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Everything posted by spottydog

  1. My boy collected soiled socks (bad housekeeping!) and took them into his crate when we first got him. The behavior went away quite quickly.
  2. My guy will also spit out some dog cookies that other people have given him at events. We buy bulk cookies, little bone shaped things, called Liv'r' crunch at an independant shop. They are very popular in our house. He sits for them!
  3. As done by a certified dog dentist, it was $1000 with xrays etc, but no extractions, in Calgary. But then, we pay more for just about everything, not that I'm complaining. (One of the priviliges of being Canadian...)
  4. I'm very sorry that you lost your little girl.
  5. No expert here, but I use a squirt gun, ( cuz it's smaller) for the rare discipline issues with my grey that have arisen. I wouldn't add a treat, it is confusing. It's just for assuaging your guilt! Do you ignore her and refuse eye contact with her when she is in that state? I think that's a good idea too. Best of luck. I have just adopted a 100 lb lab pyrenees cross that is doing it too, so I feel your pain...
  6. All the best to you and Pinkus. She has a very sweet face and I will be thinking of her tomorrow.
  7. I'm writing from chilly Calgary. Django wears his coat if it's below 24F or so( and dry). He doesn't really like it as it's fleece lined and he gets little static shocks from the material, but doesn't try to scrape it off unlike some lab crosses I have had. I had bought a coat with legs initially for when it's really frigid here, but although he will endure being put in it, once outside, he simply refuses to walk. He hates fleece jammies too because of the static shocks he receives in this dry climate. And don't even get me started on dog boots...our least favourite thing about winter.
  8. Ours came with a bald spot on his upper tail, not as big as yours, about an inch long. I've never seen him lick it, either. There are a number of dogs in our walking club that have the same thing. I've heard there is some kind of gland there, but it's funny that your boy only developed it recently.
  9. We have that problem too.. He leaps around barking and tries to get at other dogs on leash, big or small, even across the street. I think it's just misdirected excitement, but I can't trust him not to snap, which he has done, greeting other dogs. I don't know how to deal with it either. I thought I had the only grey that thought he was a pit bull...
  10. Hi Jodi - We might have met - we were riding our bikes and stopped to talk to you about your beautiful boy when you were walking him in the 37st offleash south of S. Glenmore park. Anyway, welcome! Django's mother, Margo
  11. Hi there - I've just started at least a partial raw diet. Somewhere on Greytalk (dietary section) in the last couple of days I came across a very good article about quantity and percentage of bone vs meat vs organ meats. I have had to chop things up a bit until he got the idea. My boy initialy rejected chicken heart because of the shape until I cut it up. I had been having trouble with appetite and diarreah (sp) feeding him kibble, but raw seems to fix both of those problems. Good luck! spottydog
  12. Hi there - Went through this recently with my old lab cross, bless her soul. Buy yourself a big box of medical gloves, non latex if you can, and, not a pretty thing to discuss, insert your finger into her bum. Should stimulate a BM right away. Not a nice thing to have to do, but the options are limited. Good luck! I think if she still enjoys most of her life, she's not ready, dignity notwithstanding. However, everyone has their own limits, you gotta do what is good for you too. My thoughts are with you.
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