It's bigger than a quarter and about 2-3 inches past his shoulder on his side. It may have happened at the dog park when he came up lame (and I thought it was his pads bothering him). I put Neosporin on it and a t-shirt (which is now on his waist doing no good :rolleyes: ).


    He's sleeping peacefully now. We'll see if it ends up being a vet visit Monday.

  2. You're going to get a myriad of responses to this question. I don't have a yard so I do go to the dog park. I haven't had any problems. I do muzzle my dogs because Molly is somewhat competitive when she starts running (ironically she's only competitive with her brother Mason). There is supposed to be a small dog and a large dog side but people don't abide by that. Most people are lovely with well mannered dogs. They always ask about the muzzles and feel better when I tell them it's a safety thing because they can run so fast. I also get a TON of questions about Greyhounds and they get LOTS of attention which Molly LOVES!! :)


    Molly and Mason don't run full out when there are other dogs there (I'm not sure why) and will really only run and play with each other-they're snobs like that! :)


    It totally depends on the personality of your dog. I would recommend going at an off time (like not during a weekend) for the first few times until you get a feel for your dog. My dogs are BORING; they pee, poop, walk around and then lay down. Mostly, they don't do much. I can barely get them to run.


    My first dog NEVER came when I called her--she ambled up when an hour after we got there. Eventually he'll tire out. You may want to bring treats and give him a treat when you first arrive before you take the leash off so he knows you have it. Call him at intervals and give him a treat. Eventually his recall will improve with the treats.


    I hope this helps. I'm sure others will give you better advice.

  3. I've given mine pig ears and they do fine--sometimes diarrhea depending on the dog. My first one loved them. I didn't give my other 2 pig ears because even saying the words gave them diarrhea! :) I haven't tried it with these 2; thanks to Greytalk they get turkey necks! :hehe


    I've never tried ham as I don't eat it.

  4. The first time I gave a turkey neck I posted on here because I thought I killed my dogs! :) Mine love them. I don't give them that often but we have a meet and greet Saturday (the adoring public is reward enough for Molly but not so much for Mason) and I'll probably give them each one as a reward. They love them! :)

  5. How's his poop? If it's runny or has a mucus type coating on it (I can't describe it any better than that) it's time to do another poop sample. When Mason stops eating it means his worms are back. We've done 3 rounds of Strongid. It finally took 2 doses of Panacur to get rid of his worms. Now he's happy, healthy and back to his goal weight of 90+ pounds! :)


    The other thing is that sometimes when they're on rice or yummy table food for too long they get used to it and then the kibble isn't interesting.


    Good luck. I hope it works out.

  6. I don't have any suggestions, but I introduced my female grey/lab mix to my friends Samoyed mix and they had words to the point we had to separate them. After that they were inseparable (and Belle, mine was the alpha). When they first fought we thought they would never be able to be together again-and it was awhile before we let them-but they worked it out and loved eachother.


    You have good ideas. They might surprise you.

  7. I would take off the thundershirt. I agree with pp that he's probably hot. I also second the radio or tv.


    I'm a big fan of a crate for dogs who have s.a.; it's what they're used to on the track and it's a source of comfort for them. If you don't have a crate for him or haven't tried it that might be a thought. 2 of mine love their crates (one loved her crate more than she loved me :)). I know others will disagree with it, but it's worth a try. I would certainly try it before going right to, "maybe we're not the right home for him." You've only had him a short time and a home is a huge adjustment to a Grey who's been on the track his whole life.

  8. Molly and Mason have both been caught in the act of chewing on furniture. Stealthy they aren't! I give them rawhides and that takes care of it. I wouldn't ever consider putting hot sauce on the furniture...mean!


    For my 2 they chew furniture when they need to chew something.


    If all else fails that's what muzzles are for.

  9. I don't think it's something you can teach. My last 2 weren't interested in toys AT ALL! Mason will play with one for about 10 seconds and that's it. Molly loves them...well, she loves to take the stuffing out. :)

  10. I have been dealing with Mason's worms since March (at least). We did Strongid in March and May. The worms (hooks by the way) came back Thursday. We switched to Panacur and just finished the 3 day dose yesterday. This afernoon I found 2 moving, live worms in his poop for the first time. I also found a little blood. I'm not as concerned about the blood, I've seen it before when deworming but it's the first time I've actually seen live worms. GROSS!


    Are the blood and worms normal after worming or is it time to call the vet AGAIN tomorrow?



  11. Mason's poop was looking like the worms were back this afternoon so I called the vet and asked if I could bring in a poop sample. They said fine. I brought the dogs (if I have to go, so do they. The socializing is good for Mason and Molly loves it). We waited FOREVER. In the past they just told me it was positive, gave me Stongid and sent me on my way.


    This time, the receptionist stood st the exam room and motioned for us to come in. We got called into the principal's office!


    I asked the vet if we could try Panacur, we chatted and we were on our way. I felt bad for causing so much trouble but it was nice of them to take the time to talk to me.

  12. I got them from Valli Foods. Thank you all for the good advice and reassurances. Unfortunately, I was freaking out too badly to get pics of furbabies first turkey necks! :hehe But, they did enjoy them tremendously. Mason licked his lips for like 10 minutes and they followed me around forever looking for more!

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