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Everything posted by Greydawg

  1. I am so sorry for your loss. Beautiful boys.
  2. Sending good thoughts to Jimmy for a positive outcome and speedy recovery.
  3. Greydawg

    Dream Visit

    Oh, you are right! What a great experience. I did that recently too, and I loved being with them. I woke up so "warm" inside.
  4. Wishing your handsome Danger the best outcome tomorrow.
  5. Sending you and pretty Elsie Lou positive thoughts.
  6. Ditto, Bean_Scotch's comment. As I read the original post, I shuddered to think what would have happened to my dog, Heisman, if he had gone through that adoption group. He is a near-perfect dog in almost every way, yet he certainly would have flunked their "small fluffy test." Brandiandwe, I am so glad you are committed to working with your dogs. It is definitely do-able and rewarding. Good luck!
  7. I am in the market to upgrade my camera, too. So many choices! I decided I better take a photography class first. Interesting statistic on the news last night... Of all photographs ever taken, one-third we're taken in 2011. Because of the polifileration of smart phones. Wow.
  8. Oh, no... What a punch to your heart! I am so sorry.
  9. Clarification... No, not the trainers. Because they know the dogs, they wouldn't need to identify the dogs by their tattoos all the time. Race officials (inspectors) must check tattoos, for fairness of the race and to make sure the correct dog is running the correct race. And it is not intentional roughness. In an effort to be quick and efficient, some inspectors tend to be a little rougher than others as they check and re-check each ear of the eight dogs against their clipboards/sheets before every race. Or, maybe it is like you said, it is the way each dog is built. Or maybe it is something we are doing after they are retired... like slipping over-the-head style martingale collars on and off every time we go for a walk, which could "bruise" the ear. (if you think this may be the culprit, try the clip-on style to avoid hurting their ears) Dunno. Maybe it is a combination of the above factors. But anecdotally, I haven't seen this ear-wncing phenomena with other breeds.
  10. Perhaps there was something that scared him during that last good morning walk you had with him. (The one before he locked up.) A car back-firing, or some other scary thing. The reason I mention this is that one of my dogs protested going out for the nighttime walk. He was fine during the morning and afternoon walks, just not the nighttime walk. The culprit? Fireworks a few blocks away. Just once. But the phobia developed. His resistance went on for months after that one night. I would coax and plead with him, and eventually, I got him to go, but he was nervous and wanted to get the duty done and get back to the house. He was better when DH would go with us. As time went on, he got better. Now he is fine, but i worry about fireworks (the cussed things!) in the future. I can't imagine how cold Michigan weather can get, so I can't comment on that. Another thought... Check his paw pads. Do they look dry, cracked, irritated? Perhaps he needs some protection on his paws. Whether it is physical or emotional for him, hang in there. He needs to relieve himself before you leave in the morning, and he needs for you to help him work through this. Good luck.
  11. Have you ever noticed how some inspectors check and re-check the ear tattoos rather roughly, just before the dogs race? Not to hurt the dogs, but just to get the job done. My ears would be sore, too, and I would probably always remember the tenderness and wince anytime someone touched them.
  12. Welcome to the Grey community...from the gulfside of Florida! Yep, we MUST see pics of your new gentleman, Garwood (love his name!)
  13. I am so sorry you lost your heart dog. My deepest condolences to you and your family. RIP, Hunter.
  14. Beautiful! Congratulations! I'll bet you can't wait!!!
  15. How terribly frightening. Sending her, and you, good thoughts today that she'll be back to normal ASAP.
  16. Yay! It worked! Great pics! And welcome to the Greyhound cult!
  17. Really? Why would anyone assume that because someone is in TRAINING to become ANYTHING that they should automatically know it all? Now perhaps the OP does have other sources for asking medical questions, but I don't see anything wrong with seeking the opinions of an obviously knowledgeable group for their opinions. I've used products and protocols that my seasoned vet has not had experience with, based on things I've read on this board that have worked very well. My vet encourages this and welcomes my 'hands on' experience. I don't see how a student asking such questions could be regarded as anything but a genuine search for more knowledge. Ditto. (i.e. Well said, Sheila!)
  18. I am sorry for your loss. Run free, Tigerlily.
  19. What a heartbreaking tragedy. RIP, Gable Get Rhythm.
  20. Sending you my heartfelt sympathy. You posted a very nice tribute to your boy. Run free, Andy.
  21. Careful... this Greyhound thing is pretty addictive!
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