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Posts posted by Yamaha_gurl

  1. Bella has always had a bed for her to sleep on in our bedroom, even though she usually sleeps on her bed in the living room downstairs. In the past month she has come up in the middle of the night to sleep in our bedroom, in her bed, about 3 times only which is ok with us. However, when she is settling in (after doing 1 billion cirlces), she starts to smack her lips...meaning opening her mouth and closing it, several times for at least 2-3 minutes. This keeps us up at night. I'm just curious, do your greyhounds do this? Is there any reason to it? At first I thought she was thirsty...but her water bowl was full :blink:


    I know I can just close the door, fyi. This thread is more of a "why do they do that" rather then "stop doing that!" lol

  2. I'm thinking perhaps that's the type of person you are (Annie's dad), you are more of the ordered, perfectionist type? I can see how you'd want things to work, and line up, and Annie to be the best dog ever...however, this one's somewhat outta your control. Just like some people are shy and some totally outgoing, I think it's the same with dogs. You what I mean?


    I know you truly want what's best, take it a step at a time, give that sweet girl some kisses, and enjoy being a daddy :cheers

  3. Welcome to Greytalk Annie's Daddy!


    Although I can't help much since my Bella isn't shy I can give these tips:


    1) Peeing: Super excited voice/smile, and say the same words. With Bella, first thing in the a.m. its "Bella, lets go PEE PEE outside!" And then I'd run down the stairs and out the door with her, once she pee'd...treat.


    2) Car rides: Same as above, get her excited! With Bella: "Oh Bella...would you like to go to the DOGGIE PARK?" Key workds being doggy park. I don't even get to her name and she's jumping/bowing like crazy! This will teach her that getting in the car, means going to the Doggy park!


    So, for me...it's silly big over-exagerated words that work to get her to PEE...or jump in the car fast.


    Before you know it, she'll be like this: :gh_bow

  4. My Bella is scheduled to be micro-chipped this Saturday at 11:30am. We have a greyhound play group that morning at 9am, and as silly as this is...I'm a big scardy cat and am so worried/stressed/nervous :crazy wondering if she should be running before the micro-chipping? :blush


    I've read on here about two greys bleeding a lot after the procedure, and my theory is that running means pumping blood = more pressure. Make sense? To run before, or wait till next week? (I don't care, make fun of me all you want for a dumb question, but when it comes to the well being of my Baby Bella there are no dumb questions!)

  5. Alf,

    If you were offended by what George posted, WOW you are in for a major shock. Get thicker skin. You should see some of the more "heated" topics. meaner bullies who have nothing nice to say.



    Fixed for ya!


    Alf, all you need is a oven mitt. This provides my greyhound with minutes of fun play! You pretend the mitt is going to attack your greyhound, then she'll bite it..you make the mitt dance, chases..etc, lots of fun. :)

  6. This is how I did it: I placed Bella's feet on the step she needed to be on. Just picked up her front left, put it on step #3, the front right, then back left, back front...all the way up, and at the top, she gets a treat. There was a lot of pausing while she was shaking being unsteady, but it worked.

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